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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 10: naval engagement at South-West pass.--the Gulf blockading squadron in November, 1861. (search)
r naval officers in command; and Lieut. A. J. Slemmer, 1st Regt. Artillery, U. S. A., commanding Fort Pickens: In consequence of the assurances received from Mr. Mallory in a telegram of yesterday to Messrs. Bigler, Hunter and Slidell, with a request that it should be laid before the President, that Fort Pickens would not be ass the offer of such an assurance to the same effect from Col. Chase, for the purpose of avoiding a hostile collision, upon receiving satisfactory assurances from Mr. Mallory and Col. Chase that Fort Pickens will not be attacked, you are instructed not to land the company on board the Brooklyn unless said fort shall be attacked or prtion a collision which may be against the wishes of the Department. Both sides are faithfully observing the agreement entered into by the U. S. government with Mr. Mallory and Col. Chase. This agreement binds us not to reinforce Fort Pickens unless it shall be attacked or threatened; it binds them not to attack it unless we shoul
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 12: fight between the Merrimac and Monitor, March 8, 1862. (search)
had departed a detachment of Virginia volunteers rushed in to extinguish the flames. The Merrimac had been sunk, but the lower part of her hull and her engines and boilers were substantially uninjured. Lieutenant John M. Brooke, one of the most accomplished officers among those who had left our Navy and joined the Confederate cause, visited the scene of the conflagration, and it at once occurred to him that the Merrimac could be rebuilt as an iron-clad; and his plans being accepted by Mr. Mallory, the Secretary of the Confederate Navy, orders were issued to have them carried out at once. The vessel was raised and cut down to the old berth deck, both ends for a distance of seventy feet were covered over, and when the ship was in fighting trim were just awash. On the midship section, a length of one hundred and seventy feet was built over, the sides being at an angle of fifty-five degrees, a roof of oak and pitch pine extending from the water line to a height of seven feet above
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 43: operations of the Mississippi squadron, under Admiral Porter, after the Red River expedition. (search)
ppointment from the Government to secure to them the rights of prisoners of war, if captured. Judging from what you say, that you have not the Acts of Congress at hand, I inclose copies of two Acts, one of which possibly serves the desired purpose. The President has authority to make such an arrangement as you refer to, and I would suggest that parties wishing to engage in the enterprise present to him their names, purposes and terms, either directly or through your obedient servant, S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. Colonel E. C. Cabell, C. S. A., Headquarters Price's Army, Jacksonport, Arkansas. [no. 229.] an Act to provide for local defence and special service. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States do enact: That the President be and he is hereby authorized to accept the services of volunteers of such kind and in such proportion as he may deem expedient, to serve for such time as he may prescribe, for the defence of exposed places and localities, or such
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 45: the cruise of the Sumter and the havoc she committed. (search)
om which to improvise a Navy, and Semmes here made himself useful, being the first to propose a well-organized system of private armed ships called privateers. Mr. Mallory, the Confederate Secretary of the Navy, readily agreed to all that Commander Semmes proposed; for the latter, being much the cleverer man of the two, provided the United States Navy, for the Confederates were slow in conferring increased rank until sure that their officers had earned a reward. The following order from Mr. Mallory was sent to Semmes the day after his interview with that gentlemen: Confederate States of America, Navy Department, Montgomery, April 18, 1861. Sir — Ys L. Galt; Midshipmen Wm. A. Hicks, Richard F. Armstrong, Albert G. Hudgins, John F. Holden and Joseph D. Wilson. I am respectfully, your obedient servant, S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. On the 22d of April, Semmes took command of his vessel in New Orleans. The Sumter was simply a coasting steamer, cumbered with up
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
have inflicted little or no injury upon American commerce. It is well known that all the attempts made by the merchant captains of the South to fit out privateers were failures. Their vessels were always captured, simply because their commanders lacked the training and intelligence of the regular naval officers who went South when their States seceded. There can be no doubt that Commander Semmes was one of the most intelligent of these officers, and he not only willingly entered into Mr. Mallory's plan for the destruction of American commerce, but embarked in the career with so much energy that it amounted to vindictiveness; so that, although he performed many daring exploits, he is hardly entitled to be called a hero. We have seen what he accomplished with the Sumter, a small vessel which had been condemned by a Board of naval officers at New Orleans. Semmes, however, at once decided that she would suit his purpose, and, with an energy he had never been thought to possess, he
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 54: capture of Richmond.--the destruction of the Confederate fleet in the James River, etc. (search)
the disposition to be made of your squadron. He withdraws upon his lines towards Danville this night; and, unless otherwise directed by General Lee, upon you is devolved the duty of destroying your ships this night, and with all the forces under your command joining General Lee. Confer with him, if practicable, before destroying them. Let your people be rationed as far as possible for the march, and armed and equipped for duty in the field. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. It was evident that Richmond was to have been evacuated that night, and by a curious coincidence the firing from the Federal gun-boats commenced early the same evening, which doubtless caused Semmes to expedite his movements. He signalled for all commanding officers of vessels to repair on board the flag-ship, and impressed upon them the importance of keeping the intended operations secret, lest the suspicions of the Federals might be excited. Semmes remar