Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for John Marsh or search for John Marsh in all documents.

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y Ridge: The division was composed of Jackson's brigade, Brigadier-General John K. Jackson; Maney's brigade, Brigadier-General George Maney; Smith's brigade, Brigadier-General Preston Smith; Wright's brigade, Brigadier-General M. J. Wright; Strahl's brigade, Brigadier-General O. F. Strahl; Stanford's battery of four guns, Captain T. J. Stanford: Carnes' battery of four guns, Captain W. W. Carnes; Scoggins' battery of four guns, Captain J. Scoggins; Scott's battery of four guns, First-Lieutenant John Marsh commanding; and Smith's battery of four guns, First-Lieutenant William B. Turner commanding. In obedience to orders from Lieutenant-General Polk, I crossed Chickamauga Creek at Hunt's Ford, on the nineteenth September, at seven o'clock A. M., and moved my command by the flank in a northern direction, formed my line of battle, and awaited orders. At eleven o'clock A. M., I received orders direct from the General commanding the army, through Lieutenant Parker, of his staff, to