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Fairfax C H. Va. --Private D. C. Mayo, company D, 1st Regiment Virginia Volunteers, arrived from the above place yesterday evening, and reports all well. Any letters or small packages for members of his company carried to the Central Railroad Depot, on Monday morning, will be taken by him directly to them.
Company "F." --Private D. C. Mayo arrived in this city yesterday evening per Central Railroad, from Gen. Lee's headquarters, in the Northwest, and immediately from Company F's quarters. The members of the corps are all well except some cases of rheumatism. They desire that their friends in Richmond will remember that winter is near at hand, and anything in the way of flannel shirts, drawers and shoes are particularly needed at this time, as they have had one severe frost there already. Any box sent to them directed to Millboro' Depot, care of Col. Gilham, 21st Virginia Regiment, Valley Mountain, will be sent on. Small packages, as far as possible, should be aggregated so as to save trouble in handling them.
Sons of temperance. --The Grand Division of the State of Virginia meets in this city tomorrow. It is expected that some interesting and important business, in connection with the organisation of the National Division of the Confederate States of America, will be transacted. The representatives will be entertained on Thursday night at Spring field Hall, on Church. Hill, when doubtless that the temperance men will have a merry time without the "delights of Bacchus." At a meeting of Hutcheson Division, No. 63, S of T., held on Saturday night last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter; T. Cropper, W. P; Jas. Walford, W. A; J. F. Suipes, R. S, M. J. Mussen, A. R. S; D. C. Mayo, F. S., Jos. R. Keiningham, T. R. Atkison; C; C. B. Tennant, A. C.; Jas. Atkison, L. S. W. Steward, G. S; Jos. R. Keiningham, Chaplain. We are glad to witness evidences of vitality in this useful organization at a time when dissipation claims an unusual number of victims.