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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 58 2 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 51 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 51 19 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 40 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 40 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 38 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 37 7 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 4 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 22 0 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 22 4 Browse Search
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h half the command awake at a time, with no fires and perfectly silent. After picketing wherever the cross roads pointed out by Dr. Dyer seemed to demand it, we proceeded at four o'clock P. M., on the 9th instant, toward the Confederate camp at Marshall's store, carefully scouring the laurel bushes. Immediately after the main body, with Captain Wing, in the advance guard, emerged from a dense thicket which lined each side of the road. Our scouts commenced firing, having come so close to the egh to dress the wounds of one of our men--private Frank Cooner of Company G. Third Ohio, who was wounded in two places, besides receiving a ball through his haversack; but is now doing well. The force represented by the prisoners in camp near Marshall's store, amounts to eight thousand men; they also report that two pieces of artillery and two regiments of infantry were ordered out in pursuit, doubtless the same — a portion of which, next day, attacked the two companies of your regiment occup
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 90. battle of Bolivar Heights, Va. Fought October 16, 1861. (search)
which we took. It is no wonder we had to fight, and the greatest wonder is how we held our own. They also had artillery on Loudon Mountain, which kept pouring in shot and shell upon us, and at one time our own artillery on Maryland Heights shelled us, as we were falling back, thinking we were the enemy. There were many side scenes. Stimpson had a hand-to-hand fight with one of the cavalry, whom he bayoneted, illustrating the bayonet drill in which the company has been exercised. Corporal Marshall was chased by a mounted officer while he was assisting one of the wounded Wisconsin boys off. He turned and shot his pursuer through the breast. The officer proved to be Colonel Ashby, the commander of the rebels, which accounted for the lull in the battle alluded to. We have since learned that he was not killed, but will probably have to keep in the house for some time. There were many other similar scenes. We have heard there were one hundred and fifty of them killed and wounded
trooped around us. We seized the ferry-boats, and this morning seized the steamboat Florence. Colonels White and Grover were placed on board, and in a few moments will start for home and safety. Lexington, for the last few days, has been in a terrible condition. Shelby and Martin, two cut-throats, have had their troops in town till their ignominious flight at our approach. A Mr. White, a wounded prisoner, was taken by Martin from his bed, shot in cold blood, and his body left on the road until eaten by the hogs. His wife rescued his remains. A scene of terror reigned; and but for our arrival, Colonels White and Grover would have met with a like fate. Thank God, the American flag is again floating over Lexington. We made thirty prisoners, recovered some of Marshall's horses and equipments, and captured fifteen to twenty guns. We are now nearly surrounded by the rebels, who are beginning to rally. We leave for Warrensburg this afternoon, and hope to make our way through.
Jefferson — John Jones. Larue — J. S. Churchill. Logan — R. Browder, G. T. Edwards, W. M. Clark. City of Louisville — J. D. Pope, B. H. Hornsby, J. G. Gorsuch, W. Johnston, E. D. Ricketts, Blanton Duncan, Henry Gray, H. W. Bruce, R. McKee. Marshall — I. C. Gilbert. Marion — G. S. Miller. Meade — J. P. Walton, J. S. Taylor. Mercer — Philip B. Thompson. Muhlenburg — H. D. Lothrop, R. S. Russell. Nelson — J. D. Elliott, J. C. Wickliffe. Oldham--Mr. Miller, J. R. Gathright. Ohio--Dr. W.getically, to secure a full representation in such Convention, and that we will urge upon our friends everywhere to take such steps as will secure such a result. Resolved, * * * * * * Resolved, That Robert McKee, John C. Breckinridge, Humphrey Marshall, George W. Ewing, H. W. Bruce, G. B. Hodge, Wm. Preston, G. W. Johnston, Blanton Duncan, and P. B. Thompson be, and they are hereby appointed a committee to carry out the above resolutions. A motion offered by B. Duncan, in
tion as early as five o'clock, moving forward rapidly. Col. Marshall's battalion, composed of Companies A, B, C and D, of hit fifty of the enemy's cavalry scouts. The guard and Colonel Marshall opened fire upon them, and put them to flight. Susperoceeded between two and three miles, and the head of Colonel Marshall's battalion was approaching the upper part of the mouis peculiar style, that they were both gone up, sir! Colonel Marshall urged on his column, which was between a quarter and swim the river, encumbered with his sword and carrying Col. Marshall's revolving rifle in his hand, and then return, and rea point lower down. By this time the engagement between Col. Marshall's command, on the narrow road at the base of the mounta's company of the Second Ohio, which had been placed in Col. Marshall's command, bore themselves most gallantly, and renderednly the point of the bullet was imbedded in the flesh. Col. Marshall's Kentucky jeans are badly riddled; both his upper and
the stars of America. (Applause.) Under these twin banners lay as rollicking and happy a regiment as was ever collected together. It was the Irish Brigade of Chicago. At the hour of midnight, it received an order to march to the relief of Col. Marshall's Cavalry, then threatened by the enemy, and with them to cut their way through to Lexington and hold it at all hazards. The next morning saw the Irish Brigade with its face set towards Lexington. We started with forty rounds of ammunition went in, with our solitary six-pounder muzzled in roses and breeched with evergreens. The men had travelled nine days, by forced marches, as it is called in the regular army, yet they never looked better. On arriving at Lexington, we found Col. Marshall's Cavalry and a few Home Guards, and I wish, for our sakes, there had been fewer. I have a very poor opinion of Home Guards. I have found them invincible in peace and invisible in war. (Laughter.) They are generally content to stay at home
Doc. 231. battle at Milford, Mo. Fought December 18, 1861. Headquarters St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1861. To Major-General G. B. McClellan, Major-General Commanding Army: A part of Gen. Pope's forces, under Col. J. C. Davis and Major Marshall, surprised another camp of the enemy on the afternoon of the 18th, at Milford, a little north of Warrensburg. A brisk skirmish ensued, when the enemy, finding himself surrounded, surrendered at discretion. We took thirteen hundred prisoners, includingr cavalry, and a section of artillery, all under command of Col. J. C. Davis, Indiana Volunteers, to march on the town of Milford, so as to turn the enemy's left and rear, and intercept his retreat to the northeast, at the same time directing Major Marshall, with Merrill's regiment of horse, to march from Warrensburg on the same point, turning the enemy's right and rear, and forming junction with Colonel Davis. The main body of my command occupied a point four miles south, and ready to advanc
s, Benjamin, and Hunter were opposed to it, on grounds of public policy, and Walker, the Secretary of War, sent an elaborate communication stating that the Cabinet had come to the conclusion to deny the application. Mr. Ely's arrival was announced by the Richmond papers and the whole press of the South, by which he soon became notorious. Visitors came to see him by hundreds, and it was not unfrequently the case that he had forty in his room at a time. Among them were Breckinridge, Humphrey Marshall, and ex-Minister Preston, who expressed the opinion that his being held in custody was an outrage. The Governors and Episcopal Bishops of most of the rebel States, were also visitors. In fact, they came to him from all parts of Jeff. Davis' dominions. Bouquets were sent him almost daily, and sometimes not less than a dozen a day. His meals too, nicely prepared, were sent him by the families of citizens. In his conversations politics were rarely alluded to, except he himself introdu
e, Army of Potomac. 53. Those having a * affixed are dead, or have resigned since the commencement of the war. Philip St. George Cocke, Virginia, died in Virginia. 54. R. F. Rhodes, Alabama, Army of Potomac. 55. Richard Taylor, Louisiana, army of Potomac. 56. Louis T. Wigfall, Texas, Army of Potomac. 57. James H. Trapier, South Carolina, Coast of Florida. 58. Samuel G. French, Mississippi, Army of Potomac. 59. William H. Carroll, Tennessee, East Tennessee. 60. Hugh W. Mercer, Georgia,----. 61. Humphrey Marshall, Kentucky, Kentucky. 62. John C. Breckinridge, Kentucky, Kentucky. 63. Richard Griffin, Mississippi, Army of Potomac. 64. Alexander P. Stewart, Kentucky, Kentucky. 65. William Montgomery Gardner, Georgia, on furlough. 66. Richard B. Garnett, Virginia, Army of Potomac. 67. William Mahone, Virginia, Norfolk. 68. L. O'Brien Branch, North Carolina, Coast of North Carolina. 69. Maxey Gregg, South Carolina, Coast of South Carolina.