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, or they could not have been brought so far. Port Hudson has fallen I t could not be retained after losing Vicksburg. General Lee's army is near Hagerhtown. Some of the casualties of the Gettysburg fight which have reached me are very distressing. The death of James Maupin, of the University of Virginia-so young, so gentle, so brave! He fell at his gun, as member of the Second Howitzers of Richmond. My heart goes out in warmest sympathy for his parents and devoted grandmother. Colonel James Marshall, of Fauquier, has fallen. He is yet another of those dear ones over whose youth we so fondly watched. Yet another was Westwood McCreery, formerly of Richmond. Another was Valentine Southall. They all went with bright hope, remembering that every blow that was struck was for their own South. Alas! alas! the South now weeps some of her bravest sons. But, trying as it is to record the death of those dear boys, it is harder still to speak of those of our own house and blood. Lieut
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The capture of Fort Pillow (April 12th, 1864). (search)
River on the left. During the entire morning the gun-boat [New Era--gun-boat No. 7--Captain James Marshall] kept up a continued fire in all directions, but without effect, and being confident of arrison. . . . [Major Booth, in reply, asked an hour for consultation with his officers and Captain Marshall.] . . . The gun-boat had ceased firing, but the smoke of three other boats ascending the riskiff and take with him Captain [John T.] Young, a captured Federal officer, and deliver to Captain Marshall, of the gun-boat, the message, copy of which is appended HEADQUARTERS, Forrest's cavalry, Fort Pillow, April 12, 1864. Captain---Marshall, Commanding U. S. Gunboat. Sir: My aide-de-camp, Captain Charles W. Anderson, is fully authorized to negotiate with you for the delivery of the woundhe engagement, the message could not be delivered, although every effort was made to induce Captain Marshall to send his boat ashore by raising a white flag, with which Captain Young walked up and dow
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
liam Becker, John Simpson, Thomas G. Houck, Edward Thomas, Elias B. Trifoos, John Stodd, Lawrence Manayan, B. F. Barlett, Wm. Madara, Emanuel Saylor, Wm. F. Garrett, John P. Womelsdorff, George De Courcey, J. J. Dampman, John Schmidt, C. F. Hoffman, Jacob Bast, Daniel Eberle, Wm. H. Hodgson, Ernst T. Ellrich, Amos Forseman, C. F. Umberhauer, James Sammon, Wm. R. Roberts, Jonas W. Rich, Charles Weber, Terrence Smith, F. A. Schoener, William Pugh, Frank Hanley, James Smith, Geo. W. Mennig, James Marshall, Ira Troy, Uriah Good, Wm. Irving, Patrick Curtin, John Burns, Edward McCabe, Fred. Seltzer, John Donegan, John Mullens, John Lamons, Wm. McDonald, Geo. W. Garber, F. W. Simpson, Alexander Smith, David Dilly, George Shartle, A. D. Allen, Charles F. Garrett, Geo, A. Lerch, James Carroll, John Benedict, Edmund Foley, Thomas Kelley, John Eppinger, John Rouch, David Howard, Jeremiah Deitrich, William Weller, Wm. A. Christian, Mark Walker, Ralph Corby, Henry Mehr, F. Goodyear, Wm. Carl, Antho
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
Acting-Master's Mates, J. W. Litherbury and E. A. Decamp; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Henry Hartwig; Acting-Assistants, T. F. Ackerman, James Vanzant, G. W. Heisel and G. W. Aiken; Acting-Gunner, Reuben Applegate; Acting-Carpenter, James Kirkland. Steamer Lexington. Lieutenant-Commander, James W. Shirk; Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Martin Dunn; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, L. M. Reese; Assistant Paymaster, Geo. A. Lyon; Acting-Master, James Fitzpatrick; Acting-Ensigns, Sylvester Pool and James Marshall; Acting-Master's Mates, J. G. Magler, W. E. Anderson, F. O. Blake and S. S. Willett; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Wm. H. Meredith; Acting-Assistants, Michael Kelly, J. H. Hilliard, Wm. Bishop and Job Cummins. Iron-clad steamer Baron deKalb. Lieutenant-Commander, John G. Walker; Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. V. Johnston; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, John Wise; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Wm. A. Mann; Acting-Masters, Chas. Kendrick and R. H. Medill; Acting-Ensign, Charles Hunter; Acting-M
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
s and Edw. Roberts; Acting-Second-Assistants, J. T. Stone and Geo. Britton; Acting-Third-Assistant, W. M. Mix. Steamer Cricket. Acting-Master, Henry H. Gorringe; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, H. A. Bodman; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, W. M. Chester; Acting-Ensigns, D. P. Slattery, W. H. Read and J. McLeane; Acting-Master's Mate, John Wilson; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Benj. Hand; Acting Second-Assistants, David Chillas, C. P. Parks and T. M. Jenks. Steamer New Era. Acting-Master, James Marshall; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Wm. B. Purdy; Acting-Ensigns, C. A. Schetky and W. B. Shillito; Acting-Master's Mates, P. H. Sullivan, W. F. Remer and E. A. Bangs; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Israel Marsh; Acting-Second-Assistant, Richard Feugler; Acting-Third-Assistant, A. W. Smith; Acting-Carpenter, B. Martin. Steamer signal. Acting-Ensigns, Wm. P. Lee and Wm. F. Loan; Acting-Assistant-Surgeon, N. Brewster; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, E. D. Hayden; Acting-Masters Mate
he rebels continued their attack, but, up to two or three o'clock in the afternoon, they had not gained any decisive success. Our troops, both white and black, fought most bravely, and were in good spirits. The gunboat No. Seven (New Era) Captain Marshall, took part in the conflict, shelling the enemy as opportunity offered. Signals had been agreed upon by which the officers in the Fort could indicate where the guns of the boat could be most effective. There being but one gunboat there, no oving down the ravine and taking positions from which the more readily to charge upon the Fort. Parties of them were also engaged in plundering the government buildings of commissary and quartermaster's stores, in full view of the gunboat. Captain Marshall states that he refrained from firing upon the rebels, although there were thus violating the flag of truce, for fear that, should they finally succeed in capturing the Fort, they would justify any atrocities they might commit by saying that
ssing surprise at finding me still on the ridge, and reported General Rosecrans's reply: Tell Negley it is too late; I cannot help him. The regiment of stragglers on my left had vanished; those upon my right were disappearing in the dense woods, their speed redoubled by the farreaching shells; and the exultant yells of the enemy, whose closely planted batteries and long lines of musketry were sweeping the ridge with an appalling fire, were ringing in my ears. Yet the batteries of Schultz, Marshall, and one of Parrott guns, were heroically hurling death into the enemy's ranks, at such short-range, that the smoke from the guns of both contending hosts mingled together. Contemplate my position, if it is possible to do so here, removed from the scene of action. No human eye could penetrate the dark woods to the left, where General Thomas, with the flower of the army, was struggling against the inspirited enemy. To seek succor from that quarter was hopeless. None could be expected f
oes in charge of their own officers, to collect together and bury their dead, which work continued until dark. I also directed Captain Anderson to procure a skiff and take with him Captain Young, a captured Federal officer, and deliver to Captain Marshall, of the gunboat, the message — copy of which is appended, and numbered 5. All the boats and skiffs having been taken off by citizens escaping from the Fort during the engagement, the message could not be delivered, although every effort was made to induce Captain Marshall to send his boat ashore by raising a white flag, with which Captain Young walked up and down the river, in vain, signalling her to come in, or send out a boat. She finally moved off, and disappeared around the bend above the Fort. General Gilmore withdrew his forces from the Fort before dark, and camped a few miles east of it. On the morning of the thirteenth, I again despatched Captain Anderson to Fort Pillow, for the purpose of placing, if possible, the F
ce, we have had no casualties or incidents of importance. After remaining a few days at Hutchinson the home volunteers were discharged, a parting which I shall never forget. They had endeared themselves to every one of our company, and participated, together with a part of our company, in one of the severest battles of the Indian campaign. In justice to these brave men, who composed quite half of our company, I think it proper to give their names in this connection: Thos. Marshall, James Marshall, George H. Morrison, J. C. Morrison, James Sweeney, A. Laraway, J. A. Wolverton, Wm. C. Allan, Neil McNeil, A. H. Wise, A. Dougherty, J. P. Hale, Edwin Stone, C. D. Harn, D. C. Hawkins, John Greene, A. H. Rose, F. Tippin, J. W. Day, M. R. Thompson, J. C. Higgins, J. H. Perkins, H. A. Smith, A. Frederichs, F. Addicks, George Gemasche, Limon Blondo, C. Cowett, C. H. Douglass, R. C. Rothwick, J. W. Huckings, Joseph Hart, C. Johnson, J. P. Mirch, Robert Muir, G. W. Little, Joel Florida, S. D
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
tz, Jos. P., Wayland, F. H., Christopher S., Weems, A. W. [3 officers, 37 men.] A. W. Utterback, Capt. Commanding Battery. Williams' Battery. Private Wm. S. Wells, Jno. T. Thon, Private Joseph Hoffman, Mayfield Moltz, James Marshall. [5] List of officers and men of the Albemarle Artillery. Capt. C. F. Johnston, 1st Lieut. W. K. Woodbourn, 2d Lieut. W. N. Bibb, Q. M. Sergeant W. R. Burnley, 1st Sergeant J. W. Bellamy, 2d Sergeant Thos. McDaniel, 1st Cor, P. M., Davis, D. N., Dodel, C. G., Eddins, C. C., Gibson, R., Gibson, J. W., Garrison, Wm., Holley, G. D., Houchens, J. F., Houchens, W. T., Houchens, J. C., Head, Q. V., Kelley, G. W., Killcollin, P., Marshall, B., McCallister, B., Merritt, L. T., Moody, R. B., Pace, J. R., Pendleton, Wm., Riner, Jno., Sutton, S. C., Taylor, Jno., Via, G. M., Wood, Eli, Ward, N. T., Walton, G. E. T., Wood, W. R. [3 officers, 45
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