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From East Tennessee. Passengers recently from East Tennessee state that the Yankees who made the late raid into that section had succeeded in reaching Moccasin Pass, some twenty-five miles from Bristol, our forces not having come up in time to attack them. Some censure is attached to Gen. Marshall for not moving with that celerity the occasion demanded. Had he done so, it is believed the enemy might have been easily overtaken. Provision has been made for the conveyance of passengers between the Holston and Watanga rivers in stages, for consequences of which there is but a few hours delay. It is said that energetic measures have been taken for the reconstruction of the destroyed bridges, and that over the Watanga will, perhaps, be completed in about two weeks so as to allow the passage of the trains. The Holston bridge, being a much more extensive structure, will require a longer time.
er bbl. Liquors.--We quote Whiskey at 22.50@25; and Apple Brandy at $20 per gallon. The following prices were obtained at the auction sale of Kent, Paine & Co. to-day: Rio Coffee, $3.95; White Sugar, $1.16@1.18 per lb; Brown 87@97c, as to quality; Green Tea, 10.12; Star Candles. $2.70; Rice, (old,) 9c; Northern Cheese, $2.62 per lb; Essence Coffee, 85, 95, and $1.05 per box; Mustard, $2.62 per box; Domestic do, $5.62 per lb; Preserved Meats, $2.50 per can; Sup Carb Soda. $3.62@3.75; Coppers, 90c; Ground Alum Salt, 25 @30c; Marshall's Liverpool Salt, 36c; Virginia Salt, 19@25c; Cotton Cards, $19 @20 per pair; Cotton Yarns, $8.75@9.50; Country Shoe Thread, $7.75@8.50 per lb; Virginia Matches, $15 per gross; blue head do, $18.25; Powder, $3.75@4.50 per lb; Shot, $1.25@1.50 per lb; "French" Brandy, $25.50 per gallon, No. 1 Cansburgs, 54c; Epsom Salts, $1.40 per lb; Alcohol, $31 per gallon; Alum, 52c per lb; Saltpetre, $2.37 per lb, and other articles in proportion.