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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14.. You can also browse the collection for Moses Whitcher Mann or search for Moses Whitcher Mann in all documents.
Your search returned 13 results in 3 document sections:
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. by Moses Whitcher Mann.
[Read before the Medford Historical Society, A ad, a chairman, C. E. Hippisley, and a secretary, M. W. Mann, were chosen, and the situation considered.
A pe ewards was then chosen, with one of their number (M. W. Mann) designated as recording steward.
It may be noti g committee.
William McLean.
M. W. Mann.
Martin M. French.
Charles E. Hippisley.
M. W. Mann.
William McLean.
M. M. French.
E. J. Albee.
W. T. Morse.
Building committee.
M. M. French.
W. B. Foster.
William McLean.
M. W. Mann.
George W. Brintnall.
The Conference adjourned s assisted, an historical sketch was given by Brother M. W. Mann, and the principal speaker was Rev. William N nk E. Rollins.
Nelson Taylor.
Moses W. Mann.
Frank U. Warner.
James A. Knight.
Lyman W. P ward.
L. W. Proctor.
Recording Steward.
Moses W. Mann.
Supt. Of Sunday-school.
F. E. Rollins.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., As a matter of record. (search)