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The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Executive appointments. (search)
Rich Copper ore.
The Senator from Grayson, &c., Col. McCamant, has deposited in our office a very rich specimen — sulphuret — of copper ore from the Peach Bottom Mines, of his district.
The copper deposit of that region is exceedingly rich and very extensive.
It promises great wealth to those who may operate it with that prudence taught by experienc
The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Pen-and-ink portraits of Major and Mrs. Yelvrerton . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], The trade of Charleston since Secession. (search)
House of Delegates.
Friday, March 29, 1861.
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock by the Speaker.
The State Prison.--The following resolution was offered by Mr. McCamant:
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Penitentiary furnish this House, with the amount of labor performed by the convicts employed on the Public Square, including other expenses incident thereto, the value of materials furnished, and labor expended, in repairs and permanent improvements to the Peni ures, &c., of the institution of last year over and above the amount of the year preceding, and the value of any other work, materials or clothing, furnished under the requisitions of law for any other purpose.
In offering the resolution, Mr. McCamant said he was induced so to do because there was now pending on the table a bill for the lease of the State's Prison, and it seemed to him eminently proper that some information should be first had, before acting definitely thereon.
House of Delegates. Tuesday, Dec. 3.
The House met at 12 o'clock, M.
Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Reed, of the Presbyterian Church.
The Speaker appointed the following select committee, on motion of Mr. Barbour, relative to certain vacant seats in the House: Messrs. Forbes, McCamant, Hunter, Burks, Steger, Baskerville, Sanders, of Franklin, and Richardson.
Petitions presented.
By Mr. Robertson--Memorial of the City Council of Richmond, asking that their issue of small notes may be legalized.
By Mr. Steger--Of Retry R. Jones, Clerk of the Penitentiary, asking an increase of salary.
Several other petitions of a private character were presented.
The Danville railroad connexion.
On motion of Mr. Buford, it was
Resolved, That a select committee of five be appointed to confer with the proper authorities of the Confederate Government in relation to the construction of a railroad between the town of Danville, Virginia, and the town of Greensboro',