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The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
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Affairs in Missouri. The recent brilliant successes of the Confederate troops in Missouri have electrified every true Southern heart. Never has a State been more cruelly oppressed and treated; never in America have any but the Indians perpetrated such inhuman butcheries as those in St. Louis, in which innocent citizens, and actually women and children, were shot down in cold blood by the myrmidons of Gen. Lyon and Gen. Siegel, the first of whom has happily been sent to his account. It is evident, even from the Federal accounts, that Gen. McCulloch has gained a magnificent victory.-- We fervently hope that he will be able to push on to St. Louis and to drive into the river every one of the scoundrels who has been engaged in, or connived at, the horrible massacre of the Innocents in that city. We long for that time to come. We know that McCulloch is as brave and energetic a chieftain as ever lived; but whoever thinks that he is ambitions of a reputation for false philanthropy,
uth at once? Is it not of advantage to a Government to possess the confidence of its people? And how can such confidence exist if the people never know when to believe what their rulers tell them? The truth could not possibly be concealed a very long time, and when it came at last, it must act upon the public mind with all the force of buoyant hope suddenly converted into the phrenzy of unredeemed despair. Enough of this, however. It will be seen, by reference to another column, that Lyon's force has been routed beyond the hope of recovery — that he himself has been killed — that between three and four thousand of his men have been made to bite the dust — that the rest, at the last accounts, were flying before a large body of cavalry, with the prospect before them of being cut off and captured — that he lost vast quantities of arms, ammunition and baggage, besides several field pieces and a large number of wagons. It is further stated that Generals Harder and Polk were on th
News from Missouri. --We are informed that a private dispatch was received in this city on Saturday from a very reliable source in Arkansas, which states that at the recent battle near Springfield, Missouri, the Confederates lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, about one thousand, and the Federals lost twenty-five hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. General Lyon was killed. Six cannon were taken, besides a large amount of stores, wagons, &c., &c. The Federal rout was complete. Generals McCulloch and Price were in hot pursuit of the enemy, and they entertained confident hopes of capturing the whole of General Siegel's command.--Generals Hardee and Jeff. Thompson are moving to the northeast with a view of cutting off General Siegel's retreat towards St Louis.
The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sketch of the life of Ben McCullough. (search)
tored by the State Legislature, is organizing the disunionists in the lower counties of Maryland. He is about to proceed to Accomac, take command of the Virginia forces there, and march them up into the middle of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, as the nucleus for the formation of a rebel army there, which shall, if it can do nothing else, control the elections in the fall so as to secure a disunion majority in the Legislature, and enable the Secessionists to pass a Secession Ordinance, or perhaps more immediately enforce an Ordinance of Secession that may be passed by the present Legislature at its adjourned session. The Late Battle in Missouri--The people in the North are beginning to open their eyes. The New York Post has the following: But a victory which costs such a man and such a General as Lyon, and is followed by a retreat, and then a second retreat, belongs decidedly to that class of which a renowned General said that "a few more such victories would ruin him."
they burned a large amount of their camp equipage and baggage to prevent its capture. The enemy had twenty-one pieces of artillery and a large body of cavalry. Gen. Siegel attacked the Confederates from the southeast as soon as he heard from General Lyon's command, and drove them back half a mile, taking possession of their camp, which extended westward to the Fayetteville road. Here a terrible fire was poured into his ranks by a regiment he had permitted to advance within a few paces, surce having moved in large bodies and our artillery playing on them with terrible effect. Lieutenant Colonel Brand, who commanded the Confederate force at Booneville, and since acted as aid to General Price, was taken prisoner. The body of General Lyon has been embalmed for conveyance to his friends in Connection. The following additional names of officers killed have been ascertained; Captain Maron, of the First Iowa Regiment; Captain Brown, same regiment; Major Shaffer, reported, but n
ol. Blair arrived here to-day. The Provost Marshal has issued stringent orders against wearing concealed weapons by citizens, and interdicting the sale or giving away of any description of firearms by gun smiths or other dealers, except by special permit. St. Louis, August 16. --A messenger from Gen. Siegel arrived here early this morning who reports Gen. Siegel at a point fifteen miles this side of Lebanon, expecting to reach Rolla to-day. He had not been molested on the route. Gen Lyon was buried on Col Phelps' farm, near Springfield. It is reported that the Confederates had entered Springfield, and were encamped in and around it. The messenger also states that the whole number of killed, wounded and missing on the Federal side, don't exceed 400, and that Gen. Ben. McCulloch and a number of Confederate officers were killed. [The Federal statement of their less is probably a falsehood. With regard to the death of Gen. McCulloch and the loss of the Confederate fo
aneously at half past 5, A. M., on our right and left flanks, and the enemy had gained the position they desired. General Lyon attacked us on our left and General Siegel on our right and rear. From these points batteries opened upon us. My commn ready. The Missourians under Generals Slack, Clark, McBride, Parsons and Raines, were nearest the position taken by General Lyon, with his main force; they were instantly turned to the left and opened the battle with an incessant fire of small armgun captured. Having cleared our right and rear, it was necessary to turn all of our attention to the centre, under Gen Lyon, who was pressing upon the Missourians, having driven them back. To this point McIntosh's regiment, under Lieut. Col Em. We captured six pieces of artillery and several hundred stand of small arms, and several of their standards. Major General Lyon, chief in command, was killed. Many of the officers, high in rank, were wounded. Our loss was also severe, and we