Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Marsh or search for John Marsh in all documents.

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Horrible affair. --The Exeter (N. H.) News Letter says that on Sunday morning last the house occupied by John Marsh, on the Epping road, about two miles from the village, was destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were both burnt to death. The by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were both burnt to death. The neighbors assembled as soon as the flames were seen, but too late to save anything. Circumstances indicate foul play, and suspicion rests upon a brother of Mrs. Marsh. He was arrested. d by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were both burnt to death. The neighbors assembled as soon as the flames were seen, but too late to save anything. Circumstances indicate foul play, and suspicion rests upon a brother of Mrs. Marsh. He was arrested. d by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were both burnt to death. The neighbors assembled as soon as the flames were seen, but too late to save anything. Circumstances indicate foul play, and suspicion rests upon a brother of Mrs. Marsh. He was arrested.