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The Daily Dispatch: February 23, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Mayor's Court. --The Mayor's docket, though a long one, was promptly disposed of yesterday morning. We give the following summary: The charge preferred against James Kennedy and Thomas Smith, of stealing two barrels of flour and two barrels of corn meat, on Sunday morning last, was substantiated by the evidence, and the accused were remanded to the Hustings Court for further examination. James H. Madison and Wm. E. Adams, soldiers, were charged with exhibiting for sale in the Second Market thirteen chickens which were supposed to have been stolen.--The absence of testimony induced the Mayor to continue the case till this morning. Wm. H. Duke was charged in two cases of exhibiting the game of faro, in violation of a recent law of the Commonwealth.--Owing to the absence of important witnesses, the 2d day of March was designated as the proper time for the final disposition of the case, so far as the Mayor is concerned.--The accused was held to bail in the sum of $7
Mayor's Court, yesterday. --John Parry, charged with being drunk and interfering with and assaulting watchmen Blackburn and Boze, was sent on for examination before the Hustings Court. The charge preferred against James H. Madison and William E. Adams, soldiers, of exhibiting for sale thirteen chickens supposed to have been stolen, and being suspicious characters generally, was postponed for examination till this morning. The charge preferred against Mary Curry, of using abusive and threatening language to Wm. F. Peters, was dismissed on account of the non appearance of the complainant. Lee Maltory and Henry McGee were each fined $5 for permitting water to waste from their hydrants, in violation of a city ordinance. Logan Waller was also fined $5 for permitting a servant in his employ to throw stones in the street. Tom, slave of James A. Scott, arrested without a proper pass, and having a pair of pants in his possession supposed to have been stolen, being una