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The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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t provision will be made for the payment of the principal and interest on war loans, when they see provision has been made for leaving one farthing of expense out of the income of the year." A prize fight had taken place in England between Tom Mace, the champion of England, and Tom Sayers, ex-champion. The meeting was accidental. The fight lasted thirty minutes, and resulted in the complete victory of Sayers, who beat his antagonist until he was senseless. Mace recently won the championMace recently won the championship. France. A letter from Paris says several superior and subaltern officers of the French artillery were offered great advantages for their services in the United States Army; but the French Government, which did not appear adverse to their acceptance of the offer at its first mention, decided, on the 14th, against granting them the necessary permission. Latest Commercial, by Telegraph to Queenstown. Liverpool, Sept. 22. --The sales of cotton yesterday (Saturday) footed