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The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mair or search for Mair in all documents.

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Massacre of the crew of the Americanwhaling ship Superior, by the natives ofTreasury Island, in the Solomon Group. The Sydney Herald publishes a letter from Capt. Mair, of the schooner Ariel, giving the particulars of the murder of twenty six of the crew of the American whaling bark Superior, which sailed from New Bedford, by the savages of Treasury Island. Capt. Mair sailed to the island to inquire the truth of the reported massacre. The following is his account of the affair: I fouCapt. Mair sailed to the island to inquire the truth of the reported massacre. The following is his account of the affair: I found out that six of her crew were prisoners upon the island, and I at once set about trying to get possession of them. For three days more I cruised off the island, having the natives backwards and forward during that time. I went to the beach occasionally, and could see the men, but on every occasion they were strongly guarded. None of the principal natives coming on board, as a last resource I had to secure a native who was related to one of the head chiefs. I put him in irons, and next mor