Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mason or search for Mason in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], Sermen by Rev. Dr. Cheever on the Masen and Sildell Affair.[From the New York Herald, Jan. 1.] (search)
on the slave that Heaven would now recognise the right of any nation to trample upon us. The preacher would call the attention of the audience for a moment to Mason and Slidell — leading traitors and rebels, he was going to say — now in our power. He had meditated on this subject during his recent visit to Toronto, where he h God and all civilized nations they were worthy of death. The course of dignity and honor, and justice before God and man, would have been to have apprehended Mason and Slidell, immediately and solemnly have tried them for the crime of high treason, and if their complicity in this vast conspiracy had been fully proven, they shce with two rounds of applause,) It was God-appointed justice. It was justice already allotted by the Government to the slaver, Captain Gordon, and why should not Mason and Slidell meet the same fate? The crimes of the author of the Fugitive Slave Law were against the race those of Capt. Gordon only against individuals. It was n
does not work apparantly as well as "our friends" beyond the Potomac anticipated. I would like to receive the Dispatch, but I fear even if sent your correspondent will be about the last person in Savannah entitled by the Post-Office here to read it. It is bought very generally, and is to be found some miles out in the various camps, where information from Virginia is eagerly sought for. I will reserve some little for the next letter I send you, but will conclude by alluding to the late surrender of Mason and Slidell. We were sorry in one moment and rejoiced in the next that England's demands were not fully met by the base and cowardly wretches at Wasuington. When the next item of news in received in England of another violation of her flag and seizure of mere political offenders without official status, we have little doubt that not ninety days will elapse when she will be thundering at the doors of the Northern States so loud that every denizen will hear it. Mercury.
lockade off Charleston harbor on the night of December 29, having previously made several ineffectual attempts. Newspaper Opinions Regarding the surrender of Mason and Slidell. From the Maryland News Sheet, of the 3d inst., we clip the following: The Montreal Gazette speaks of the surrender of Mason and Slidell as aMason and Slidell as a bitter humiliation for the Federal Government Had the British Ministry been guilty of so blundering a piece of statesmanship, the Gazette says that "the Cabinet would have been broken up, and its members ignominiously kicked out of their places." The Providence Post declares that the surrender of the prisoners "cannot fail tot in Administration circles. Apprehensions are felt that demands may still be made which will test the national spirit quite as offensively as the requisition for Mason and Slidell and the more Mr. Seward's letter is examined, the less likely it appears to be a final settlement of that affair. General McClellan's immediate re
The Southern cause Abread. The dispatches from Europe recently received by the Government were written prior to the reception in England of the news of the capture of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. They represent the feeling in France and England as very favorable to the cause of the Confederate States.