Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 31, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Marshall or search for Marshall in all documents.

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Kentucky: The Mt. Sterling Whig gives the particulars of the assault upon Mt. Sterling, on Monday last, by about thirty-five or forty cavalry belonging to Marshall's rebel brigade, under charge of a rebel captain, said by some to be a son of Gen. Marshall himself. They marched into town by the Paris-pike, went to U. S. ComGen. Marshall himself. They marched into town by the Paris-pike, went to U. S. Commissioner Apperson's office and demanded J. A. Bradshaw, late Sheriff of Powell county, who that day was on trial for treason before the Commissioner. Bradshaw was taken, with his gun and accoutrements, the rebels gave three cheers for Jeff. Davis, cursed the National flag which Robert W. Mayhugh keeps all the time floating in fror of three or four hundred strong, at McCormich's, some twenty miles above Mt Sterling, on the State road, for what purpose only themselves know. The Whig adds that, as soon as the roads get good enough to travel, a squadron of Marshall's rebel cavalry propose to take a tour through Powell, Bath, Montgomery and Clark counties.
superior force of the enemy who surprised his cavalry stationed there. Since that time Col. Wharton has been organizing the 50th and 61st regiments and Hennshall's battalion, preparatory to advancing by way of Rocky Gap, and in conjunction with Marshall and Heth marching from different directions, in order to surround the enemy, supposed to be composed of two brigades. One brigade was kept at Princeton, while the other went to the Narrows and took possession of Pearisburg, which Heth so recently drove them from in great confusion. My account of yesterday's proceedings commences with Heth marching from Giles C. H., driving the enemy; Marshall marching from Tazewell C. H.; while Col. Wharton, with 869 men, and the 1st detachment of the Otey battery, having provided his men with three days rations, takes up his line of march from Rocky Gap, Bland county. Your correspondent was one of the latter's command, hence I can only state what came under my observation. The distance (10