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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
ls. J. W. Scott, Capt. Co. E, 30th Va. Infantry. C. H. Clarke, Maj. Commanding 15th Va. Regiment. H. C. Ghent, Surg. 15th Va. Regiment Infantry. Wm. Movorkept, Surgeon, 15th Va. Regiment Infantry. A. M. Lyon, Capt. Co. B, 15th Va. Infantry. J. M. Gunn, Capt. Co. G, 15th Va. Infantry. G. A. Charters, Capt. Co. H, 15th Va. Infantry. Wm. L. Smith, 1st Lt. Co. A, 15th Va. Infantry. B. B. Bumpass, 2d Lt. Co. E, 15th Va. Infantry. P. H. Hall, 2d Lt. Co. A. 15th Va. Infantry. A. L. Lumsden, 2d Lt. Co. B, 15th Va. Regiment. S. W. Armistead, Capt. Commanding 32d Va. Infantry. Wm. H. Shield, Surgeon 32d Regiment Va. Infantry. J. H. Barlow, Jr., 1st Lt. Commanding Co. C, 32d Va. Infantry. Robt. P. Taylor, 2d Lt. Co. C, 32d Va. Regiment. H. T. Jones, Jr. 2d Lt. Co. C, 32d Va. Infantry. J. W. Leftwich, Surg 17th Va. Regiment. Robt. M. Baker, Chaplain, 17th Va. Infantry. J. A. Caulson, 1st Lieut. Commanding 29th Va. Regiment. [120] Steuart's Brigade—9t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
456, 472. La. Inf., 15th regt., 235. Love, Col. M. N., 423. Lovell, Capt. E. F., 358. Lovett, Gunner J. A., 449. Low, Capt. H., 394. Lowe, Col. J. H., 212. Lowndes, Capt., James, 402. Lowrance, Maj. R. M., 457. Lowrance, Capt. W. B.. 383. Lowrie, Lt. R. B., 295. Lowther, Col. A. A., 145, 162. Lucado, Capt. L. F., 189. Luck, Capt. E. S.,2. Luckey, Surg. F. N., 424. Luckie, Surg., Jas. B., 413. Ludlow, Capt. J. R., 347. Lumley, Lt. James W., 394. Lumpkin, T. R., 18. Lumsden, Lt. A. L., 73. Lyles, Lt. N. P., 123. Lynch, Lt., Geo. E., 16o. Lyneman, Capt. S. H , 2. Lynham, Jr., Capt. W. J., 449. Lynes, Capt. T. B., 421. Lyon, Surg. A. A., 326. Lyon, Capt. A. M., 73. Lyon, C. S. Navy, G. C., 450. Lyons, Capt. J. L., 231, Lyons, Surg., Peter, 450. Maben, Capt. J. C., 69. Maben, Lt. J. D., 348. McAden, Surg. J. H., 382, 458. McAfee, Lt. J. M., 394. McAfee, Chaplain W. H., 333. McAlpine, Surg. J. N., 70. McArley, Capt. W., 123. McArthur, Lt. J. F
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
It was one of the strongest positions on the river to guard against naval approaches, and it was afterwards constructed into a fort (Howlett House battery), with heavy guns to keep the enemy's iron-clads at bay. I cannot recall all of the officers of the Fifteenth Regiment that took part in this adventure, but I do remember Major Hammett Clarke, Captains Allen M. Lyon, M. W. Hazlewood, J. M. Gunn, G. H. Charters, J. C. Govers, John Vannerson; Lieutenants A. L. Phillips, J. K. Fussell, A. L. Lumsden, E. M. Dunnavant, W. L. Smith, Peter Bowles, B. B. Bumpass, P. H. Hall, John Dansie,— Parsley, and others, all of whom were from Richmond and its vicinity. Secured the Key. The next day the Confederate troops extended the line to the Appomattox river, but not without sharp fighting and some severe losses of men and officers. The lodgment at Howlett's, however, as heretofore described, had secured the key to the situation, and this enabled the Confederates to force back Butler int