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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 1 1 Browse Search
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dition, the victory was complete. General McClernand, with more frankness, says: In passing through the woods, the Thirtieth, the Seventh, and the Twenty-second, encountered a heavy fire on their right and left successively, which was returned with such vigor and effect as to drive back the superior force of the enemy, and silence his firing, but not until the Seventh and Twenty-second had been thrown into temporary disorder. Here Lieutenant-Colonel Wentz, of the Seventh, and Captain Markley, of the Thirtieth, with several privates, were killed, and Colonel Dougherty, of the Twenty-second, and Major McClurken, of the Thirtieth, who was near me, were severely wounded. General McClernand this day lost three horses. Colonel Dougherty says: At this time the Seventh Iowa was in rear of the Twenty-second Illinois, and was somewhat confused; all the field-officers and many of the company-officers of that brave regiment being either killed, wounded, or taken by the en
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the Battalion of the Georgia Military Institute Cadets (search)
Savannah, Ga. Lamar, Lucius J., Milledgeville, Ga. Lamar, Ophilo V., Ellaville, Ga. Lee, Lewis T., Fort Valley, Ga. Jasper, Tennessee. Lee, Oscar, Atlanta, Ga. *Lewis, Hal T., Green county, Ga. Died in 1903. Supreme Court Justice. Ligon, Little, W. W., Harris county, Ga. West Point, Ga., R. F. D. I. Loftin, Frank S., Franklin, Heard county, Ga. Franklin, Ga. Loud,——. Luckie, Alfred T., Covington, Ga. Athens, Ga. *Mabry, J., Houston county, Ga. Died 1864. Markley, Wm. A., Greenville, S. C. Commerce, Texas. Marsh, Clayton H., Cartersville, Georgia. Wounded at Oconee Bridge battle, died in Savannah, Ga., November 1864. McClatchey, W. Penn, Marietta, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn. Mays,——. McLauren,—, South Carolina. *McLeod, John, Emanuel county, Ga. Died 1864. *Mobley, Reuben B., Hamilton, Harris county, Ga. Died July, 1904. Moore, J., Weston, Ga. Moore, W. F., Marietta, Ga. Mousseau,——, Charleston, S. C. Myrick, A. B.,