Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Mansfield or search for Mansfield in all documents.

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as a mediator to effect a just and honorable peace.--Ohio Statesman, May 25. join Lothrop motley published an article on the Causes of the civil War in America, in the London Times of this day.--(Doc. 146 1/2.) Jefferson Davis issued at Montgomery, Ala., a proclamation appointing Thursday the 13th day of June, 1861, to be observed as a day of fasting and prayer by the people of the seceded States.--(Doc 194.) A General movement into Virginia was executed under the command of Gen. Mansfield. The N. Y. Seventh Regiment left their camp in Washington at 1:20 A. M., each man having sixty rounds of ball cartridge. They touched the sacred soil of Virginia at 4 A. M., landing at the Alexandria Bridge, near which they encamped. The New York Sixty-ninth and Twenty-eighth Regiments, with Lieut. Drummond's cavalry and a battery, passed the Chain Bridge, below Georgetown, at about 1 A. M. They first took possession of the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad, seized the train, arrested the
olonel Max Weber, left New York for Fortress Monroe and the army of Southeastern Virginia. In their march through the city they were drawn up in front of the City Hall, where a flag was presented to them by Samuel B. Ruggles, in behalf of Mrs. Charles E. Strong and other ladies of New York.--(Doc. 248.) Bpigadier-General Schenck has been assigned to the Second Michigan Regiment now in Washington. He is thus attached to the Military Department of Washington, the chief of which is General Mansfield.-Conflicting statements having been made, it is proper to say-while Major-General Banks superseded General Cadwalader in command of the Department at Annapolis, the latter has been assigned to command a new division to cooperate with General Patterson in the progressing actions against Harper's Ferry.--Rochester Union, June 14. The steamer Iatan, with the Second Battalion of the First Regiment of Missouri volunteers, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Andrews, one section of Tott
the Army Headquarters in Washington: Headquarters Department of Washington, Washington, D. C., July 17, 1861. General orders, no. 33. Fugitive slaves will, under no pretext whatever, be permitted to reside, or in any way be harbored in the quarters and camps of the troops serving in this department. Neither will such slaves be allowed to accompany troops on the march. Commanders of troops will be held responsible for a strict observance of the order. By command of Brigadier-General Mansfield. Theodore Talbot, Assistant Adjutant-General. General Patterson's entire command moved from Bunker Hill, Va., at an early hour this morning, but instead of moving directly towards Winchester it took the road for Charlestown, distant from Bunker Hill about eight miles, and laying at right angles with the Winchester road. The reason of this unexpected move is as follows: Winchester is defended on the north side by a strong breastwork, in the form of the letter V, having the
ough not in favor of a preliminary convention, yet the Presbytery, in view that such might be the general wish, appointed delegates to one and recommend Atlanta as that place, and the 15th August as the time for holding it.--N. Y. Evening Post, August 12. Heavy offers of men were made to the Government by telegraph from all parts of the North. From Illinois, 17, and from Indiana, 10 regiments were offered. By noon of this day 80,000 men had been accepted.--An order was issued by General Mansfield directing all straggling soldiers to join their respective regiments without delay, and warning that all stragglers found in the streets six hours after the promulgation of the order, would be deemed guilty of disobedience of orders, and would be arrested.--N. Y. Herald, July 25. The Third Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, commanded by Colonel W. N. Smith, left St. Johnsbury, Vt., for the seat of war.--N. Y. Commercial, July 25. John Bradley, a young man studying for the minist
ing all persons having arms belonging to the State, that have been unlawfully seized, to immediately deliver them up, that they may be returned to the State Arsenal, at Frankfort.--(Doc. 157.) The Senate of the United States confirmed numerous army appointments. Among them are Major-Generals McClellan, Fremont, Dix, and Banks; and Brigadier-Generals Hooker, Curtis, McCall, Sherman, Lander, Kelly, Kearney, Pope, Heintzelman, Porter, Stone, Reynolds, Hunter, Franklin, Rosecrans, Buell, Mansfield, McDowell, and Meigs.--Philadelphia Inquirer, August 5. The Twenty-ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel John K. Murphy, left Hestonville, West Philadelphia, for the seat of war.--Philadelphia Press, August 3. Mrs. Lincoln having kindly consented to receive and distribute the havelocks made by the ladies of Katonah and Bedford, Westchester, N. Y., a case was despatched to-day from the Jay homestead to the executive mansion by Pullen's and Adams's
Creek, and when about one and a half miles beyond the outer pickets encountered a considerable body of rebel cavalry, who were accompanied by two field-howitzers, brass rifled pieces, and the first intimation the Delawarians had of the enemy's position on near approach, was the whistling of a projectile through the woods and underbrush. Captain Watson then threw up a temporary defence of brushwood and earth, after advancing to an eligible position, and sent back for reinforcements. General Mansfield, accompanied by three companies of the New York Twentieth, Col. Max Weber, proceeded to the relief of the Delaware troops. A flag of truce from Norfolk to-day brought to Fortress Monroe, Va., Lieut. Worden, U. S. N., who was taken prisoner while bearing despatches to Fort Pickens at the breaking out of hostilities, and imprisoned at Montgomery, Alabama, for some time. He was exchanged for Lieut. Short, of the rebel army, who was taken at Hatteras Inlet, and had been confined on t
, and that provisions and clothing of every description have largely increased in price, it will be universally admitted, we think, that their pay should be increased. For these and many other reasons, we think the Confederate Congress, when it reassembles, will promptly raise the pay of the private soldier. Lieutenant John L. Worden, of the U. S. Navy, who had been seven months a prisoner in the South, arrived at Washington.--(Doc. 204.) To-day Drake De Kay, aide-de-camp to General Mansfield, accompanied by Major Sharfp, Captain Hellerer and Capt. Breck, left Fortress Monroe, Va., with a party of about forty men. They had not travelled long before they met with a body of the Prince Edward Cavalry, twenty-five to thirty in number, about a mile beyond New Market. De Kay had not more than a dozen men, the balance being in reserve. The enemy attacked with fire, but the Federals took to the woods and opened upon them so briskly that they were soon forced to retreat, leaving t
encouraged in agricultural pursuits. The Indians, for the greater part, were peaceable and friendly to the United States Government.--Philadelphia Press, Dec. 28. The burning of buildings near New Market Bridge, Va., by order of Brigadier-General Mansfield, called forth the following order from General Wool: Headquarters Department Virginia, Fort Monroe, Dec. 26, 1861. General Order No. 50.--The Major-General Commanding the Department regrets to learn that some of our troops recd again express his decided disapprobation of such proceedings on the part of our troops. By command of Major-General Wool. W. D. Whipple, A. A.-G. This order was sent to Camp Butler. to be read to all the troops under the command of General Mansfield. The rebel privateer Isabel succeeded, after several fruitless attempts, in running the blockade off Charleston, S. C., last night. There were eleven war vessels off the harbor at the time. The gunboat Pocahontas was despatched in pu
, worthless people, white as well as colored, who frequent Pensacola and vicinity, and have no observable occupation. Their intentions may be honest; but the colone commanding does not believe it, and as he has no use for their presence, they are warned to leave, or the consequence must rest on their own heads. The gallows is erected in Pensacola, and will be in constant use on and after the third of April, 1862. The town is under complete martial law. Lieut. Drake De Kay, aid to Gen. Mansfield, at Newport News, Va., started on a small trip up the James River, accompanied by some of the Twenty--ninth Massachusetts regiment. When some eight or nine miles from camp, on going round a bend in the river, he came suddenly upon a boat containing five secessionists, named John Moore and son, John Parker, W. Burnham, (constable for a number of years in Warwick,) and W. T. Wilburn. The whole party belonged to Warwick, and had been supplying the secession army along the James River with
oners. The United States Senate passed a bill establishing Beaufort, S. C., as a port of entry. The iron-clad gunboats Galena, Aroostook, and Port Royal left Fortress Monroe and started up James River, at six o'clock this morning. Immediately after their departure, the rebel tug, F. B. White, came out from Craney Island, having left Norfolk this morning with a crew and two citizens on board, on a mission to Tannery Point, but they run over to Newport News, and surrendered to General Mansfield!--Baltimore American, May 9. Three brigades of General Buell's army seized the portion of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Corinth and the Grand Junction, and thus cut the communication between those points.--Chicago Times, May 9. Governor Clark, of North-Carolina, in response to a demand of the confederate government for more troops and transportation, informed that government that it had received all the aid from North-Carolina that it could expect, and that no m