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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 60 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life 41 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 38 22 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Short studies of American authors 24 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 22 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905 20 0 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 19 5 Browse Search
Matthew Arnold, Civilization in the United States: First and Last Impressions of America. 17 15 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. 14 0 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 12 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order. You can also browse the collection for Lowell or search for Lowell in all documents.

Your search returned 7 results in 2 document sections:

Mar. 24, 1744 News received of success; great rejoicing, July 3, 1745 Lowell, Col. shot soldier Pendergast, at Niles' Block, Apr. 9, 1863 Lyman Mysterrah M. Connell, by Ephraim K. Avery (susp.), Tiverton, R. I., Dec. 31, 1832 -Lowell, by-Riley, in Clinton street, Mar. 20, 1836 Ellen Jewett, by Richard P. Robirough Tremont, Boylston and Charles streets, Oct. 25, 1879 Steam. Boston and Lowell, incorporated, June 4, 1830 Boston and Lowell, opened for travel, May 27, 18Lowell, opened for travel, May 27, 1835 Boston and Providence, incorporated, 1830 Boston and Providence, opened for travel, June 31, 1834 Boston and Worcester, incorporated, June, 1831 Bostone, Returned home through Boston, Feb. 23, 1864 12th. Went through Boston to Lowell, Nov. 24, 1861 Went South, through Boston, Jan. 2, 1862 13th. Went Southt home through Boston, Jan. 25, 1862 Connecticut 9th. Went through Boston to Lowell, Nov. 19, 1861 Went South, through Boston, Jan. 7, 1862 New York 22d, Cap
x, Gen. Henry 89 Kremlin, 89 L. Lafayette, Marquis 89 Lager Beer, 89 Lamps, Oil 89 Lamps, Gas 89 Lamson, Silas 89 Lawyers, 89-90 Lectures, Thursday 90 Lee, Gen. Robert E. 90 Legerdemain, 90 Liberty Poles, 90 Libels, 90 Libraries, 90 Light Houses, 91 Lind, Jenny 91 Linen Manufacture, 91 Lint, 91 Liquor License, 91-92 Log Cabins, 92 Long Hair, 92 Long Bullets, 92 Lord Ley and others, 92 Lotteries, 92 Louisburg War, 93 Lowell, Col. 93 Lyman Mystery, 93 M. Magistrates, 93 Mail Matter, 93 Maine District, 93 Malls, 93 Manufactory-house, 93 Maps of Boston, 93 Market Day, 93 Market Clerks, 94 Market Houses, 94 Market Places, 94 Marriage, 94 Masonic, 94, 95 Masquerade Balls, 95 Mather, Rev. Cotton 95 Matthew, Father 95 Maury, Lieut 95 Maverick, Samuel 95 Mayors, 95 to 97 Meade, Gen., Geo. C. 97 Meagher, Gen'l 97 Meal-house, 97 Mechanics' Institute, 97 Merchants