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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1858. (search)
d the Weldon Railroad. His escape from these perils was amazing, since he was invariably reckless in exposing himself to fire. At length, on the 22d of June, after a score of gallant achievements, he performed the crowning act of his soldierly career and his life. The Sixth, Second, and Fifth Corps had been extended to the left, to seize the Weldon Road, below Petersburg. By improper tactical dispositions, a gap had been left between the Sixth on the left and the Second in the centre. Mahone saw the error, rushed across the right flank of the Sixth Corps, struck the left of the Second, both in front and on the left, and instantly rolled up Barlow's division like a scroll. The retirement of Barlow uncovered Mott to an attack in front, flank and rear, and he too gave way in confusion. On the right, Gibbon's veteran division alone remained, having a point of support and protection in some hasty intrenchments. It in turn was overwhelmingly pressed on all sides. Regiment after re
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
428; II. 10, 35;, 161, 217, 227, 288, 338, 341, 405, 420, 426, 459. McCook, A. M., Maj.-Gen., II. 56. McCracken, Patrick, I. 18. McDowell, Irvin, Maj.-Gen., I. 1, 10;, 26; II. 50, 168;, 170, 415. McFarland, Dr., II. 221. Mackenzie, W. S., Rev., I. 330. McKeon, Mr., I. 3. McKnight, J., Maj., I. 431. Macy, G. N., Brig-Gen., I. 429,431, 432; II. 13, 16;, 17, 96, 97, 98, 99, 310, 454, 455. Magee, Surgeon, II. 129. Magruder, B., Maj.-Gen. (Rebel service), I. 429. Mahone, Gen. (Rebel service), I. 430. Mali, H. W. T., Capt., II. 19. Mann, Hallock, Capt., II. 416, 419;. Mansfield, Daniel, II. 234. Mansfield, Gen., I. 100; II. 187. Marschalk, Mr., II. 173. Marshall, Col., I. 159. Marshall, Humphrey, Brig.-Gen., II. 424. Marshall, Isaac, II. 427. Martindale, J. H., Brig.-Gen., II. 167. Mason, Albee, I. 193. Mason, A., Lieut., I. 69. Mason, E. B., Lieut., Memoir, I. 409-414. Mason, H. C., Capt., II. 96. Mason, Hannah R.,