nf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 3, 1864.
Lynch, Maurice,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Lyon, Charles H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Ashland, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Lyon, Marcus E.,24th Mass. Inf.,Deep Run, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864.
Lyons, Martin,19th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
McAlpin, Francis,19th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864.
McAndrews, Edward,16th Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg Road, Va.,June 18, 1862.
McAndrews, John, Musician,56th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,July 6, 1864.
McAuley, Daniel,3d Mass. Cav.,Bayou Jack, La.,May 1863.
McBrian, William,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
McCabe, Thomas, 2d,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864.
McCabe, William H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Deep Bottom, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864.
McCafferty, James E., Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
McCalray, George B.,59th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
McCammon, James,2d Mass. Cav.,Dranesville, Va.,Feb. 22, 1864.
McCann, James, Corp.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wildern
nf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 3, 1864.
Lynch, Maurice,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Lyon, Charles H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Ashland, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Lyon, Marcus E.,24th Mass. Inf.,Deep Run, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864.
Lyons, Martin,19th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
McAlpin, Francis,19th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864.
McAndrews, Edward,16th Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg Road, Va.,June 18, 1862.
McAndrews, John, Musician,56th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,July 6, 1864.
McAuley, Daniel,3d Mass. Cav.,Bayou Jack, La.,May 1863.
McBrian, William,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
McCabe, Thomas, 2d,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864.
McCabe, William H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Deep Bottom, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864.
McCafferty, James E., Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
McCalray, George B.,59th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
McCammon, James,2d Mass. Cav.,Dranesville, Va.,Feb. 22, 1864.
McCann, James, Corp.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wildern
Lynch, Maurice, 388
Lynch, Michael, 467
Lynch, T. C., 531
Lynch, Thomas, 467
Lynch, William, 467
Lynde, L. F., 20
Lynell, Shubael, 531
Lynshey, Dennis, 532
Lyon, C. H., 388
Lyon, E. V., 493
Lyon, J. A., 467
Lyon, M. E., 388
Lyons, Ebenezer, 532
Lyons, Martin, 388
Lysingen, G. W., 532
McAllister, George, 532
McAllister, J., 532
McAllister, Robert, 119, 128
McAlpin, Francis, 388
McAndrews, Edward, 388
McAndrews, John, 388
Macarthur, Arthur, Jr., 105
McAuley, Daniel, 388
McBrian, William, 388
McBridge, Martin, 467
McCabe, Thomas, 2d., 388
McCabe, W. H., 388
McCafferty, J. E., 54, 388
McCaffry, John, 532
McCalray, G. B., 388
McCammon, James, 388
McCann, James, 388
McCanna, John, 388
McCarten, James, 532
McCarter, Charles, Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A., 388
McCarter, Charles, Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A., 532
McCarthy, C. B., 563
McCarthy, Charles, 388
McCarthy, Thomas F., 388
McCarthy, Timothy F., 467
McCartney, W. H., 75, 92, 93, 95, 109, 11
y 26, 1865, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
George F. Lord, Cambridge, 21, s; clerk.
Dec. 31, 1864.
M. O. Sept. 28, 1865.
William J. Lowery, Springfield, s, 19; mechanic.
Dec. 31, 1864.
M. O. Sept. 28, 1865.
James Mahan, Pembroke, Me. 18. Nov. 27, 1861.
Trans. to Co. I, 30th Mass. Vol. Dec. 1861.
Morris March, Lowell, 21, s; operative.
Nov. 27, 1861.
At M. O. Roll date Dec. 5, 1864, reported absent sick.
Benjamin B. Mayberry, Lowell, 36. Nov. 30, 1861.
Disch. Dec. 1861.
Daniel McAULEY, Gloucester, 26; fisherman.
Nov. 20, 1861.
Killed in action, May, 1863, Bayou Jack, La.
Joel McCALEB, Gloucester, 19, s; fisherman.
Nov. 25, 1861.
Disch. disa. June, 1862, New Orleans, La.
John W. McCRACKEN, Boston, 25, m; shoemaker.
Nov. 18, 1861.
M. O. Dec. 5, 1864.
John McDONALD, Boston, 23, m; carpenter.
Dec. 3, 1861.
Disch. and promoted to be 2nd Lieut. 2nd Regt. Louisiana Vol. Inf. Aug. 1862.
Resigned March 16, 1865.
James McGRAVEY, Springfield, 25, s; laborer.