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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—secession. (search)
they organized the militia which were subsequently to be embodied in the Confederate army. A disaster, which had long been brewing through their contrivances, contributed to weaken the power of the Federal government in their estimation, and to increase their faith in its helplessness. General Twiggs, who commanded the regular troops stationed in Texas, was in accord with the rebels. He suffered himself to be surrounded, in the village of San Antonio, by the militia under the command of McCulloch, and, hiding his treason under a shameful capitulation, on the 16th of February, he surrendered to the latter the troops he had brought together for that express purpose. By a fatal coincidence, his successor, Colonel Waite, who had hurried from the depths of the wilderness to save this precious nucleus of an army, only arrived in time to share the captivity of those he was coming to command. The leaders of the secession movement, being still obliged to conceal their design to a certain
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
mportant reinforcements there. In fact, General McCulloch was organizing a body of Confederate troboth sides. Rains had been thrown back upon McCulloch's division at Cave Springs. The latter remapringfield. Lyon's movements disconcerted McCulloch, who, fancying that he was confronted by a sugust this army, forming three columns under McCulloch, Pearce, and Price, put itself once more en p to him, and on the following day, the 5th, McCulloch was obliged to halt his wearied soldiers on o give them some rest. Finally, on the 9th, McCulloch ordered another night march, by means of whi movement. A portion of the supply-train of McCulloch was already on fire, its guard having begun ent of cavalry followed close in the wake of McCulloch, and completely dispersed the Federals. Sie. Thence he proceeded towards Neosho, where McCulloch was awaiting him with five thousand men. It could always elude him. Moreover, Price and McCulloch had not considered themselves safe at Neosh[14 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
among the Boston Mountains, had again been joined by Generals McCulloch and McIntosh, at the head of two divisions of Confed two distinct engagements. The divisions of McIntosh and McCulloch had been left by Van Dorn near the place where they had b their flank manoeuvre had completely separated them from McCulloch and McIntosh. The Confederate army was thus divided intoof Osterhaus, which had gone forward to meet McIntosh and McCulloch, found it difficult to resist them. An unfortunate cavalht under. This was the opportunity of which McIntosh and McCulloch availed themselves to make an important move. They outflm Carr's left. Davis received the attack of McIntosh and McCulloch on his left with a portion of his troops, while the remaihad thrown a certain amount of disorder into their ranks; McCulloch and McIntosh were killed, and Price seriously wounded; thgathered all their forces; the remnants of McIntosh's and McCulloch's corps had been rallied and massed there by Van Dorn. A