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Your search returned 662 results in 164 document sections:
Washington Items.no loan offered or Needed.
Upon authority competent to conclude such a question, we announce that the published statements to the effect that a loan of one hundred millions was, upon the occasion of his recent visit to New York, tendered to Mr. Secretary McCulloch by the National Banks, are a sheer fabrication.
The Treasury has not at present any need of a loan, and should such become necessary, it would not be accepted from the banks, but would be solicited, and, doubtless without trouble, immediately obtained from the people.--National Intelligencer,
Reported Interview between the President and Mr. Wilson.
The passage of Mr. Wilson's resolution by a vote thoroughly testing the sense of the great majority of the House upon the President's Southern policy, on Thursday last, furnishing a proper occasion, he sought the White House, of company with his colleague, Mr. Price, on the evening of the same day. The President received his visitors very cordially,
The Daily Dispatch: December 30, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Baptist Convention . (search)