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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the American army. (search)
nsciousness of its prowess, an experience in the art of war which proved beneficial to all the regular army, and which was not lost in the great struggle of 1861. It was among the young generation who learned their trade so well under Scott, that both Federals and Confederates sought the leaders to whom they confided the control of their respective armies. Thus, to mention some names we shall find again presently in every page of this narrative, it was at the siege of Vera Cruz that Lee, McClellan, and Beauregard, all three officers of engineers, made together their debut in arms. Lee, who, through his ability as a staff officer, soon afterward gained the entire confidence of General Scott, directed at Cerro Gordo and Contreras the construction of the roads which secured the victorious movements of the army. After his name, which was destined to a much greater celebrity, those of Sumner and of Kearny, both serving in the small corps of dragoons which had such a hard task to perfor
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—secession. (search)
n maintaining communications between Pennsylvania and the Central States. This was more than sufficient to rouse the latter and justify their intervention. General McClellan, who was employing his rare organizing talents in forming an army on the borders of the Ohio, ordered the occupation of the little town of Wheeling, situated of them again occupied Romney, and destroyed the bridge of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway at New Creek; they thus cut off all communication between Wallace and McClellan, who had come to Grafton on the 23d to prepare for the serious campaign, of which West Virginia was to witness the inauguration fifteen days later. But althoughhio, Indiana, and Illinois, united under the auspices of a free association, organized a provisional army, and had the good fortune to entrust its command to Captain McClellan, whom the regard of his former companions in arms had unanimously designated for that arduous position. Thanks to his exertions, this preliminary organiza
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
fferent epochs of the war. In October, 1862, McClellan being desirous to move his quarters from thermy provided for three more. So that, while McClellan had only provisions for ten days at the utmoions to which, since the early part of July, McClellan had given a fresh impulse in West Virginia. of the troops who occupied it. This was what McClellan determined to do as soon as he had gathered f not concentrating the bulk of his forces. McClellan intended to conduct this operation in personto effect a junction with Garnett. Finally, McClellan, having preceded him to Beverly, on the Leeds soon as he was apprised of the presence of McClellan at Beverly, he had the good fortune to pass t; and at the end of an eight days campaign, McClellan was able to announce to his government that of that portion which had been recaptured by McClellan, was secured to the Confederates. Richmond army which had been beaten at Bull Run. General McClellan was summoned in great haste on the 22d o[12 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
e had lately been placed under the orders of McClellan; but the latter, being entirely absorbed by my commanded by Rosecrans in West Virginia. McClellan's campaign, described in a former chapter, hnclose the elevated valley of the Tygart. McClellan's campaign has already familiarized the readtion as far as Carricksford. The road which McClellan had thus barred against him to the south is More to the north, the forces commanded by McClellan until the end of July were now under the ordhouses of that village. In the mean time, McClellan had succeeded Scott in the supreme command. hat direction corresponding with those which McClellan had mentioned in his despatch, and thus takers, he lost no time in retiring. On the 23d McClellan went to visit Stone's troops, which had beene place to General Buell, in whom his friend McClellan placed entire confidence. The fine weather,patience of the public, and of depriving General McClellan of a portion of that moral influence whi[24 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
which the rigors of the season imposed upon McClellan, he had left Manassas with about fifteen thoch were subsequently to form into line under McClellan, Buell, and Grant. The Confederate governmefavors. Consequently, the nomination of General McClellan, and several other officers of the same hich offered themselves to the choice of General McClellan in the month of February. It will be sencreased in numbers, met at the house of General McClellan, who was scarcely convalescent. He refuington considered indispensable in an army. McClellan might have prevented this fatal decision by peration which did not depend alone upon General McClellan, as he could not embark on the 18th of Mac was about to undertake. But the plans of McClellan, already so frequently frustrated, as if by ve position of the two armies. On the 13th, McClellan submitted the plan for disembarking on the som forces outside their organization. General McClellan had not foreseen these new military comb[48 more...]