Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 26, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Macklin or search for Macklin in all documents.

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Mayor's Court, Monday, May 25th. --J. J. Macktin was arraigned for being drunk and disorderly in the street. It appeared that the watchmen came on Macklin while he was piercing the "inky veil of night" with cries which denoted that other "spirits" than those "from the vasty deep" had been called to his aid. As conservators of the peace they took possession of the corpus of the jubilant bacchanalian, and were attempting to convey him to the cage, when Thos. W. Harman, who happened to be with him, filed a "plea in abatement" in the shape of violent personal resistance to the proposed abduction. Private enterprise yielded to the majority of the law, and both were carried to the lock up. The Mayor was about committing them to jail for want of security for their good behavior, when it appeared that they were soldiers of the 6th Ga. Reg't, bound South. The Mayor said he would offer no impediment to their going. They were let off. John G. Scott and John Davis were examine