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Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 24: echo of Seven days, North and South. (search)
ssion of Tennessee and Alabama--as a base for attack upon Georgia and cutting through to the seaboard; and to push the army under Grant down through Mississippi to the Gulf. These movements would not only weaken the Confederacy, by diverting so many men, ill to be spared, to watch the various columns; but would, moreover, wrest from it the great grain-producing and cattle-grazing sections from which the armies were mainly fed. Simultaneously with these a heavy force was to be massed under McClernand in Ohio, to sweep down the Mississippi; while the weak show of Confederate force in the states west of the river was to be crushed before it could make head. Such was the Federal programme; well conceived and backed by every appliance of means, men and material. To meet it we had but a small numerical force to defend an extensive and varied tract; and at the Capital grave fears began to prevail that the overpowering numbers and points of attack would crush the little armies we could m
nced as bad soldiership and possible of success, only through an enemy's weakness. At this time, he was certainly not in high estimation of his own army, because of dogged disregard of loss in useless assaults; and it will be recalled that General McClernand was court-martialed for his declaration that he could not be expected to furnish brains for the whole army! The estimate of Grant's compeers is not refuted by any evidence in the War Department that, from Shiloh to Appomattox, he ever maderk of any soldiership, higher than courage and bull-dog tenacity. Even scouting the generally-accepted idea, in the army of Vicksburg and later in that of Chattanooga — that McPherson provided plans and details of his campaigns; and dismissing McClernand's costly taunt as mere epigram-this was the accepted estimate of General Grant's tactical power. But he inaugurated his command at Chattanooga with boldness and vigor. He concentrated 25,000 troops in the town; opened his communications; a
hfulness and activity, and he must have intimate knowledge of details if he would work out grand results. Activity in politics also produces eager competition and sharp rivalry. In 1839 the seat of government was definitely transferred from Vandalia to Springfield, and there soon gathered at the new State capital a group of young men whose varied ability and future success in public service has rarely been excelled-Douglas, Shields, Calhoun, Stuart, Logan, Baker, Treat, Hardin, Trumbull, McClernand, Browning, McDougall, and others. His new surroundings greatly stimulated and reinforced Mr. Lincoln's growing experience and spreading acquaintance, giving him a larger share and wider influence in local and State politics. He became a valued and sagacious adviser in party caucuses, and a power in party conventions. Gradually, also, his gifts as an attractive and persuasive campaign speaker were making themselves felt and appreciated. His removal, in April, 1837, from a village
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Iuka and Corinth. (search)
t for the Union--Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan; and with them were George H. Thomas, whom Greeley believed to be the greatest soldier of them all, and Buell, and Pope, and Rosecrans, and many others that rose to high command. With it, but not of it, were also the great War Governor of Indiana, Oliver P. Morton, and the Assistant Secretary of War, Colonel Thomas A. Scott, the railway king of the future, who had come to advise and assist Halleck; while in commands more or less important were McClernand, Palmer, Oglesby, Hurlbut, John A. Logan, and Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, Illinoisians all. The 31st Ohio Volunteers building breastworks before Corinth in May, 1862. from a Lithograph. Halleck, before advancing, reorganized his army. Having little faith in Grant, he assigned him to the merely honorary position of second in command of the forces — a position analogous to and as unimportant as that of Vice-President. George H. Thomas was transferred with his division from Buell's
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 3: assembling of Congress.--the President's Message. (search)
ight do. When that is done, a minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary will be sent to present his credentials; and when they are denied, or refused to be recognized by this Government, I say to you, that the sovereignty of her soil will be asserted, and it will be maintained at the point of the bayonet. Then, referring to a threat that seceding States would be coerced into submission, he expressed a hope that such Democrats as Vallandigham, and Richardson, and Logan, and Cox, and McClernand, and Pugh, of Ohio — members of the House of Representatives--would stand by the Slave power in this matter, and prevent the erection of (what he was pleased to call the armed power of the United States) a military despotism. The edifice is not yet completed, he said. South Carolina, thank God! has laid her hands upon one of the pillars, and she will shake it until it totters first, and then topples. She will destroy that edifice, though she perish amid the ruins. Such were some of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
at it was not the object of the war to interfere with Slavery. This was ruled out of order, when Vallandigham offered a long series of resolutions, in tenor like his speech on the 10th, condemning nearly every important act of the President, in resisting the conspirators, as unconstitutional. These were tabled, and a bill, introduced by Hickman, of Pennsylvania, for defining and punishing conspiracies against the United States, was passed, with only seven dissenting voices. On motion of McClernand, of Illinois (opposition), the House pledged itself July 15. to vote for any amount of money, and any number of men, which might be necessary for the speedy suppression of the rebellion. This was passed with only five dissenting voices. Burnett and Grider, of Kentucky; Norton and Reid, of Missouri; and Benjamin Wood, of New York. A spirited and able debate arose in the Senate, on the 18th, July. by an addition to the bill providing for the reorganization of the Army, offered by P
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
an was to invest Fort Hieman on the west bank simultaneously with Fort Henry, in order to prevent re-enforcements, and also the escape of the garrisons. The Confederates perceiving the impossibility of holding both works against such a force, evacuated Fort Hieman, and gave all their attention to defending Fort Henry. Grant was ignorant of this withdrawal, and that night ordered General C. F. Smith to seize the heights on the west with two brigades. The rest of Grant's force, under Gen. McClernand, was to move at 11 A. M. on the 6th to the rear of Fort Henry, and take position on the road leading to Fort Donelson and Dover. where they could intercept fugitives and hold themselves in readiness to take the works by storm promptly on the receipt of orders. Commodore Foote's iron-clad gun-boats at Cairo. The fleet got under way at two o'clock on the day of the battle in the following order: The Essex, 9 guns, Corn. Wm. D. Porter, on the right; Cincinnati (flag ship), 13 guns
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
fied and defended by large armies, thus closing up East Tennessee, and preventing our armies from marching southward. On the 15th of February, Gen. Grant was assigned to the new military district of West Tennessee, with limits undefined, and Gen. W. T. Sherman to the command of the district of Cairo. Grant commenced at once to concentrate his forces and make his dispositions to meet the new order of defense established by the Confederates. His first step was to send Gens. Wright and McClernand up to Pittsburg, while he remained himself at Savannah, superintending the organization of the new troops which were arriving from Missouri, and making preparations to advance towards Pittsburg Landing (Shiloh). The account of the famous battle which soon occurred at this place must be left to military writers, but the battle of Shiloh with its changes of fortune from hour to hour, its keen anxieties. splendid fighting on both sides, and the splendid victory which was finally wrenched
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
death of Lieut.-Com. Gwinn. arrival of General McClernand to relieve Sherman. expedition to Arkanon he was informed by the President that General McClernand had been ordered to raise an Army at Sprr-admiral would co-operate heartily with General McClernand in the operations to be carried on. But ld have been taken if it had depended on General McClernand's raising an Army sufficient for the purt, at Holly Springs, Miss., informing him of McClernand's intention, that he, Porter, had assumed co morning General Sherman learned that Major-General McClernand had arrived at the mouth of the Yazooto every one, for although it was known that McClernand had received orders to proceed to Illinois anforming him of his intention. However, General McClernand came with such orders from Washington thrule and knew exactly the terms on which General McClernand had received his orders, he declined to should go in command of the troops. To this McClernand agreed, only stipulating that he should acco
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
s, so that the Army had no impediment in its way. General McClernand had accompanied the expedition, it was supposed merend although pretty well cut up had no casualties. General McClernand's report that General Sherman had arrived in the reag of the capture of Fort Hindman (Arkansas Post). General McClernand assumed all the direction of affairs on the surrendelitary commander. But from this time the Army was under McClernand's command, and after the prisoners were received and senuotation from a military historian is inserted here: McClernand immediately acquiesced in Sherman's proposition and movee hours, in which the squadron bore a conspicious part. McClernand [Sherman it should be] lost about 1,000 men in killed, wure Vicksburg. He supposed the idea originated with General McClernand; but when he knew all the circumstances connected wirent that there could be no harmonious cooperation while McClernand remained in command of all the military forces. His pec