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ral officers which had been called was held at Headquarters. The officers present (besides General McClellan) were Generals McDowell, Sumner, Heintzelman, Keyes, Franklin, Fitz-John Porter, Andrew Porter, Smith, McCall, Blenker, Negley, and Barnardlle, or whether a movement should be made down to the Lower Chesapeake. After a full discussion, four of the officers — McDowell, Sumner, Heintzelman, and Barnard — approved of the former plan, and the remainder of the latter. The details were not cording to seniority of rank, as follows:-- First Corps to consist of four divisions, and to be commanded by Major-General I. McDowell. Second Corps to consist of three divisions, and to be commanded by Brigadier-General E. V. Sumner. Third Corpsied, a covering force in front of the Virginia line of twenty-five thousand men would suffice. (Keyes, Heintzelman, and McDowell.) A total of forty thousand men for the defence of the city would suffice. (Sumner.) This was assented to by Gener
, 1862, By direction of the President, General McDowell's army corps has been detached from the fmsburg offered a serious resistance, that General McDowell's corps should land on the left bank of tpel him to abandon his positions. But, since McDowell's corps was withheld, this plan, of course, beral Franklin's division, forming part of General McDowell's corps, arrived, and reported to Generall. This was running a great risk in case General McDowell should not come, because it exposed our r prudent officer would have done; and, as General McDowell did not come, the enemy did not fail to tf any large body of the rebel forces. General McDowell had with him forty thousand men and ninetely guarded against by explicitly placing General McDowell under his orders in the usual way. On ay, an order was sent by the President to General McDowell, directing him to lay aside at present thty of Washington, and nothing else, prevented McDowell's being sent to the Peninsula, Colonel Lecomt[36 more...]
ls General McClellan that McCall's force, forming part of McDowell's corps, was on its way, and that it was intended to send the rest of McDowell's corps to him as speedily as possible. General McCall's division, numbering about eleven thousand meived till after the retreat to Harrison's Landing. General McDowell was at this time on the Rappahannock, with about fort join him. It would have been an easy four days march for McDowell's corps to have made the desired junction with the Army otion never was made, and on the 27th of June the corps of McDowell, Fremont, and Banks were consolidated into one body, callthe command of General Pope! Whether this disposition of McDowell's force was in consequence of a real and sudden change ofrmy was not to be strengthened by any reinforcements from McDowell, General McClellan resolved to do the best he could with consequences of unforeseen disaster. As Jackson had kept McDowell from joining him, he hoped that Jackson might also be kep
m, afford no justification for his removal from the command of the army. He had shown by word and deed that he would do his duty as a soldier, within his sphere, whatever political policy the Administration might adopt or whatever political aspects the war might assume. This was all the Administration had a right to ask. That he had the confidence and affection of his army is beyond question. His removal was due to a fact stated affirmatively — though put in the form of a question to General McDowell--by a member of the Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, December 26, 1861,--that there is a political element connected with this war which must not be overlooked. There has indeed been such an element from the beginning in the conduct of this war; it never has, been overlooked, but has always been prominent, and set in the front of the battle, and has been the fruitful source of mistakes and disasters to our cause. In the present instance it led to the dangerous exper
t reduced by the withdrawal from my command of the division of General Blenker, which was ordered to the Mountain Department, under General Fremont. We had scarcely landed on the Peninsula when it was further reduced by a despatch revoking a previous order giving me command of Fortress Monroe, and under which I had expected to take ten thousand men from that point to aid in our operations. Then, when under fire before the defences of Yorktown, we received the news of the withdrawal of General McDowell's corps of about thirty-five thousand men. This completed the overthrow of the original plan of the campaign. About one-third of my entire army (five divisions out of fourteen; one of the nine remaining being but little larger than a brigade) was thus taken from me. Instead of a rapid advance which I had planned, aided by a flank movement up the York River, it was only left to besiege Yorktown. That siege was successfully conducted by the army; and when these strong works at length
a police force under him, whose special and sole duty it shall be to preserve the property from depredations, and to arrest all wrong-doers of whatever regiment or corps they may be. Any persons found committing the slightest depredation, killing pigs or poultry, or trespassing on the property of the inhabitants,will be reported to Headquarters, and the least that will be done to them will be to send them to the Alexandria jail. It is again ordered that no one shall arrest or attempt to arrest any citizen not in arms at the time, or search or attempt to search any house, or even to enter the same without permission. The troops must behave themselves with as much forbearance and propriety as if they were at their own homes. They are here to fight the enemies of the country, not to judge and punish the unarmed and defenseless, however guilty they may be. When necessary, that will be done by the proper person. By command of Gen. Mcdowell, Jas. B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant-General.
n charge of the two 20-pounder rifled guns, all of whom displayed great coolness, energy, and skill in the discharge of their official duties. With great respect, your obedient servant, Daniel Tyler, Brig.-Gen. Commanding lst Division. Brig.-Gen. Mcdowell, Commanding N. E. Virginia. Official report of Colonel Richardson. camp of the 4TH brigade, 1ST Div., Gen. Mcdowell's corps, in front of Blackburn's Ford, on Bull Run, July 19, 1861. General: I have the honor to report that I lGen. Mcdowell's corps, in front of Blackburn's Ford, on Bull Run, July 19, 1861. General: I have the honor to report that I left the camp at Germantown at an early hour yesterday morning, my brigade consisting of the 2d and 3d Michigan regiments, the 1st Massachusetts regiment, and the 12th New York. A battalion of light infantry, consisting of 40 men from each regiment--160 in all — commanded by Capt. Robert Britchschneider of the 2d regiment of Michigan Infantry, moved in front of the brigade some 500 yards in advance, and threw pickets still further in advance of the road. A section of 20-pounder rifled guns, co
ppreciate this service on the part of a portion of my division, and give credit to whom credit is due. All the brigades, except Schenck's, obeyed the order to return to their original positions. By some misunderstanding, which is not satisfactorily explained, this brigade proceeded direct to Washington, one regiment, as understood, passing directly through the camp they left on the 16th inst. With great respect, your obedient servant, Daniel Tyler, Brig.-Gen. 1st Division. To Brig.-Gen. I. Mcdowell, Commander Department N. E. Virginia, Arlington. Official report of Colonel Pratt. Headquarters Thirty-First regiment N. Y. V., camp near Alexandria, Va., July 22, 1861. sir: In accordance with paragraph 723 of General Regulations for the United States Army, I have the honor to report the operations of my regiment during the engagement of yesterday. In obedience to your order, the regiment was ready to march from camp, near Centreville, at 2.30 A. M. While proceeding t
e. Five of these forts command the road to Centreville by which McDowell came in July. They extend over a line of a mile and a half, and a some time. Manassas Junction. About noon Gens. McClellan and McDowell, with their staffs, and two thousand cavalry for an escort, came unt positions occupied by the different forces were explained by Gen. McDowell. They are the same now as when we stood there on that memorabld. Was it a year ago? Say rather yesterday, we thought, and that McDowell, not McClellan, was still leading the onset. Had the battle of Buhts would occur at sight of every familiar creek and grove, we met McDowell, stern and courtly, just as he rode a year ago, riding back towardr cloud guided us to the Junction. As we approached it, we met Gens. McDowell and McClellan taking their first reconnaissance of the late rebar Manassas. We pass down the old road, along which the centre of McDowell's columns advanced, and by which the retreat of the panic-stricken
Washington, March 8, 1862. President's General War Order, No. 2. Ordered, I. That the Major-General commanding the Army of the Potomac proceed forthwith to organize that part of said army destined to enter upon active operations, (including the reserve, but excluding the troops to be left in the fortifications about Washington,) into four army corps, to be commanded according to seniority of rank, as follows: First Corps, to consist of four divisions, and to be commanded by Major-Gen. I. McDowell. Second Corps, to consist of three divisions, and to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. E. V. Sumner. Third Corps, to consist of three divisions, and to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. S. P. Heintzelman. Fourth Corps, to consist of three divisions, and to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. E. L. Keyes. II. That the divisions now commanded by the officers above assigned to the commands of corps, shall be embraced in and form part of their respective corps. III. The forces left for the def