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Florida Convention. Tallahassee,, Jan. 21. --The Convention adjourned to-day to meet again at the call of the President. The Hon. S. K. Mallory has been appointed by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate, Judge of Admiralty at Key West, vice Marvin, removed.
From Key West. --From a letter received in this place by a schooner, we learn that at the municipal election recently ordered by the Commander of Fort Taylor to be held at Key West, at which none but those who would swear allegiance to the Lincoln Government were allowed to vote, Judge Marvin was elected Mayor. In his " inaugural" he said that " Jeff. Davis would be hanged as a rebel if taken! " --Tampa (Fla.) Peninsular.
same time presented it to Capt. Scott. He flatly refused to receive the document declaring that he did not recognize the jurisdiction of the United States Court in this case. The Marshal, giving orders to his deputies to remain on board in charge of the property, unless resisted by force of arms, left the vessel. At sunset Captain Scott ordered the deputy and his assistants ashore, threatening them with force if they did not obey. Protesting against his action, they left the ship. Judge Marvin, on learning of the interference of Captain Scott with his officers in the discharge of their duties issued a warrant for his arrest. It was served upon him, but he refused to be arrested, and half an hour after the summons, with his prize in tow, sailed from the port for New York. Soon after the Salvor arrived, Major French sent an officer on board, and arrested James McKay, the former owner of the steamer, Dr. R. H. Barret, of Key West, and Wm. G. Ball, and removed them to Fort Ta