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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 123 3 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 117 1 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 101 3 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 58 12 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 50 16 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 41 3 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 39 5 Browse Search
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 28 12 Browse Search
A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 19 1 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 18 8 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Magruder or search for Magruder in all documents.

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ition of his forces and artillery had made the place untenable. Magruder furiously and publicly urged fight. The fortifications were very en our army arrived in front of Yorktown the rebel force under General Magruder was not more than eight thousand men. A few hours previous of the occupation of Yorktown, about a year ago, by the rebel General Magruder, two thousand slaves have been constantly employed, principalled by the effective rebel force, some seven thousand men, which Gen. Magruder has had under his command. They were composed chiefly of Virgiilliamsburgh to be taken up. In the house of Mrs. Nelson, where Gen. Magruder had slept the night before the evacuation, I found several opensday last. Jeff. Davis and two members of his Cabinet, Gens. Lee, Magruder, and nine other generals were present. The debates were warm and ug nor Quaker-gun business about these last-captured rebel works. Magruder has done his best with them, and has been a year in doing it. Our
rson, of North-Carolina, we believe, killed. Col. Mott, of Mississippi, killed. Gen. Raines, slightly wounded. Capt. Echols, of Lynchburgh, slightly wounded. Capt. Irwin, of Scales's North-Carolina regiment, wounded. The First Virginia regiment was badly cut up. Out of two hundred men in the fight, some eighty or ninety are reported killed or wounded. Colonel Kemper's regiment suffered terribly, though we have no account of the extent of the casualties. We learn that Gen. Magruder has been for several days quite sick at Westover, on James River. The enemy had not occupied Jamestown at six o'clock on Tuesday evening, but were in large force at Grove wharf and King's mill. They are also understood to be landing forces at West-Point. The Virginia (No. 2) was passed on James River yesterday, and will be at Richmond to-day. We have conflicting reports of the fight at Barhamsville yesterday, and prefer to wait for an official statement before giving publicity
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 9.-the battle of West-point, Va. Fought May 7, 1862. (search)
all night. But no enemy appeared to disturb us, and to-day we have the satisfaction of knowing that they are as far from us as they have been able to travel in the time that has elapsed. The Thirty-first and Thirty-second New-York were the greatest sufferers, though the two companies of the Sixteenth New-York, which were sent into the woods, scarcely escaped more easily. The enemy, in ambush, fired low — as the wounds of our soldiers testify — following the orders which you remember Gen. Magruder gave to his soldiers. In the course of this guerrilla fighting, of course there were many very singular scenes. Capt. Montgomery, Gen. Newton's Chief-of-staff, and Lieut. Baker, of Gen. Franklin's staff, ventured too far into the woods, and soon found themselves close up with the Hampton Legion. A question put by one of them revealed their character, and instantly a number of muskets were discharged at them. Lieut. Baker escaped; Captain Montgomery's horse, pierced by half a dozen bu
o cover. Prisoners captured during the fight assert that Jeff. Davis was in the rear, urging his myrmidons forward; and Magruder, who was with him, swore a fearful oath, That's my old battery, and I'm going to have it, alluding to Kirby's, which he, Magruder, formerly commanded. Meantime part of Dana's brigade had come up. His Nineteenth Massachusetts and Forty-second New-York had been detached for picket duty and artillery guards. His Seventh Michigan and Twentieth Massachusetts deployed iat his whole best disciplined force, under the eye of Jeff Davis himself, and commanded by Generals Joe Johnston, Huger, Magruder, G. W. Smith Whiting, Anderson, and other educated generals, was massed on our left, and that our right was utterly unabible to pass, owing to the immense bodies of water lying along the route, together with an unlimited supply of mud. From Magruder's farm, and several miles further upon the turnpike, all seemed to be an impassable swamp. How regiment after regiment
tions to return and prevent the destruction of the bridge, which duty was successfully accomplished. Upon my second arrival at West-Point, at half-past 9 P. M., Capt. Shankland, of the Currituck, reported that he had landed and hoisted the Union flag, and had found about fifty prisoners of the rebels, (mostly women and children,) living in a horrible condition, in sheds, and without the common necessaries of life. These people were residents of Elizabeth City county, and sent here by Gen. Magruder on account of their Union proclivities. I at once decided to remain and hold possession of the place, protect the people, and prevent a further destruction of property by the rebels, until the arrival of the commanding officer of the naval division. On the fifth instant we seized a schooner in the Pamunkey River, and also the C. S. sloop Water Witch, recently abandoned by Capt. Thomas Jefferson Page. During the day, I secured much information regarding the movements of the rebel arm
isoners state that there are nine Federal regiments on the island, and that Gen. Isaac I. Stevens, of Oregon, (the chairman of the Breckinridge National Committee in the last Presidential campaign,) is in command. This man Stevens professed to be an ardent pro-slavery man before the war, and was here in Charleston, enjoying its hospitalities, only two years ago. There is much dissatisfaction here with the military authorities of the department, and a strong wish expressed for a change in the commanding officers. The South-Carolina troops are anxious to defend Charleston, and will do so successfully if they are permitted to. A report that we were to have the great services of Beauregard spread universal joy omong the troops. If, however, we cannot have Beauregard, we would be glad to get Huger, Magruder, Hill of North-Carolina, Whiting, Gregg, Joseph R. Anderson, or any other first-class general. A change of some kind is necessary to restore confidence to the troops and people.
e said a despatch had been sent by Jackson to Magruder, who remained in command in front of Richmond the enemy. I think the latter doubtful. Gen. Magruder was certainly not captured. Prisoners assy, fronted Richmond, and was confronted by Gen. Magruder; the other portion on the north side had tes, supported by Gen. Griffith's brigade from Magruder's division. The Federals were found to be st battle with the return of daylight. While Magruder was thus successfully pushing the enemy to the station. Longstreet, A. P. Hill, Huger and Magruder pursued the enemy by the Charles City road, w. Hill, and the forces under his command. Gen. Magruder's did not come up until eleven o'clock at had been concluded. By orders from Gen. Lee, Magruder moved upon and occupied the battleground; Gento the rear to rest. Longstreet, A. P. Hill, Magruder, and Huger, on our right wing, pushed down thell back to report to the commanding General, Magruder, whose division, embracing the brigades of Ho[2 more...]
ere at once placed so as to sweep the entire plain. Abut half-past 5 o'clock, a regiment of Gen. Magruder's division, thrown out as skirmishers, coming upon the open ground, met the heavy fire of thson and others, but, as yet, have made little mention of the operations upon the occasion of Gen. Magruder and the troops under his command. We now propose to give such particulars as we have obtaintreat in a southeasterly direction towards his gunboats on James River. At eight o'clock A. M. Magruder recommenced the pursuit, advancing cautiously, but steadily, and shelling the forests and swampristling on their freshly constructed earthworks. At ten minutes before five o'clock P. M., Gen. Magruder ordered his men to charge across the field and drive the enemy from their position. Gallahas been made memorable by its melancholy monument of carnage which occurred in a portion of Gen. Magruder's corps, which had been ordered, in very inadequate force, to charge one of the strongest of
ed the men as follows: Cosgrove, Hoover, Greiner and McGuire to dig holes; Rote, Keiler, Benedict and Jones to distribute poles on their shoulders, who had to carry them a full mile. John Tryer I posted as guard. His duty was to watch the flash of the rebel guns, and notify the men, who were working and could not see, when to fall on the sod, should the rebels hear us and open. Thus far all was quiet in the secesh quarters. Scarcely had our operations commenced when a compliment from Gen. Magruder in the shape of a shell was sent us. Through the timely notice received from our guard, Mr. Tryer, that he saw a flash, and that something with a flery tail was coming toward us, we were enabled to drop. It came within fifty yards of us, bursted, but did no damage. After that shot and shell followed in rapid succession, until we completed our task, which, owing to loss of time in dodging, occupied fully five hours. A number of these missiles fell within thirty feet of us, showing concl