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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
rn fighter — as aggressive, pugnacious and tenacious as a bull-dog, or as any soldier in the service, and he had a sort of monomania on the subject of personal courage. It is certainly worthy of note that this fighting zeal is so frequently combined with a high degree of spiritual religion. Almost countless stories are told of the grim courage and grit of General Hill. In the first Maryland campaign he held the pass at Boonsboro for many hours with a mere handful of troops against McClellan's overwhelming numbers, thus giving time for Jackson to complete his capture of Harper's Ferry and join Lee at Sharpsburg. It is said that toward the close of the Boonsboro fight, riding down his short line, his men reported that they were out of ammunition, and that the stern old North Carolina Puritan replied: Well, what of it? Here are plenty of rocks! His habit was, when his skirmishers were firing wildly, to ride out among them, and if he noticed a man lying down or behind protec
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
a Campaign. Reenlistment and reorganization in the spring of 1862 Gen. McClellan the Peninsula lines the Texans the battle of Williamsburg the mud. he line of march for the Peninsula, whither we were ordered to repair to meet McClellan. Only two things of interest occurred on the way — the reenlistment and reort post, with rank of major. We seemed to be in no sort of hurry to get at McClellan; that is, we took our time on the road, feeling sure, from past experience, taphic sentence, Accustomed in peace to the indecent haste of railroad travel, McClellan adopted in war the sedate tactics of the mud turtle. He certainly did seem tides, it accomplished its limited purpose, which upon our part was to let General McClellan see that it would not be well for him to seriously interfere with or moler have been designed for permanent occupation. It is obvious, I say, that McClellan did learn the lesson we intended; for after Williamsburg our army was allowed
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
ed and took our places in the outer line of defenses of Richmond, McClellan at first establishing his lines behind the Chickahominy-his base nfederate side probably contributed to delay a general advance by McClellan, thus giving time for Lee to get thorough hold upon his army, to was now hovering, hawk fashion, somewhere over beyond and back of McClellan's right flank. We next showed him the disparity in numbers, MMcClellan, by his own report, dated June 20, 1862, six days before the fighting began, having Present for duty one hundred and five thousand ey, on the left of the troops from Richmond and further in rear of McClellan's right flank; our combined forces driving his right wing--which he Federal army and the Confederate capital. And when at last McClellan succeeded in getting all of his hard-pressed troops across to thehe Chickahominy to defend the capital, to occupy the attention of McClellan's troops on this side, and to prevent their recrossing to the aid
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 9: Malvern Hill and the effect of the Seven Days battles (search)
tillery fire demoralization of Lee's Army McClellan will be gone by daylight the weight of Leenfederate cares to say anything about it. If McClellan had done nothing else in the seven days to s foe, that never got into action at all, and McClellan was permitted to reach and occupy the stronghis way and thus delayed the attack and gave McClellan further time for his dispositions. And whenand due to a defeat then acknowledged by General McClellan himself. The fighting, however, was great degree to the successful stand made by McClellan's retreating army at Malvern Hill. I hav made to understand what was wanted he said: McClellan and his army will be gone by daylight, and wn said and implied turn out to be true, that McClellan was thinking only of escape, and never dreamfortified by an adequate Federal force, and McClellan's army was, for the first time, safe from suhis leaving but 28,000 of 80,000 men between McClellan and Richmond, and with the other 52,000 cros[8 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
ready. Therefore I saw nothing of the campaigns against Pope in Virginia and McClellan in Maryland, and if I am to keep to the general line of reminiscence I must irginia ever made. This will readily appear when we recall the fact that General McClellan in his official report says that he had actually present for duty on the that General Lee remained on the field all the day following the battle; that McClellan did not attack him, and states in his testimony before the Committee on the CVirginia, of which I am not able to say quorum pars fui. And, first, that General McClellan's part in all this campaign appears to have been greatly to his credit an clear Northern soil of invasion. But one incident must not be forgotten: McClellan was inspired and enabled to march with such unwonted speed, to move with suchf course just how our force was divided. There is no doubt as to the facts. McClellan recites them in his testimony above referred to, p. 440, and speaks of the ef
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 21: Cold Harbor of 1864. (search)
ldings felled and scattered by artillery gun wheels cut down by musketry bronze guns Splotched and Pitted like smallpox epitome of the Campaign of 1864 maneuvering of no avail against Lee's Army did that Army make Lee, or Lee that Army? There were two battles at Cold Harbor, one in 1862 and one in 1864. In 1862 the Confederates attacked and drove the Federals from their position; in 1864 the Federals attacked, but were repulsed with frightful slaughter. It is undisputed that both McClellan's army and Grant's outnumbered Lee's,--Grant's overwhelmingly,--and it is asserted that the position occupied by the Federals in 1862 and the Confederates in 1864 was substantially the same. We were in line of battle at Cold Harbor of 1864. from the 1st to the 12th of June-say twelve days; the battle proper did not last perhaps that many minutes. In some respects, at least, it was one of the notable battles of history-certainly in its brevity measured in time, and its length measured
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
, 28 Longstreet, James: mentioned, 106- 107, 122-24, 188, 231, 272, 274, 340; troops of, 41, 59, 127, 192, 219; wounded at Wilderness, 246-48. Louisa Court House, Va., 90 Louisiana Guard Artillery, 197 Louisiana Infantry: 9th Regiment, 212-13. Louisiana Tigers, 80-81, 172, 201 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford, 34 Lutherans, 206 McCarthy, Daniel Stephens, 294-96. McCarthy, Edward S.: family of, 294- 96; mentioned, 74, 85, 95, 159-60, 229, 260, 271, 291, 293-96. McClellan, George Brinton, 74, 79, 88-89, 92-95, 101-104, 106-108, 125-26, 285 McDowell, Battle of, 218 McDaniel, Henry Dickerson, 220-21. McGowan, Samuel, 57-58. McGuire, Hunter Holmes, 105, 245-46, 351 McLaws, Lafayette: described, 223; mentioned, 129, 165, 168-69, 173- 79, 182, 192, 222-24, 231, 270 Machine guns, 76-77. Magruder, John Bankhead, 75, 79-80, 94-97, 102, 107, 160 Mahone, William, 311 Malvern Hill, 41, 96-97, 101-18, 130, 146, 309 Manassas, Va.: first battle of, 41, 4