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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Attack on Grand Gulf-operations below Vicksburg (search)
ng a single gun of the enemy. All this time McClernand's 10,000 men were huddled together on the tred from the view of the enemy at Grand Gulf, McClernand landed his command on the west bank. The nippi. Early on the morning of 30th of April McClernand's corps and one division of McPherson's corpbject. I had with me the 13th corps, General McClernand commanding, and two brigades of Logan's ing the day, April 30th, and early evening. McClernand was advanced as soon as ammunition and two dluffs were reached an hour before sunset and McClernand was pushed on, hoping to reach Port Gibson ads to Grand Gulf, Vicksburg and Jackson. McClernand's advance met the enemy about five miles wesmarching back to the junction of the roads. McClernand put the divisions of [Alvin P.] Hovey, [Eugess. As soon as the road could be cleared of McClernand's troops I ordered up McPherson, who was cloWhile the movement to our left was going on, McClernand, who was with his right flank, sent me frequ[2 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Capture of Port Gibson-Grierson's raid-occupation of Grand Gulf-movement up the Big Black- battle of Raymond (search)
ad back to Willow Springs with one division; McClernand, who was now in the rear, was to join in thithe enemy time to reinforce and fortify. McClernand's and McPherson's commands were kept substanof rations I ordered reconnaissances made by McClernand and McPherson, with the view of leading the Pherson remained there during the 8th, while McClernand moved to Big Sandy and Sherman marched from to a point within a few miles west of Utica; McClernand and Sherman remained where they were. On thcClernand was still at Big Sandy. The 11th, McClernand was at Five Mile Creek; Sherman at Auburn; Mn five miles advanced from Utica. May 12th, McClernand was at Fourteen Mile Creek; Sherman at Fourtroad and only from six to ten miles from it. McClernand's corps was kept with its left flank on the rteen Mile Creek, his advance thrown across; McClernand to the left, also on Fourteen Mile Creek, adere they undoubtedly expected us to attack. McClernand's left was on the Big Black. In all our mov[4 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement against Jackson-fall of Jackson-Intercepting the enemy-battle of Champion's Hill (search)
cPherson's command had got out of the town. McClernand withdrew from the front of the enemy, at Edwnts which, at that time, defended the city. McClernand was ordered to move one division of his commth the troops going by Mississippi Springs. McClernand's position was an advantageous one in any ev Auburn with a different road to pass over. McClernand faced about and moved promptly. His cavalryson out to Clinton. On my arrival I ordered McClernand to move early in the morning on Edward's staow Hovey's division as closely as possible. McClernand had two roads about three miles apart, conves, and Blair of Sherman's, temporarily under McClernand, were moving. Hovey of McClernand's commandMcClernand's command was with McPherson, farther north on the road from Bolton direct to Edward's station. The middle rfront of the enemy and march back as far as McClernand had to advance to get into battle, and substmore than one-third of his division. Had McClernand come up with reasonable promptness, or had I[13 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Battle of Black River Bridge-crossing the Big Black-investment of Vicksburg-assaulting the works (search)
or to hold the enemy in my front while he crossed the river. The advance division, Carr's (McClernand's corps), resumed the pursuit at half-past 3 A. M. on the 17th, followed closely by Osterhaus,as on, but to his rear. He arrived at night near the lines of the enemy, and went into camp. McClernand moved by the direct road near the railroad to Mount Albans, and then turned to the left and puend. McPherson joined on to his left, and occupied ground on both sides of the Jackson road. McClernand took up the ground to his left and extended as far towards Warrenton as he could, keeping a conemy and in planting their battle flags upon them; but at no place were we able to enter. General McClernand reported that he had gained the enemy's intrenchments at several points, and wanted reinfos. Sherman and McPherson were both ordered to renew their assaults as a diversion in favor of McClernand. This last attack only served to increase our casualties without giving any benefit whatever.
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Siege of Vicksburg (search)
ng from the river above Vicksburg, McPherson the centre (McArthur's division now with him) and McClernand the left, holding the road south to Warrenton. Lauman's division arrived at this time and wasle chance of communication between Pemberton and Johnston, as it enabled Lauman to close up on McClernand's left while Herron intrenched from Lauman to the water's edge. At this point the water recedrespective commands had complained to them of a fulsome, congratulatory order published by General McClernand to the 13th corps, which did great injustice to the other troops engaged in the campaign. ched our camps. The order had not been heard of by me, and certainly not by troops outside of McClernand's command until brought in this way. I at once wrote to McClernand, directing him to send me aMcClernand, directing him to send me a copy of this order. He did so, and I at once relieved him from the command of the 13th army corps and ordered him back to Springfield, Illinois. The publication of his order in the press was in vio
Doc. 17.-Major-Gen. McClernand's report. Detailing the march of the Thirteenth army corps from Milliken's Bend to Vicksburgh, Mississippi, etc. see page 687 Docs., Vol. VI. R. R. headquarters Thirteenth army corps, battle-field, near Vicksburgh, Miss., June 17, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the Tennessee: Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the principal operations of the forces with me, since the thirtieth of last March, in compliance with orders from department headquarters. These forces consist of a portion of the Thirteenth army corps, and comprise four divisions, organized as follows: Ninth division--Brigadier-General P. J. Osterhaus commanding: First Brigade--Brigadier-General T. T. Garrard commanding, consisting of the Forty-eighth and Sixty-ninth Indiana, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio, One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois, and Seventh Kentucky. Second Brigade--Colonel L. A
e road nearest Black River to Rocky Springs, McClernand's corps keeping the ridge road from Willow Safter orders had been given for the corps of McClernand and Sherman to march toward the railroad by nemy about twelve o'clock M., near Jackson. McClernand occupied Clinton with one division, Mississie seventeenth, the pursuit was renewed, with McClernand's corps in the advance. The enemy was foundhere, when I received a second despatch from McClernand, stating positively and unequivocally that hault on his front. I also sent an answer to McClernand, directing him to order up McArthur to his a line, to convey to him the information from McClernand by this last despatch, that he might make thtages. About half-past 3 P. M. I received McClernand's fourth despatch, as follows: headquartersobedient servant, David D. Porter, See General McClernand's Report, page 54 Docs. ante. Acting Reae on the right, McPherson on the centre, and McClernand on the left. Leaving a sufficient force on [32 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Red River campaign. (search)
in the summer and fall, and plenty of water but no road in the winter and spring, was really not to be thought of, especially when the column would have to guard against an active enemy on its flank and rear during the march and to meet and overcome another at its end. Accordingly, General Banks reverted to his first idea of making the attempt by sea, and selected the Thirteenth Corps, then commanded by Major-General C. C. Washburn, Major-General E. O. C. Ord, who had succeeded Major J. A. McClernand in command of the Thirteenth Army Corps, before Vicksburg, was on sick leave at this time and did not return to the Department of the Gulf, being assigned to duty with the Army of the James in the summer of 1864. for the service. To Major-General N. J. T. Dana was assigned the duty of effecting the first landing at Brazos Santiago, at the mouth of the Rio Grande. The expedition, General Banks himself accompanying it, sailed from New Orleans on the 26th of October, under convoy of t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Land operations against Mobile. (search)
manding the head of the Appalachee, where the Tensas leaves it. The movement was made in two columns: one from Dauphine Island, under Canby himself, the other from Pensacola, under Major-General Frederick Steele. Canby's own force was about 32,000 strong, and consisted of Veatch's and Benton's divisions and Bertram's brigade of the reorganized Thirteenth Corps, The original Thirteenth Corps, constituted October 24th and December 18th, 1862, and first commanded by Grant, afterward by McClernand, was broken up June 11th, 1864. The new corps was organized February 18th, 1865.--editors. under Major-General Gordon Granger, the Sixteenth Corps, under A. J. Smith, and a siege train under Brigadier-General Richard Arnold, chief-of-artillery. Steele's force was composed of C. C. Andrews's division of the Thirteenth Corps (except Bertram's brigade), Hawkins's division of colored troops, and Lucas's brigade of cavalry, and numbered 13,000. When united, Canby had 45,000 men of all arms.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 14 (search)
corps d'armee, viz.: the Thirteenth, Major-General McClernand; the Fourteenth, Major-General Georgeat Napoleon, on the 18th of January, ordered McClernand with his own and my corps to return to Vicksas the water in the beginning of March, that McClernand's corps was moved to higher ground, at Millier such a discussion, and believing that General McClernand had no real plan of action shaped in hisnd and Carthage, were dated April 20, 1863. McClernand was to lead off with his corps, McPherson neal Crocker's division of McPherson's corps. McClernand's corps and McPherson's were still ahead, an were arriving by the main Jackson road, and McClernand's by another near the railroad, deploying fod the three corps commanders together, viz., McClernand, McPherson, and Sherman. We compared notes,l, on a loose piece of paper, and was in General McClernand's handwriting, to the effect that his trd men, without adequate result; and that General McClernand, instead of having taken any single poin[13 more...]