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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 2: the man hears a voice: Samuel, Samuel! (search)
t who had a home in the manymansioned heart of Lundy. He had been an eye and ear witness of the baned in these sentences, written by Garrison of Lundy, in the winter of 1828? Within a few months heackson and Adams, but the unnoticed meeting of Lundy and Garrison. Great historic movements are bonite and determined purpose, when first he met Lundy. This meeting of the two men, was to Garrisonether different with the assembled ministers. Lundy, as was his wont on such occasions, desired anhe words of his friend. He did not forget how Lundy had pressed upon his hearers the importance of He was faithful among the faithless found by Lundy. To reassure his doubting leader, Garrison tor all other questions in his regard. And when Lundy perceived this he set out from Baltimore to Bes to take the position of managing editor, and Lundy to look after the subscription list. The younple and stirring language of the stout-hearted Lundy, all the friends of the cause must go to work,[15 more...]
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 3: the man begins his ministry. (search)
, Garrison landed in Baltimore, and began with Lundy the editorship of The Genius of Universal Emangreat and quickening doctrine of immediatism. Lundy did not know of this change in the convictionsut of the country for the emancipated slaves. Lundy had made arrangement for the transportation of days. Such an experience was no new horror to Lundy, but it was doubtless Garrison's first lesson ng center for such merchandise. He heard what Lundy had years before heard, the wail of captive mobands and children, torn from each other; like Lundy, he felt their pang of distress ; and the irone blessings of liberty, and thereupon notified Lundy to draw upon him for one hundred dollars if thdefence. He took with him an open letter from Lundy looking to the renewal of the the weekly Geniu playfully observed subsequently: Where friend Lundy could get one new subscriber, I could knock a post-office, and found a letter from my friend Lundy, inclosing a draft for $ioo from a stranger an[2 more...]
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 4: the hour and the man. (search)
Chapter 4: the hour and the man. The providential man was not yet twenty-five. In personal appearance he was quite the reverse of his friend Lundy. Garrison was gifted with a body that matched his mind, strong, straight, sound in every part, and proportioned in every member. As he stood he was much above the medium height. His dark hair had already partially left the crown of the high dome-shaped head. His forehead combined height with breadth, which, taken in connection with the bromount object of their lives. John Wesley had denounced slavery in language quite as harsh as Garrison's, but his, too, was a divided interest, the religious revival of the eighteenth century being his distinctive mission. Benezet, Woolman, and Lundy were saints, who had yearned with unspeakable sympathy for the black bondmen, and were indefatigable in good works in his behalf, but they had not that stern and iron quality without which reforms cannot be launched upon the attention of mankind.
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 5: the day of small things. (search)
or white or black, but because he is a fellow-man, is the simple, sublime acknowledgment, which thenceforth he was to make in his word and life. It was Mr. Garrison's original design, as we have seen, to publish the Liberator from Washington. Lundy had, since the issue of the Prospectus for the new paper, removed the Genius to the capital of the nation. This move of Lundy rendered the establishment of a second paper devoted to the abolition of slavery in the same place, of doubtful utilityLundy rendered the establishment of a second paper devoted to the abolition of slavery in the same place, of doubtful utility, but, weighty as was this consideration from a mere businests point of view, in determining Garrison to locate the Liberator in another quarter, it was not decisive. Just what was the decisive consideration, he reveals in his salutatory address in the Liberator. Here it is: During my recent tour for the purpose of exciting the minds of the people by a series of discourses on the subject of slavery, he confides to the reader, every place that I visited gave fresh evidence of the fact, that a
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 7: master strokes. (search)
d right would prevail in the end. He had knowledge of the utility of temperance societies in advancing the cause of sobriety among the people. He had learned from Lundy how much he had relied upon the union of men as anti-slavery helps. Garrison determined to summon to his side the powerful agency of an anti-slavery society devoan to discern in it influences calculated to retard general emancipation. As these doubts and misgivings arose within him he expressed them frankly in the Genius. Lundy had been suspicious of the pro-slavery purposes or interests of the enterprise for many years. He could not reconcile himself to the significant or, at least, singular fact of so many slaveholders being in the membership and the offices of the association. Then, in addition to this lack of confidence on the part of Lundy in the scheme, Garrison became acquainted, for the first time, with the objects of the society's philanthropy — the class of free people of color. He found that these pe
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 9: agitation and repression. (search)
ot one of those three score souls who made up the convention, who did not take his life in his hand by reason of the act. It was not the love of fame surely which brought them over so many hundreds of miles, which made so many of them endure real physical privation, which drew all by a common, an irresistible impulse to congregate for an unpopular purpose within reach of the teeth and the claws of an enraged public opinion. The convention, as one man might have said with the single-minded Lundy, My heart was deeply grieved at the gross abomination; I heard the wail of the captive; I felt his pang of distress; and the iron entered my soul. The iron of slavery had indeed entered the soul of every member of the convention. It was the divine pang and pity of it which collected from the East and from the West this remarkable body of reformers. The story of how they had to find a president illustrates the contemporary distrust and antagonism, which the anti-slavery movement aroused
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Index. (search)
ks work in Boston, 35; nominates Harrison Gray Otis for Congress, 35-36; temperance and the Philanthropist, 39-44; meets Lundy, 44; early attitude on the slavery question, 46-50; on war, 5 ; first experience with ministers on the subject of slaveryslavery petition to Congress, 55; anticipates trouble with the South, 56; begins to preach freedom, 56-57; agrees to help Lundy edit the Genius of Universal Emancipiation, 58; Congregational Societies of Boston invite him to deliver Fourthof-July oration, 60; the address, 61-67; goes to Baltimore, 69; raises the standard of immediate emancipation, 70; Lundy and he agree to differ, 71; defends Free People of Color, 73-74; makes acquaintance with barbarism of slavery, 74; ship Francis and Francirey, 134, 135 136, 138, 245, 264. Lovejoy, Elijah P., 254-257. Lowell, James Russell, 136, 329. Lumpkin, Wilson, 128. Lundy, Benjamin,44, 45, 46, 48-54, 57, 58, 69, 71, 72, 75, 108, 133. Lunt, George, 244 247, 248. Lyman, Theodore, 223, 224. 2