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pects of the quarrel. There may, too, for aught we know, be abolitionists and philanthropists in this country who will buy American notes in a falling market, and prefer to give a good price for them rather than a bad one, because they care more for the credit of the Federal cause than they do for the amount of their own fortune. We cannot think, however, there are so many such people as largely to affect the quotation of American securities in our market.--London Times, August 14. General M'Clellan's appointment. The appointment of General McClellan to the command of the Federal army is a circumstance which not unnaturally has excited considerable discussion in the New York papers. By one lie is described as a military dictator, who is to act entirely free from the control of General Scott and the War Department; and by another a loud complaint is raised because the gallant general, in compliance with the intrigues of certain selfish politicians at Washington, is to be hamper
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4.37 (search)
Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. [written in July 1863.] By General Bradley T. Johnson. Paper no. 6. (Conclusion.) The capture of dispatch Station — behind M'Clellan. The conduct of the Regiment at Cold Harbor was probably more creditable than any action they ever performed. The fighting actually done by them really amounted to nothing — nothing in comparison to the gallant dash at Harrisonburg, nor the deadly struggle at Cross Keys where, hour after hour they rolled back the attack of Fremont's regiments in that terrible storm of iron and lead. Going into action late, over ground filled with dead and wounded, swept on all sides by shot and shell, while battalion after battalion came back in disorder, they moved on unshaken as steadily as iron, silent, steady, and attentive, they obeyed every word of command promptly, and accurately, and at last stormed the strong position of McGee's house at a right shoulder shift arms and without firing a shot. When the rush of d
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Valley after Kernstown. (search)
e until you get your division together. T. J. Jackson, Major-General. A telegram to General Lee. near Mount Meridian, June 15, 1862. General R. E. Lee, Richmond: The reinforcements are ordered, as authorized by your telegram of yesterday. T. J. Jackson, Major-General. Please have good encampments selected for the troops, where there is plenty of wood and water, and, if practicable, drill-grounds. Yours truly, T. J. Jackson, Major-General. Preparing to Swoop on M'Clellan. near Weyer's Cave, June 16, 1862. Major: As soon as any commander is ready to move down the Valley with his command, I desire him to do so, and he will encamp at such point as he may select between Staunton and Mount Crawford, without crossing North river. Please inform General Whiting and other commanders of this as they arrive in Staunton. It is desirable that the camp selected should fulfill the conditions of giving plenty wood and water and drill ground, and that the comma
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Unveiling of the statue of General Ambrose Powell Hill at Richmond, Virginia, May 30, 1892. (search)
tery and checking the enemy's advance they held their ground while almost surrounded, until A. P. Hill's division came to the front, and with his victorious line they assisted in driving back the assailing columns for over a mile, and when night closed the pursuit bivouacked in the very front of the Confederate lines, within a pistol-shot of the enemy's position, and fully a mile in advance of the rest of the division. But, asking pardon for this digression, we return to our subject. M'Clellan's movement checked. In the spring of 1861 General Joseph E. Johnston, learning that General McClellan was organizing a force on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, about New creek, and threatening his flank, sent A. P. Hill with his own (the Tenth Virginia) and Third Tennessee regiments to Romney in Hampshire county, to observe and check the movement. The task was accomplished by Colonel Hill in a manner to call forth honorable mention, and on his return to the army it was confidently exp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.54 (search)
Buckner and M'Clellan. [from the New York sun, September 18, 1896 ] how the former clearly outwitted the latter. Negotiations about Kentucky-General Buckner's Southern sympathies, which carried him into the Confederate army. General Buckner from his youth has been a potent personality. He was a notable figure throughout the civil war, and was numbered among the higher circle of Confederate leaders, although his State did not secede, and he was early driven from her borders by the advance of the Union armies. At seasons he bore a conspicuous part for his cause in shaping military events. At the outbreak of the war, Buckner, then about thirty-eight years old, at the very zenith of his powers, was undoubtedly the most influential Southern rights man in his native State of Kentucky, by reason of his military education and experience, his wealth and high social connections. He had graduated front West Point in 1844, number eleven in a class of twenty-five cadets. Besides
by order of Gen. Negley, at his mother's house, at Sharpsburg, where he was concealed under a sofa. He is now under strict guard at Gen, Negley's quarters, and, it is said, there is the most direct evidence against him. Proclamation of Gen. M'Clellan. Grafton, June 23. --General McClellan has issued a proclamation, assuring the people of Western Virginia that the pledges of his proclamation of May 26th will be faithfully carried out. He concludes:--"To my great regret I find that theand the lieutenant drew his revolver and fired at one of them, and he fled. Tozier still following, Lieut. Porter fired again and shot him in the abdomen. Tozier, though seriously injured, may recover. Lieut. Porter has been arrested. Gen. M'Clellan at Grafts. Grafton, June 23. --Major Gen. McClellan arrived here early this morning, accompanied by Lieut. Mack's company I of the 4th U. S. Artillery, and the Sturges Rifle Company, of Chicago, as a body guard. The 3d and 4th Ohio R
cartridges; but we are unwilling to believe any man so lost to all feelings of humanity as to commit such a horrid act. From Alexandria. Alexandria, July 9. --The first passenger train on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad made a trip to Cameron's run this morning, with Company A of the Zouaves, and Company B of the Michigan First Regiment. Cameron's run is about four miles out, and is the furthest point on the road to which our picket at present extends. Movements of Gen. M'Clellan's column. Buckhannon, July 9. --It is stated that Col. Tyler succeeded in throwing one company into Glenville last night, with provisions for the nine companies of the 17th and 19th Ohio Regiments, who were represented by a previous dispatch as being besieged there by a superior force of Confederates. He was only waiting the arrival of the 10th Regiment, which left here last night for that point, to begin the attack on Col. Wise's command. Gen. McClellan left Middle Fo
apt. McAllister, who was reported to have been killed, is only severely wounded, and will probably recover. From Gen. M'Clellan's column — another battle. Roaring Run, Va., July 12. --A battle was fought yesterday afternoon at Rock Mountter, Capt. Crismeller, of the 10th Indiana regiment. Official account of the victory of the Federal forces under Gen. M'Clellan. Washington, July 12 --The following dispatch was to day received at headquarters of the army in Washington: s been established here and letters to this division are promptly delivered. From Eswtern Virginia — latest from Gen. M'Clellan's column. Buckhannon, July 11. --The latest intelligence from Gen. M'Clellan is to 2 o'clock this afternoon, Gen. M'Clellan is to 2 o'clock this afternoon, when he had commenced erecting his batteries on the hill-sides. The Confederates opened fire, but without causing any loss. When the courier left, Gen. Morris still held the Confederates in check at Laurel Hill, awaiting orders to advance. The
Latest from Gen. Garnett's command.Gen. Garnett's death probably unfounded. Louisville, July 16. --Gen. Garnett's forces did not exceed 5,000, and Gen. M'Clellan's Federal forces were about 22,000. The Federal troops were in three columns. Gen. Norris had flanked the Southern troops on the north; Gen. M'Clellan approached on the south, and Gen. Rosencrantz advanced in front. Gen. Garnett's command stood their ground to the last possible moment of safety, and the retreat must have beGen. M'Clellan approached on the south, and Gen. Rosencrantz advanced in front. Gen. Garnett's command stood their ground to the last possible moment of safety, and the retreat must have been admirably managed, as the pursuers had no opportunity of using their small arms. This was owing to the fact that the rear was well guarded. In the retreat of the Confederate troops, they were twice outflanked by convergent columns. At the last accounts only twenty of the Southern troops were killed, and they were successfully retreating towards St. George.--The Federalists evidently indulged the hope that Gen. Hill, who was at Oakland, would harass the Confederates in their retreat tow
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Partition of territory in the Old Union. (search)
I thought, though it turned out to be a rifled cannon shot,) singing toward me, and seeing others take warning from its note by running behind trees, I bent as close to the ground as I could. Whether that helped any portion of me from its range, I do not know; but I saw it smite a rise in the path about fifteen yards ahead, and had a look at the monster in my hand in two minutes afterward. Even in that quiescent state, I could hardly help respecting it with terror. A Speech from Gen. M'Clellan. On the arrival of Gen. McClellan in Philadelphia, the rabble got him out upon a balcony, when he spoke as follows: My Friends:--In this time of action it will not do to make useless speeches. I take this greeting as intended for my brave soldiers of Western Virginia, to whom the whole credit of the recent skirmishing in that section is due. But your applauses assure me that the cause of the Government lies next to your hearts, and, remembering it, I shall try to do better in