shall, Neeson, Newlon, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, and Townes.--13.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Early, Finney, Gatewood, Isbell, Lynch, Nash, Paxton, Smith, Taliaferro, and Thomas of Henry. --14.
The motion of Mr. Brannon, to have the Minnesota resolutions sent back, was then adopted by the following vote:
Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Early, Finney, French, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Lynch, Nash, Newlon, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, and Taliaferro.--21.
Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Marshall, Neeson, Stuart, H. W. Thomas, C. Y. Thomas and Townes.--7.
Resolutions on the table.
On this he called the yeas and nays, and it resulted as follows:
Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Early, Finney, Gatewood, Lynch, Nash, and Paxton.--10.
Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Christian, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshall, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of