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High water. --The river rose several feet yesterday, and last evening there was every probability that it would continue to rise throughout the night. The heavy rains, together with the melting snow, have produced a freshet more formidable than any that has occurred here for years. All the islands in this neighborhood are overflowed, some of them entirely, leaving only the tree-tops to mark their locality. On Mayo's Island a large force was at work, yesterday, endeavoring to secure the timber, which was in danger from the surrounding flood. The water at Rocketts was nearly up to Main street, and business operations at the lower wharves were suspended. All the mills on the Manchester side stopped running. At the falls, the rushing and surging of the waters presented a view of much grandeur, and below Mayo's bridge the broad expanse of the river, bearing on its surface a vast quantity of drift lumber and logs, was spectacle altogether unusual for this vicinity.
"F" Company, 1st Regiment Va. Volunteers. This favorite company, as our readers already know, is in the field, performing active service. By the promotion of its commandant, its leading personnel has been changed. We append a list of the entire corps: Officers--Captain, R. H. Cunningham; 2d Lieutenant, Edw'd Mayo; 3d Lieutenant, P A. Welford; 1st Sergeant, Henry T. Miller 2d Sergeant, Jas. A. Pizzini; 3d Sergeant, E. G. Rawlings; 4th Sergeant, John Tyler 1st Corporal, Thos. Ellett; 2d Corporal, M Lewis Randolph; 3d Corporal, Jesse Child; 4th Corporal, S. King; 1st Surgeon, T. B. Cunningham; Assistant Surgeon, P. Lyons. Privates — H. V. Anderson, Archer Anderson, Dr. J. H. Anderson, Wm. S. Archer, E. W. Ayres, Geo. C. Baughman, Chas C. Baughman, David Bridges, R. M. Bridges, Henry Bullington, H. Beers, R. Alonzo Brock, J. M. Binford, R. E. Binford, Ira Blunt, W. C. Barker, J. W. Chapman, M. T. Clarke, L. A. Cocke, Dr. John Clopton, A. C. Cole, J. A. Craig, H. D. D
, and the troops composing it, debarred from communication with their homes, are thrown upon the generosity of their brethren. It is gratifying to note the abundant and cheerful response given to the claims of these brave patriots by our fellow-citizens, notwithstanding the numerous calls of a similar character that have been made upon their liberallty. The receipts following are at present deposited with Mr. J. L. Reeve, at the store of Messrs. Yancey & Harrison; A. K. Johnson, $5; Edw'd Mayo; 5; J. A. Inloes, 5; Yancey & Harrison, 10; Cash, 5; Miles Seldon, 2; Geo. Whitfield, 25; a lady, (Mrs. J. G. B.,) 2; Miss Josephine elecon, 2; N. C. Barton, 2; Cash 5; Alfred Moses, 5; R. W. Powers, 5; P. H. Starke 5; Jno. Blair, 5; Purcell, Ladd & Co., 50; Richardson & Co., 5; Christian & Lamrop, 10; R. C. Howe, 5; E. Gathrigut, 5; Bulkley & Co., 5; Jas. Woodhouse & Co., 5; John T. Gray, 5; P. J. Wright, 5; H. T., 1; J. R. F., 1; W. K. Watts, 5; J. W. handolph, 10; R. L. Dickinson, 5; mi