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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
uehanna River. No more lovely spot could be found, with its perfection of natural beauty and the highest art of cultivation combined. At three P. M., May 24, we boarded a director's car, used as such by Senator Cameron on the Pennsylvania Railroad. In the party were Senator and Mrs. Cameron (nee Miss Elizabeth Sherman, niece of Senator John Sherman), Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton, Miss Emily Beale (the late Mrs. John R. McLean, and myself. At Pittsburg we were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Magee, one of Senator Cameron's important political workers. The journey was delightful, every member of the party being in fine spirits. Senator Cameron was a lavishly hospitable host, and we had every luxury that could be procured. The scenery was enchanting, as every traveller over the Pennsylvania Railroad knows. We arrived in Chicago at four o'clock P. M. Tuesday, May 25. General Logan had been staying in the Palmer House, then the Grant headquarters, and we were soon alone in the suite w
ords, Vol. XV., p. 836. Upon the suggestion of the flag-officer, on the 6th of June, I had issued an order as follows:-- headquarters Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., June 6, 1862. Brigadier-General Thomas Williams, Commanding forces, Baton Rouge, La.: General:--I am directed by the major-general commanding to say that he will send you the remainder of Everett's battery, with its horses and harnesses, the Thirty-First Massachusetts and the Seventh Vermont Regiments, and Magee's cavalry, with transportation, ammunition, and forage for all. With this force the general will expect you to proceed to Vicksburg with the flag-officer, and then take the town or have it burned at all hazards. You will leave such force as you may judge necessary to hold Baton Rouge. Camp Moore is believed to be broken up substantially, and perhaps you will think a regiment sufficient; Colonel McMillan's is recommended, as he has two pieces of cannon. The flag-officer has distinct i
n, expedition to, 618. Ludlow, Lieut.-Col. W. H., 542-543. Lynn, Richard H. Dana, Jr.‘s, speech in, 921-922. Butler's reply, 922. Lyons & Co. conspire to raise the price of gold, 763-768. Lyons, H. J., Butler interviews, 764-768. Lyons, Lord, British Minister, asks Seward to release English pilots, 849. M Maccormick, Dr., Chas., medical director at New Orleans, 403; discovers two cases of fever, 408-410; invaluable services, 895. MacKENZIEenzie, reference to, 862. Magee's Cavalry, 461. Magruder, General, 282. Mahan, John, services as spy, 484-485. Mahan, Professor, reference to, 817. Mahone, Gen., William, position at close of the war, 879; merit for leadership recognized by Lee, 879-880; an open letter from Horace Lacy to, 881-887. Major Archer's corps of reserves, reference 679. Malden, Mass., the arson case in, 1029-1030. Mallory, Colonel, slaves of, come to Butler, 256-257. Malvern, the flag-ship at Fort Fisher, 791, 796, 797.
ld their position. Colonel T. W. Cahill, Ninth Connecticut, on whom the command devolved by the death of the lamented Williams, prosecuted the engagement to its ultimate glorious success, and made all proper dispositions for a further attack. Magee's cavalry, (Massachusetts,) by their unwearied exertions on picket-duty, contributed largely to our success, and deserve favorable mention. The patriotic courage of the following officers and privates, who left the hospital to fight, is especia commander. John Donaghue, Fourth Massachusetts battery, who brought off from the camp of the Seventh Vermont regiment their colors at the time of their retreat. Private John R. Duffee, Fourth Massachusetts battery; private Ralph 0. Royley, of Magee's cavalry, who together went into the field, hitched horses into a battery-wagon of the Sixth Massachusetts battery, and brought it off under the fire of the enemy. Lieut. Allyn, who had two horses shot under him; Lieut. Frank Bruce, Orderly-Ser
on March 20, 1862, took command of the newly organized Department of the Gulf, he had with him about thirteen thousand five hundred men, a considerable proportion of these being Massachusetts soldiers. His three brigades included the 30th Mass. Infantry (Colonel Dudley), the 31st (Colonel Gooding), the 2d, 4th and 6th Mass. batteries (Captains Nims, Manning Succeeded, Oct. 20, 1862, by Captain Trull. and Everett), Co. A, Ind. Battalion Mass. Cavalry (Captain Read), Co. B of the same (Captain Magee), and Co. C of the same (Captain Durivage). Captain Durivage was drowned April 23, 1862, and was succeeded by Captain Cowen. These three companies, at first an independent battalion, were afterwards consolidated with the 41st Mass. Infantry and became the 3d Mass. Cavalry (Colonel Chickering). Of these, the 2d Mass. Battery was detained at sea and did not actually arrive until May 21. The expectation was that this land force might be employed to take the forts that commanded the r
taff.19–1961961782039488839210610315298110881131192,038 Totals,––––––––––––––––––2,136 The 3d Mass. Cavalry was formed June 17, 1863, from four already existing organizations: the 1st, 2d and 3d Cos. Unattached Cavalry and the 41st Regiment Infantry. The 1st Co. Unattached Cavalry, organized as 1st Co. Mounted Rifle Rangers, was recruited by Capt. S. Tyler Read in Boston during September, 1861, and, completing its organization on November 15, with the 2d Co. Mounted Rangers, under Captain Magee, and the 3d Co. Unattached Cavalry, under Captain Durivage, left Boston harbor Jan. 13, 1862, and arrived at Ship Island, Miss., February 12. Here the three companies were united in a battalion, with Captain Read as acting major. On the formation of General Butler's division into brigades, the companies were separated and the 1st Co., forming part of the 1st Brigade, on April 16, 1862, left Ship Island for New Orleans, and was stationed in charge of its d
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1853. (search)
ttle wound. I saw two of our men coming, and I called them over. The Rebels saw them, and began firing. Colonel Dwight wanted us to go back to the regiment. Said he, Rupert, if you live, I want you to be a good boy. I wanted to bind up his wounds, but he said 't was no use. He gave me a paper he had been trying to write on, and the pencil; the paper was covered with his blood. He then gave us directions how to carry him, and we lifted him carefully and carried him into a cornfield. Magee, one of the men who helped carry him, says: When we first came to lift him up, he said, Now, boys, don't think that because I'm wounded I've any less spirit than I had before. I feel just the same. General Gordon writes:— As Wilder was brought from the fatal spot, I rode to his side. As I reined up my horse, his eye met mine, and he almost exultingly saluted me. At this moment bullets whistled over our heads, shot and shell crashed through the trees. I said, I must have you remo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
aid we got behind a barn. In the battle of Chickamauga he was severely wounded and taken prisoner. He wrote, a day or two afterwards, while within the enemy's lines:— dear father and mother,—The fortunes of war have mixed me a new cup. I'm wounded and a prisoner. I supposed I must lose a leg, but the surgeon says he shall try to save it.... Give my love to all, and don't be down-hearted about me, for, believe me, there's no reason for it. The following is the testimony of Surgeon Magee, of the Fifty-first Illinois, who was taken prisoner with him:— On the 19th of September, after the regiment had participated in a gallant charge, driving back the Rebel lines, the third man brought before me was Adjutant Hall, with a severe gun-shot wound through the knee. After a consultation on his case, the conclusion was that amputation was the only safe practice to adopt, and I at once notified him to that effect. He pleasantly replied, I would like very well to keep my le<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
217. McClellan, G. B., Maj.-Gen., I. 55, 56;, 213, 216, 244, 289, 404, 410, 428; II. 10, 35;, 161, 217, 227, 288, 338, 341, 405, 420, 426, 459. McCook, A. M., Maj.-Gen., II. 56. McCracken, Patrick, I. 18. McDowell, Irvin, Maj.-Gen., I. 1, 10;, 26; II. 50, 168;, 170, 415. McFarland, Dr., II. 221. Mackenzie, W. S., Rev., I. 330. McKeon, Mr., I. 3. McKnight, J., Maj., I. 431. Macy, G. N., Brig-Gen., I. 429,431, 432; II. 13, 16;, 17, 96, 97, 98, 99, 310, 454, 455. Magee, Surgeon, II. 129. Magruder, B., Maj.-Gen. (Rebel service), I. 429. Mahone, Gen. (Rebel service), I. 430. Mali, H. W. T., Capt., II. 19. Mann, Hallock, Capt., II. 416, 419;. Mansfield, Daniel, II. 234. Mansfield, Gen., I. 100; II. 187. Marschalk, Mr., II. 173. Marshall, Col., I. 159. Marshall, Humphrey, Brig.-Gen., II. 424. Marshall, Isaac, II. 427. Martindale, J. H., Brig.-Gen., II. 167. Mason, Albee, I. 193. Mason, A., Lieut., I. 69. Mason, E. B.,
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 17: (search)
er. In return, a skillful gunner at Fort Johnson brought down the Federal flag at Battery Gregg. With the approach of the May campaigns in Virginia and Georgia, heavy drafts were made upon General Beauregard's forces. On March 17th, the First and Second cavalry were ordered to South Carolina, and the Fourth, Colonel Rutledge; Fifth, Colonel Dunovant; Sixth, Colonel Aiken; Seventh Georgia, and Millen's battalion, and the cavalry companies of Captains Tucker, Wallace, Boykin, Trenholm and Magee were ordered from General Beauregard's department to Virginia. On April 14th, General Evans' brigade, under Gen. W. S. Walker, was ordered to Wilmington, N. C. The Eleventh and Eighteenth South Carolina, Colquitt's brigade, and Company A, siege train, were ordered back from Florida. General Beauregard, on the 20th, was assigned to command of the department of Southern Virginia and North Carolina, and Maj.-Gen. Sam Jones succeeded him at Charleston. A week later Hagood's brigade was ordered
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