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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. (search)
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. by Moses Whitcher Mann. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, Aad, a chairman, C. E. Hippisley, and a secretary, M. W. Mann, were chosen, and the situation considered. A peewards was then chosen, with one of their number (M. W. Mann) designated as recording steward. It may be notig committee. Stewards. William McLean. M. W. Mann. Martin M. French. Charles E. Hippisley. Trustees. M. W. Mann. William McLean. M. M. French. E. J. Albee. W. T. Morse. Building committee. M. M. French. W. B. Foster. William McLean. M. W. Mann. George W. Brintnall. The Conference adjourneds assisted, an historical sketch was given by Brother M. W. Mann, and the principal speaker was Rev. William Nnk E. Rollins. Stewards. Nelson Taylor. Moses W. Mann. Frank U. Warner. James A. Knight. Lyman W. Pward. L. W. Proctor. Recording Steward. Moses W. Mann. Supt. Of Sunday-school. F. E. Rollins.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., Medford Historical Society. (search)
an and Curator. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Custodians of real estate. President, Corresponding Secretary, treasurer. Standing committees. Publication. George S. T. Fuller, Chairman. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Miss Helen T. Wild. Moses W. Mann. H. N. Ackerman. Membership. C. Arthur Platts, Chairman. Elisha B. Curtis. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Mrs. Julia W. Dalrymple. Mrs. Elsie R. Perkins. Mrs. H. A. C. Scott. Papers and addresses. Henry E. Scott, Chairman. Arthur E. Whitney. Mrs. Adelaide E. Cordis. Geo. W. Parsons. Mrs. Louise G. Delong. John H. Hooper. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Historic sites. Moses W. Mann, Chairman. Francis A. Wait. Miss Catharine E. Harlow. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Frederick H. Kidder. Charles N. Jones. Genealogy. Miss Eliza M. Gill, Chairman. Mrs. Edith G. Dennis. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Mrs. James E. Cleaves. Heraldry. Charles B. Dunham, Chairman. John Albree. Orrin E. Hodsdon. Chas. H. Loomis.
reservation bordering the new channel, and in any other manner which will restore and fix in the public mind the name Menotomy River. (Signed) Richard H. Dana, Cambridge Historical Society. Hollis R. Bailey, Cambridge Historical Society. Moses W. Mann, Medford Historical Society. Frederick E. Fowle, Arlington Historical Society. J. Albert Holmes, Somerville Historical Society. To the Honorable Board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners. The undersigned committee, duly appointed and aut that the concrete masonry bridge over the new channel of Alewife Brook, proposed to be called Menotomy River, near its junction with Mystic River, be called Dunster Bridge, in honor of Reverend Henry Dunster, the first president of Harvard College, who owned adjacent lands in Menotomy Fields prior to 1656. (Signed) Moses W. Mann, Medford Historical Society. Frederick E. Fowle, Arlington Historical Society. J. Albert Holmes, Somerville Historical Society. Cambridge, Mass., December 6, 1909.