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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 15: Worcester County. (search)
in 1865, $1,100.00. Total amount, $12,056.97. Dudley Incorporated Feb. 2, 1731. Population in 1860, 1,736; in 1865, 2,077. Valuation in 1860, $685,821; in 1865, $681,471. The selectmen in 1861 were Asa E. Edmands, Abiel D. Williams, John Marsh; in 1862, Lemuel Healy, Abiel D. Williams, George Davis; in 1863, John E. Edmands, Augustus T. Allen, Daniel Prince; in 1864, Abiel D. Williams, Waldo M. Healy, John Marsh; in 1865, Abiel D. Williams, Waldo M. Healy, George Davis. The town-cJohn Marsh; in 1865, Abiel D. Williams, Waldo M. Healy, George Davis. The town-clerk and town-treasurer during all the years of the war was Moses Barnes. 1861. The first town-meeting to act upon matters relating to the war was held on the 13th of May, at which it was voted to appropriate three thousand dollars, from which to pay eight dollars a month to each volunteer while in the service of the United States, who at the time of his enlistment was an inhabitant of Dudley, and State aid to his family. 1862. July 31st, The selectmen were authorized to pay a bounty of on