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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 286 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 238 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 188 0 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 147 3 Browse Search
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army 138 0 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 97 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: September 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 87 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 75 1 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 71 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1862., [Electronic resource] 38 0 Browse Search
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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 4: details of the battle of Manassas. (search)
ed that the whole army was disorganized, and so utterly demoralized that it would have fled on the very first cry that the rebels are coming, but if General McDowell and his officers are to be believed, there still remained on the southern bank of the Potomac a considerable force in fighting condition. Miles' division had not been engaged and Runyon's had not reached Centreville when the battle took place. Besides a considerable force had been retained in Washington under Mansfield. McClellan states in his report, that, when he assumed command on the 27th of July, the infantry in and around Washington numbered 50,000, and this was much larger than our whole force was after the reinforcements had reached us subsequent to the battle. The strength of our army at this time, as well as on all other occasions, has been greatly exaggerated even by Southern writers; its organization was very imperfect, many of the troops not being brigaded. If we had advanced, Alexandria would pro
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 5: operations along Bull Run. (search)
d Munson's Hills, in close proximity to the enemy's main line on the south of the Potomac. McClellan had succeeded McDowell, in command of the Federal Army opposed to us, and that army was being left above that point. We proceeded at once to fortify the whole line from right to left. McClellan's report shows that the troops under his command in and about Washington, including those on for an advance. The whole force under General Johnston's command did not exceed one-third of McClellan's, though the latter has estimated our force on the Potomac in the month of October at not lesing with the transportation of the troops sent by me from Lynchburg in May and June, 1861. McClellan in his report assumes that the evacuation of the line of Bull Run, was in consequence of his pne against the immense force which it was known had been concentrated at and near Washington. McClellan's statement of his own force shows that his troops, including those in Maryland and Delaware,
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 6: manoeuvring on the Peninsula. (search)
th of April. After the abandonment of the line of Bull Run by our troops, McClellan had moved the greater part of his army to the Peninsula, and by the 4th of Ap force which did not exceed in effective men 7,000 or 8,000. Upon this force McClellan advanced with his immense army, when Magruder fell back to the line of Warwic Yorktown on York River across James River, and checked the enemy's advance. McClellan then sat down before the fortifications at Yorktown and along Warwick River a; so that Magruder's force now amounted to 20,000 men and officers for duty. McClellan, in a telegram to President Lincoln, dated the 7th of April, says: Your telegf April his approaches in our front had assumed very formidable appearances. McClellan, in his report, states the strength of his army as follows: present for duty,n. Nothing but the extreme boldness of Magruder and the excessive caution of McClellan had arrested the march of the latter across this part of the line in the firs
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 7: battle of Williamsburg. (search)
ents on this force was one of the most brilliant of the war, and its character was such as to elicit applause even from the newspaper correspondents from the enemy's camps. Had one of the brigades which had come up to the position from which mine advanced been ordered up to the support of Colonel McRae, the probability is that a very different result would have taken place, and perhaps Hancock's whole force would have been captured, as its route for retreat was over a narrow mill-dam. McClellan, in a telegraphic dispatch at the time, reported that my command had been repulsed by a real bayonet charge, and he reiterates the statement in his report, that Hancock repulsed the troops opposed to him by a bayonet charge, saying: Feigning to retreat slowly, he awaited their onset, and then turned upon them: after some terrific volleys of musketry he charged them with the bayonet, routing and dispersing their whole force. This statement is entirely devoid of truth. My regiments were no
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 8: battles around Richmond. (search)
d McDowell from being sent to the support of McClellan with his force of 40,000 men) had been orderd for the purpose of uniting in an attack on McClellan's lines. The following correspondence shoy of War. Washington, June 25, 2.35. Major General McClellan: We have no definite information aat city, until he was in position to fall on McClellan's rear and left. Having started on my rehe battle of Malvern Hill, the whole army of McClellan was concentrated at a very strong position, o armies had thus confronted each other. McClellan's army, however, was so situated that each pained by either army from the battle, though McClellan made good the retreat of his shattered army ions moved around to the left and approached McClellan's new position by the road leading from Longgh it had not resulted in the destruction of McClellan's army as General Lee had desired, and the aup the roads and destroying bridges. General McClellan, it must be confessed, displayed conside[6 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Run. (search)
Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Run. After McClellan had been safely housed at his new base on James River, Major General John Pope, of the United States Army, made his appearance in Northern Virginia, between the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers, at the head of an army called the Army of Virginia, and composed of the corps of McDowell, Banks, and Fremont, the latter being then under Sigel. General Pope issued a vain-glorious address to his troops, in which he declared that he had never seen anything of the rebels but their backs; and he talked largely about making his headquarters in the saddle, and looking out for the means of advancing, without giving thought to the lines of retreat, which were to be left to take care of themselves. He certainly was producing great commotion in the poultry yards of the worthy matrons, whose sons and husbands were absent in the service of their country, when General Lee sent Stonewall Jackson to look after the redoubtable warrior. After remain
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
e Federal Capital now assumed a fearful shape, and McClellan was ordered to remove his army from Harrison's Lann from the North Carolina coast on his way to join McClellan on James River, having been previously diverted frannock. The following correspondence taken from McClellan's report is interesting, as it exhibits the bewilderal authorities and the hallucination under which McClellan himself continued to labor in regard to the strengces: Washington, July 30, 1862, 8 P. M. Major General G. B. Mcclellan: A dispatch just received from Generaal. Washington, July 31, 1862, 10 A. M. Major General G. B. McClellan: General Pope again telegraphs that tor General. The execution of the order given to McClellan on the 3rd of August for the evacuation of his bason the road Washington, August 6, 1862. Major General G. B. McClellan: You will immediately send a regimen following is an extract of letter from Halleck to McClellan, dated the 6th of August, 1862, explaining the rea
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 11: capture of Manassas Junction. (search)
Chapter 11: capture of Manassas Junction. On the same morning I had crossed the river, Stuart, with a portion of his cavalry, after crossing the river above, had made a raid to Catlett's Station and upon Pope's headquarters at Warrenton Junction, and among other things had captured Pope's dispatch book. The captured correspondence showed that Pope was being reinforced from the Kanawha Valley and also from McClellan's army, and General Lee determined to send General Jackson to the enemy's rear, to cut the railroad, so as to destroy his communications and bring on a general engagement before the whole of the approaching reinforcements could arrive. Jackson's wing of the army was put in motion early on the morning of the 25th, with no wagons but the ordnance and medical wagons, and with three days rations in haversacks, for a cavalry raid with infantry. Moving with Ewell's division in front, we crossed the river at Hinson's Mill above Waterloo bridge, and marched by a smal
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 14: affair at Ox Hill or Chantilly. (search)
ps under Reno, one brigade of Sturgis' division from Alexandria, and the following troops from McClellan's army: Heintzelman's corps, Porter's corps, and the division of Pennsylvania reserves commandme of the affair at Ox Hill he had been further reinforced by Franklin's and Sumner's corps of McClellan's army, leaving but one corps of that army (Keyes') which had not reached him. His consolidate of 46,858 before he was joined by any of those reinforcements and in the letter of Halleck to McClellan, dated the 6th of August, Pope's army is stated to be about 40,000. In a telegram from Halleck to McClellan, dated the 12th of August, Burnside's force is stated to be nearly 13,000. General Lee's army at the time of these battles near Manassas consisted of Jackson's wing of the army in Richmond during the battles,--had been left for the protection of that city until the whole of McClellan's force moved from James River. When that event was fully ascertained, Hill's and McLaw's
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 16: battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam. (search)
their assistance, now approaching under General McClellan. General Hill had been attacked on the 1he slight works, made mostly of rails, which McClellan saw after the battle, were made on the 18th army had belonged to the army which opposed McClellan in the battles around Richmond, except EvansPope's rear, as he did not have a command in McClellan's army, and it is well known that Banks alwa 20,000, might be misled by this estimate of McClellan's, or Banks', might well be believed, but thomplimentary to the people of the North. McClellan had stated that the troops in and about Washood's two brigades, and Evans' brigade, that McClellan's army had been hurled on the morning of the will appear from the following extract from McClellan's report. He says: One division of Sumner's64 men were separated from their command. McClellan was not able to renew the attack on the 18th 22nd (Part II, Conduct of the War, p. 495), McClellan said: When I was assigned to the command of [10 more...]