Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. A. Mayo or search for R. A. Mayo in all documents.

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More arrests — Origin of the Hatteras expedition. New York, Aug. 29. --Wm. Patrick, a Wall street broker, was sent to Fort Lafayette today. Ellis B. Schnabel was also sent to Fort Lafayette by a Connecticut Marshal, charged with preaching secession, advocating peace, and other treasonable doctrines. David Wilmot, author of the Wilmot Proviso, is reported to be dying from a cancer in the stomach. The Commercial to-day says that the Captain of a Maine vessel, captured by a privateer in Mayo, had escaped, and brought valuable information regarding the fortifications at Hatteras Inlet. The same paper says: "Doubtless are this he has guided a naval expedition there, which will operate in the reduction of the batteries."
Ten Dollars reward. --I will give the above reward for the return to me, or for such information as will lead to the arrest of a Negro Boy, named Horace. He is of medium size, of yellow or copper color, and has light-colored eyes. I think he has either gone to Manassas with some regiment of soldiers, or is lurking about some campground near the city. He was hired to R. A. Mayo for the present year by E. D. Eacho. W. B. Martin, At S. M. Bailey's Tobacco Factory. au 26--1w