Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Emmett McDonald or search for Emmett McDonald in all documents.

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perate in the Kanawha Valley. E. C. Mackintosh, Esq., who formerly occupied the post of British Consul in the City of Mexico, died at his residence in Tacubaya on the 7th of May. The authorities of New Orleans have appropriated $200,000 for the $50,000 for the support of indigent families of volunteers. A man named Marcum has been arrested in Knoxville, Tenn., for shooting and wounding a soldier named Arehart. The dwelling of Henry L. Sheelor, near Pearisburg, Va., was consumed by fire on the 14th inst. Patrick Nuttles, a police officer, was stabbed and killed in Cincinnati on Monday night, by Attie Hughes, whom he was taking to jail. Capt. Emmett McDonald, who was taken prisoner at St. Louis, was discharged at Springfield, Ill., on technical grounds. Hoffman & Gelpecke, bankers in Chicago, have suspended. The Medina Bank of New York has gone under. Loss $100,000. It is stated that O. H. Browning will succeed Douglas in the U. S. Senate.