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The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Latest from Europe. --The Asia has arrived at New York, with European dates to the 12th ultimo: Polish affairs remain unchanged. Some American diplomatic correspondence has been published in England, and in Minister Adams's last letter are complaints relative to the Alabama. Mason was still urging the recognition of the South, and claiming the nullity of the blockade. The Emancipation Society of Manchester had sent a protest to Earl Russell against the fitting out of vessels in England for the rebels. Earl Russell replied that evidence on oath was required to enable proceedings to be taken. The ship Prince of Wales, from Melbourne reports that she was boarded on the 22d of February, in latitude 33 degrees, longitude 44 degrees west by the pirate Alabama who reported having destroyed thirty-four Federal vessels during her cruise. Breadstuffs were advancing. Provisions dull. Consols closed at 91¼@92¼. Liverpool Saturday evening, March 14.
[Note.--After we went to press on Monday night the two branches of the Legislature on joint ballot, elected Col John N. Clarkson. Superintendent of the Salt Works. The parties in nomination were J. N. Clarkson, Wm. King, Chas. B. Fiske, and G. R. Mason. The whole number of votes cast on joint ballot was 121 necessary to a choice 61, of which whole number Clerkson received 59. King 31, Fiske 11, and Mason, 6. This result was reported from the House at midnight, when Mr. Armstrong offered ting, Chas. B. Fiske, and G. R. Mason. The whole number of votes cast on joint ballot was 121 necessary to a choice 61, of which whole number Clerkson received 59. King 31, Fiske 11, and Mason, 6. This result was reported from the House at midnight, when Mr. Armstrong offered the following: Resolved, That the session of the General Assembly extended to March 31. (Tuesday) which resolution was adopted, and the House concurring, both branches that in extended session on Tuesday morning.]