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From Arkansas. --The following proclamation has been issued by Gen. McCullock. Fayetteville, Feb. 13, 1862 To the Citizens of Western Arkansas: The troops under General price and myself are falling back before a superior force to the Boston mountain. Thousands of Federal hirelings are within the line of your State, whilst hundreds of men remain at home, not with standings this services are needed. Let every member out and form companies, and rally to meet the invading enemy. Rally at once or it will be rate. Ben. McCulloch. Brigadier General.
Our fallen leaders in Arkansas. [from the New Orleans Picayune.] Ben. McCulloch, whose loss on the field of battle will be mourned by his countrymen, was a son of Alexander McCulloch, who was a Lieutenant and Aid to General Coffee, of Tennessee, in the battles of Talledeged and Horse Shoe Bend, and who resigned his commission in March, 1814. Ben was born in Rutherford county, Tennessee, in 1814. He was a Captain of the Texas Rangers in the Mexican war, and was distinguished for courage and conduct in the battle of Monterey. On the 11th of July, 1816, he was appointed quartermaster, with the rank of Major. He was also distinguished in the battle of Buena Vista, and as the commander of a spy company, before that battle, for a most daring and successful reconnaissance. He resigned his appointment in 1847. At his death he was a Brigadier General, commanding a division, known as McCulloch's division, and Chiefly composed of Arkansas and Texas troops. The 3d Louisiana, Col.
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