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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John C. McCabe or search for John C. McCabe in all documents.
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Assault and battery.
--Thomas Collier and Mike Walsh alias Nelson, were yesterday arraigned before the Mayor for assaulting and beating, a few days since, T. V. Ramos, a Portuguese barber, living on Main street. The Rev. John C. McCabe testified that the day on which the difficulty occurred he was walking in the direction of the basin, at the foot of 9th street, when he was met by Ramos running towards him, appealing for protection from a party of young men who were in close pursuit.
He (the witness) expostulated and told them it was a pity to beat an old man like that, more especially as he was a cripple.
Walsh replied, "D — n you, I'll strike you." McC.'s reply was, "I am a clergyman, sir," whereupon the same party said he "didn't care who he was." The witness then replied that he (Walsh) was a "cowardly scoundrel." Ramos was after wards kicked and cuffed about considerably, until an officer arrived and took the attacking party in custody.
There being-no positive evidence t