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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 44 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 32 2 Browse Search
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 15 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 2 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brown, John, 1744- (search)
gone over the land. The governor of Virginia (Henry A. Wise) was almost crazy with excitement, and declared himself ready to make war on all the free-labor States; and he declared. in a letter to the President (Nov. 25), that he had authority for the belief that a conspiracy to rescue Brown existed in Ohio, Pennsylvania. New York, and other States. Attempts were made to implicate leading Republicans in a scheme for liberating the slaves. A committee of the United States Senate, with James M. Mason, author of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, as its chairman, was appointed to investigate the subject. The result was the obtaining of positive proof that Brown had no accomplices, and only about twenty-five followers. Although Brown's mad attempt to free the slaves was a total failure, it proved to be one of the important events which speedily brought about the result he so much desired. Autobiographical notes: Brown's letter on slavery to his brother Frederick. Randolph, Pa.,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
he Confederates, were stopped.—21. The Confederate Congress, at Montgomery, adjourn to meet at Richmond, July 20.—26. New Orleans blockaded by sloop-of-war Brooklyn.— 27. The ports of Mobile and Savannah blockaded.—June 1. The postal system in the Confederacy put into operation.—10. Forty-eight locomotives, valued at $400,000, belonging to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, were destroyed by the Confederates at Martinsburg, Va.—July 11. The United States Senate expelled from that body James M. Mason, R. M. T. Hunter, T. L. Clingman, Thomas Bragg, Louis T. Wigfall, J. A. Hemphill, Charles B. Mitchell, W. K. Sebastian, and A. O. P. Nicholson, charged with treasonable acts.—25. The governor of New York called for 25,000 more troops.—Aug. 16. Several newspapers in New York presented by the grand jury for hostility to the government.—19. Secretary of State ordered that all persons leaving or entering the United States shall possess a passport. Major Berrett, of Washington,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, National (search)
ection and rebellion; 2. To authorize the employment of volunteers to aid in enforcing the laws and protecting public property; 3. To increase the present military establishment of the United States; 4. To provide for the better organization of the military establishment; 5. To promote the efficiency of the army; 6. For the organization of a volunteer militia force, to be called the National Guard of the United States. At an early day the Senate expelled the following ten Senators: James M. Mason and R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia; Thomas L. Clingman and Thomas Bragg, of North Carolina; James Chestnut, Jr., of South Carolina; A. O. P. Nicholson, of Tennessee; W. K. Sebastian and Charles B. Mitchell, of Arkansas; and John Hemphill and Louis T. Wigfall, of Texas. On July 13 the places of Mason and Hunter were filled by John S. Carlisle and W. J. Willey, appointed by the legislature of reorganized (West) Virginia. On the same day John B. Clark, of Missouri, was expelled from the Ho
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fugitive slave laws. (search)
bv thunders of indignation from their constituents, and when it reached the House it was laid on the table, and was there allowed to die. One of the acts contemplated by Mr. Clay's omnibus bill (q. v.) was for the rendition of fugitive slaves to their owners, under the provision of clause 3, section 2, article 4, of the national Constitution. In September, 1850, a bill to that effect was passed, and became a law by the signature of President Fillmore. The bill was drawn up by Senator James M. Mason, of Virginia, and in some of its features was made very offensive to the sentiments and feelings of the people of the free-labor States. It provided that the master of a fugitive slave, or his agent, might go into any State or Territory of the republic, and, with or without legal warrant there obtained, seize such fugitive, and take him forthwith before any judge or commissioner, whose duty it should be to hear and determine the case. On satisfactory proof being furnished the judge
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mason, James Murray (search)
Mason, James Murray Legislator; born on Mason's Island, Fairfax co., Va., Nov. 3, 1798; graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1818; began the practice to 1839; and United States Senator from 1847 until expelled in July. 1861. Senator Mason was the author of the fugitive slave law (q. v.); an active leader in thee courts of Great Britain and France respectively. These were James M. James Murray Mason. Mason, of Virginia, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, who was deeply interMason, of Virginia, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, who was deeply interested in the scheme for reopening the African slave-trade. These ambassadors, each accompanied by a secretary of legation, left Charleston Harbor on a stormy night by firing a shell across her bow. Then he sent Lieutenant Fairfax, a kinsman of Mason, on board the Trent to demand of the captain the delivery of the ambassadors anso. Lieutenant Greer and a few marines were sent to help Fairfax, who then took Mason by the shoulders and placed him in a boat belonging to the San Jacinto. Then t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Peabody, Selim Hobart 1829- (search)
uesting that Col. James S. Jacques, 78th Illinois Infantry, and James R. Gilmour be allowed to meet Col. Robert Ould, Confederate commissioner for the exchange of prisoners. The reply was satisfactory, and the two Northern commissioners, after meeting Colonel Ould, had an interview with President Davis. The plan proposed by the Northern commissioners was declared by President Davis to be altogether impracticable. Mr. Benjamin, Confederate Secretary of State, in an official letter to James M. Mason, commissioner in Europe, states it was proposed that there should be a general vote of all the people of both federations, the majority of the vote thus taken to determine all disputed questions. President Davis replied that as these proposals had been prefaced by the remark that the people of the North were in the majority, and that the majority ought to govern, the offer was in effect a proposal that the Confederate States should surrender at discretion, admit that they had been wrong
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Trent, the (search)
Trent, the On Nov. 7, 1861, James M. Mason, of Virginia, Confederate envoy to Great Britain, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, accredited to France, embarked at Havana in the British mail steamer Trent for England. The United States steamship San Jacinto, Captain Wilkes, was watching for the Trent in the Bahama channel, 240 miles from Havana, Captain Wilkes having decided, on his own responsibility, to seize the two Confederate envoys. the San Jacinto met the Trent on the forenoon of Nov. 8, signalled her to stop in vain, and then fired a shot across her bow. Her captain unwillingly allowed Mason and Slidell, with their secretaries, to be taken aboard the San Jacinto. Captain Wilkes reached Boston on Nov. 19, and the two ministers were confined in Fort Warren. This seizure was received with favor in the United States, but Great Britain demanded from the government at Washington a formal apology and the immediate release of the prisoners, Lord John Russell instructing the minister
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
mp Dick Robinson, east Kentucky......Sept. 10, 1861 Siege and surrender of Lexington, Mo........Sept. 11-20, 1861 Bowling Green, Ky., occupied by the Confederates......Sept. 18, 1861 Gen. O. M. Mitchel assumes command of the Department of the Ohio......Sept. 21, 1861 Gen. William T. Sherman supersedes General Anderson in the Department of the Cumberland......Oct. 8, 1861 Gen. O. M. Mitchel organizes an expedition for the occupation of east Tennessee......Oct. 10, 1861 James M. Mason, of Virginia, John Slidell, of Louisiana, Confederate envoys to Great Britain and France, run the blockade of Charleston Harbor, S. C., in the steamship Theodora, on the night of......Oct. 12, 1861 Battle of Ball's Bluff, Va.......Oct. 21, 1861 General Scott retires, aged seventy-five......Nov. 1, 1861 Gen. David Hunter, U. S. A., relieves General Fremont at St. Louis, Mo.......Nov. 2, 1861 Battle of Belmont, Mo.......Nov. 7, 1861 British royal mail-contract packet Trent l
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
ry of War, Feb. 6, the Civil War is opened by a shell fired from the howitzer battery on James Island at 4.30 A. M. Friday.......April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter evacuated by Major Anderson......April 14, 1861 United States steam-frigate Niagara begins the blockade of Charleston Harbor, May 11; captures the English ship General Parkhill......May 13, 1861 Governor Pickens proclaims that all persons remitting money to pay debts due in the North are guilty of treason......June 6, 1861 James M. Mason, of Virginia, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, leave Charleston on the Confederate steamer Theodora for Europe to represent the Confederate government......Oct. 12, 1861 Twenty-five vessels of the great Southern expedition anchor off Port Royal......Nov. 4, 1861 Federals capture Forts Walker and Beauregard, Port Royal......Nov. 7, 1861 Confederate privateer Isabel runs the blockade at Charleston, avoiding eleven United States vessels......Dec. 27, 1861 Gen. David Hunter decl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
May 23. Meanwhile the whole military force of Virginia had been placed under the control of the Confederate States of America. Nearly the whole State was under the control of the military authority. At the time appointed for the vote, Senator James M. Mason, author of the fugitive slave law, addressed a letter to the people. declaring that the ordinance of secession absolved them from all allegiance to the United States; that they were bound to support the sacred pledge made to the Confedergh23d to 24th1834 to 1836 Richard E. Parker24th to 25th1836 to 1837 William C. Rives24th to 29th1836 to 1845 William H. Roane25th to 27th1837 to 1841 William S. Archer27th to 30th1841 to 1847 Isaac S. Pennybacker29th to 30th1845 to 1847 James M. Mason29th to 37th1847 to 1861 Robert M. T. Hunter30th to 37th1847 to 1861 John S. Carlile37th1861 Waiteman T. Willey37th1861 to 1863 John J. Bowden38th1863 to 1864 39th and 40th Congresses vacant. John W. Johnston41st1870 to 1883 John F. Lew