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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 17: (search)
d myself were summoned to the President's office in an hour or two, and found Messrs. Benjamin, Mallory, and Reagan with him. We had supposed that we were to be questioned concerning the military resportunity to do so be given me. General Breckenridge promised to make me this opportunity. Mr. Mallory came to converse with me on the subject, and showed great anxiety that negotiations to end th such a suggestion would come more properly from one of his constitutional advisers, but told Mr. Mallory of my conversation with General Breckinridge. That gentleman fulfilled his engagement prom by the President to express their opinions on the important question. General Breckinridge, Mr. Mallory, and Mr. Reagan, thought that the war was decided against us; and that it was absolutely neceat this course might be adopted at once, I proposed that he should dictate the letter then to Mr. Mallory, who was a good penman, and that I should sign and send it to the Federal commander immediate
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 18: (search)
with a view to their adoption and execution as being the best and most favorable that they could hope to obtain by a continuance of the struggle. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State. Views of Mr. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy: Charlotte, N. C., 24th April, 1865. Mr. President: In compliance with your suggestion I have the honor briefly to present the following views upon the propositions discussed in Cabinet council yesterday. e time. The wreck of our hopes results immediately from it. I omit all reference to the details which must be provided for by the contending parties to this agreement for future consideration. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. Views of Attorney-General Davis: Charlotte, N. C., 22d April, 1865. To the President. Sir: The questions submitted by you to the members of your Cabinet for their opinions are: 1. Whether the conve