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they have escaped the edges of our swords and seem to show a disposition to submit to the authority of the Government, I presume no one feels inclined to disturb them, or to cast them into any deeper humiliation. When the rebel army under General McCulloch first came into this section, these men were painstaking in pointing out loyal families that they might be plundered of their property. The war is teaching the intolerant some grand lessons in toleration, and those of one-sided views to stntests with the enemy here. About the 2d of July, 1861, some eighty men of General Sigel's Command, under Captain Conrad of the Third Missouri infantry, were surrounded in the Court House and captured by the rebel army under Generals Price and McCulloch, then marching up from Camp Walker to join Generals Rains and Parsons. And early last spring several companies of the Seventh Missouri cavalry were surprised by the enemy and defeated with some loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. But since
le, twenty miles south of here. Some sixteen miles south of Fayetteville General Price met the combined forces of Generals McCulloch, McIntosh and Pike. General Van Dorn, who had recently been appointed by the Confederate authorities to the command forces occupied the Springfield road directly north of General Curtis' camp, and the divisions of the enemy under Generals McCulloch and McIntosh held positions directly north of General Sigel, some three miles west of Price. On the 7th the battlenearly a mile, but our left wing, under Generals Sigel and Davis, had defeated the right wing of the enemy, killing Generals McCulloch and McIntosh. During the night of the 7th the enemy's forces formed a junction on the ground held by his left wingred men and officers. We did not lose any general officers, while the enemy had two general officers killed,--Brigadier Generals McCulloch and McIntosh. The enemy's losses of enlisted men, killed and wounded, also exceeded ours, besides General Cur
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi. (search)
into Illinois, and was actively engaged in preparing for this enterprise when he was summoned by General Price to Boston Mountain, where the forces of Price and McCulloch lay in great need of a common superior — for these two generals could not co-operate because of questions of rank. Therefore, Van Dorn promptly responded to Pri out in the distance behind him. Van Dorn had planned the battle of Elk Horn well; he had moved so rapidly from Boston Mountain, with the forces of Price and McCulloch combined, that he caught the enemy unprepared, and with his divisions so far separated that, but for the inevitable indiscipline of troops so hastily thrown togerces well-always attacking, always pressing the enemy back. When he heard of the death, in quick succession, of the three principal commanders of his right wing-McCulloch, McIntosh, and Hebert-and the consequent withdrawal from the attack of that whole wing, he only set his lips a little firmer; his blue eyes blazed brighter, and
executive out of harmony with his party, it made it doubly hard for the cabinet to keep up social good feeling, notwithstanding the fact that Secretaries Seward, McCulloch, Browning, Randall, Welles, and General Grant, as General of the Army, gave the regulation receptions and dinners. They were magnificent affairs, and under sere the throng that surged through the White House that dreary day. The cabinet was well represented, Secretary Stanton alone being absent. Secretaries Welles, McCulloch, Browning, Stanberry, P. M. G. Randall were there, each contributing his best efforts to the pleasure of every one. Very few of the Senate and House appeared-Se encouraged their coming, and very soon the reception became a motley surging crowd, to the disgust of dignified people. Mr. Johnson's cabinet, Mr. Seward, Mr. McCulloch, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Welles, Mr. Browning, Mr. Randall, and Mr. Stanberry, were all men of national reputation. Their families were, without exception, charming
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 43: visit to New Orleans and admission to Fortress Monroe. (search)
id, I guess I couldn't, and desisted. A few days after this Mr. McCulloch came to the fort and visited Mr. Davis. I was not present at t Then, with an apology to him for plain speaking, emboldened by Mr. McCulloch's gentle, sympathetic manner, I laid the whole case before himal Miles's objection to Mr. Davis having oysters was mentioned, Mr. McCulloch, with a quizzical smile, said: General, oysters are hardly to bnversation Mrs. Davis said that she had received a message from Mr. McCulloch, on his way from Fortress Monroe, that she could rely on his aid in the matter. I went immediately to Washington, saw Mr. McCulloch, and told him that I had come to see Stanton about the release of Mr. Davis. Mr. McCulloch was thunderstruck, and said it was useless to see Mr. Stanton, and that Mr. Davis's release was impossible. I told him wthe Attorney-General, Mr. Stansberry. Our errand was stated by Mr. McCulloch, and the Attorney-General remarked, after talking the matter ov
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The capture of Fort Pillow (April 12th, 1864). (search)
ad a servile race armed against their masters, and in a country which had been desolated by almost unprecedented outrages. I assert that our officers, with all the circumstances against them, endeavored to prevent the effusion of blood, and as an evidence of this I refer you to the fact that both white and colored prisoners were taken, and are now in our hands. The following are extracts from Forrest's report, dated April 26th, 1864 [see also p. 107]: . . . My command consisted of McCulloch's brigade of Chalmers's division and Bell's brigade of Buford's division, both placed for the expedition under the command of Brigadier-General James R. Chalmers, who, by a forced march, drove in the enemly's pickets, gained possession of the outer works, and by the time I reached the field, at 10 A. A., had forced the enemy to their main fortifications, situated on the bluff or bank of the Mississippi River at the mouth of Coal Creek. . . . Assuming command, I ordered General Chalmers to
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
, and reached there about 10 a. m., having encountered some small scouts of the enemy. Colonel McCulloch, with about 200 Arkansas cavalry, joined me some 2 miles distant from the trenches, and onssee cavalry and one piece of artillery, to the vicinity of Burnsville, where I found Lieutenant-Colonel McCulloch and Captain Milner stationed, with 300 men. The command was placed in line of battle ed the entire command to Booneville that night consisting of Lieutenant-Colonels McNairy's and McCulloch's battalions and Captain Milner's cavalry (a portion of Colonel Forrest's regiment), in all about 400 men. Lieutenant-Colonel McCulloch's and Captain Milner's commands 1 stationed, with one piece of artillery, on the west side of the railroad and in Booneville, commanding the road by which thes; making 11 prisoners captured by my command on the occasion. A short time after Lieutenant-Colonel McCulloch arrived on the ground with his and Captain Milner's commands. I asked him why he did
MacFarlane's regiment Missouri Infantry547822 Priest's regiment Missouri Infantry368453 Missouri State Guard5091,242 McCulloch's Missouri Cavalry444476 Light battery artillery    1,8682,993 Clark's brigade — artillery7381,123 Price's divisionard's regiment450754  Rosser's battalion281350 Cavalry:    Gates' regiment (dismounted)536777  Hill's company5171  McCulloch's regiment (dismounted)444476  Murphy's company100116  Reves' company5272 Artillery, batteries:    Bledsoe's5376  .Whitfield's regiment Texas Dismounted Cavalry.  MacDonald's battery. Third Brigade. Col. A. Macfarlane commanding. McCulloch's regiment (Missouri). MacFarlane's regiment (Missouri). Priest's regiment (Missouri). State Guard (Missouri). Battve this point found and examined, and put a battalion of your command there to guard that approach to our camp. Direct McCulloch also to detach a company of cavalry to be in advance of the battalion, I will inform you that there is a bri
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
cticable; but, from that time to the beginning of spring, the condition of the country south of the Potomac and east of the Blue Ridge would have made them extremely difficult-indeed, almost impossible. The quantity of rain that fell, and of snow, always melting quickly, made a depth of mud rarely equaled. The Confederate troops fought bravely and well wherever they encountered those of the United States, in 1861. At Bethel, under Magruder and D. H. Hill; at Oakhill, under Price and McCulloch; on the Gauley, under Floyd; on the Greenbrier, under H. R. Jackson; on Santa Rosa Island, under R. H. Anderson; at Belmont, under Polk and Pillow; on the Alleghany, under Edward Johnson, and at Chastenallah, under McIntosh. On all these occasions they were superior to their adversaries, from greater zeal and more familiarity with the use of fire-arms. The thorough system of instruction introduced into the United States army gradually established equality in the use of fire-arms, and our
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 20: Congressman and Governor. (search)
The next authority adduced by the gentleman in support of his contract to pay gold for the five-twenties bonds is Secretary McCulloch. Well, if this House proposes to be bound by the financial theories of Secretary McCulloch I should hardly wish tSecretary McCulloch I should hardly wish to argue this question further. But even Secretary McCulloch does not undertake to say that there is a contract to pay gold for these bonds. When asked by a foreign banker, What is the contract as to the payment of the principal of the five-twentieSecretary McCulloch does not undertake to say that there is a contract to pay gold for these bonds. When asked by a foreign banker, What is the contract as to the payment of the principal of the five-twenties? what does the secretary reply? Does he say that the contract is to pay in gold? Oh, no; he says that all the government obligations that have fallen due have been paid in gold (he forgot that temporary loan), and that it is the policy of the gnything else, so that we could relieve the people from taxation. You will find running all through this letter of Secretary McCulloch an evasion of this question. What is the contract by law? When the $900,000,000 loan, commonly known as the te