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Government, if it be not restrained by fear, will institute a war of total extermination against the Confederate States, and that massacre will be added to pillage, in all its future operations. They already threaten to hang Messrs. Slidell and Mason, if we hang Corcoran and Cogswell, and they hope by this threat to accomplish the murder of our privateersmen without the risk of retaliation. That is a fearful mistake, and if pushed home, It may produce consequences at which the whole world will stand aghast. The people of the Confederate States admire Messrs. Slidell and Mason. They place a high value upon them for the services they have already rendered, and for the promise their lives afford of greater usefulness hereafter. But they will not purchase their safety by yielding one much of their just prerogative. If the privateersmen should be executed, they will retaliate, though it cost half a million of lives. It rests with the Yankees, then, to inaugurate a reign of horror,
ol. Moore, of the Home Guards, was shot dead while standing at the window of the Court House in Memphis, Scotland co., on Monday last. Col. Moore has offered a reward of $1,000 for the apprehension of the assassin. The arrest of Slidell and Mason. oit, Nov. 27. --A communication in the Free Press, of this morning, understood to have been written by Gen. Cass, not only justifies the arrest of Mason and Slidell, but shows that it was in strict accordance with the position of the GovMason and Slidell, but shows that it was in strict accordance with the position of the Government upon the right of search question as maintained in the correspondence with the British Government in 1868. The rebel blockade of the lower Potomac Ineffective. Washington, Nov. 27. --The rebel blockade of the Potomac does not seem to have been Vigorously this week, as various ves sels have arrived here with cargoes of coal, wood, and other domestic supplies. There is no news from below this morning. The steamer Wyandank is taking in stores for the flotilla, a
The Mason and Slidell case. --The New York Albion, organ of the British interest in New York, has a long editorial in relation to the arrest of Mason and Slidell, which the New York papers regard as giving a clue to the ground of complaint that the English may assert. The Albion admit that "a belligerent may stop and search any merchant vessel any where at sea, on suspicion that the latter may be, in whole or in part, employed in the enemy's service," The offence in the present case conss dissolves into thinnest air. We admit the unquestioned right of belligerents to visit and search neutral merchant ships; the Trent is a public vessel. An enemy's ambassador may, unquestionably, be stopped upon the high sea; Alesers Slidell and Mason are not ambassadors. Private ships fraudulcutly carrying dispatches (says Sir W. Scott, the word italicised being conveniently omitted just now by all the American commentators,) are subject to confiscation; the Trent was not fraudulently carry