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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 650 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 314 2 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 271 1 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 99 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 99 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 71 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 52 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1863., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 2 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
McDowell's advance to Bull Run. James B. Fry, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (at Bull Run, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General on Mcdowell's Staff). Scrutinizing a pass at the Washington end of the long Bridge. As President Buchanan's administration was drawing to a close, he was forced by the action of the South to decide whether the power of the general Government should be used to coerce into submission States that had attempted to secede from the Union. His opinion was that tas, by the situation, quite free. In the beginning of the war, the military advantage was on the side of the Confederates, notwithstanding the greater resources of the North, which produced their effect only as the contest was prolonged. Irwin McDowell. After the firing of the first gun upon Sumter, the two sides were equally active in marshaling their forces on a line along the border States from the Atlantic coast of Virginia in the east to Kansas in the west. Many of the earlier collisi
Virginia, and pretty accurately discriminates the Counties wherein Slavery and Secession did, from those wherein they did not, at any time, predominate, yet three or four Counties — Monroe, Greenbrier, &c.--which geographically pertain to West Virginia, have, either voluntarily or under duress, adhered to Old Virginia and the Rebellion. note.--The originally proposed State of Kanawha included within her boundaries only the Counties of Virginia lying north and west of, but not including, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Green. brier, and Pocahontas--thirty-nine in all, with a total population in 1860 of 280,691, whereof 6,894 were slaves. The Constitution of West Virginia expressly included the five counties above named, making the total population 315,969, of whom 10,147 were slaves. It further provided that the counties of Pendleton, Hardy, Hampshire, Frederick, Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan, might also be embraced within the new State, provided their people should, by vote, express
the American people were now entering. Gen. McDowell, having firmly established himself on the Gen. Robert C. Schenck, under orders from Gen. McDowell, left camp near Alexandria, with 700 of Con Grand Army, commanded in the field by Gen. Irwin McDowell, but directed from Washington by Lieut.assas Junction, and purposed to remain. Gen. McDowell's army was moved up to and concentrated aron them. This fact explains and justifies Gen. McDowell's (or Scott's) order of battle. This was, and devastation at this time being fearful. McDowell, with the aid of Patterson's division of 20,0ax and Arlington, entirely unassailed. Gen. McDowell reports our losses in this engagement at 4uld be dispatched to the front-insisting that McDowell had men enough --that he needed no cavalry, esition of our forces at that moment: Under McDowell, at Fairfax and Centerville30,000 Under Patho was most earnest and active in opposing Gen. McDowell's request, and insisting on an immediate d[10 more...]
, in defiance of every dictate of prudence and of common sense. Neither the President, nor the Secretary of War, nor Gen. McDowell, nor the maligned and detested Radicals — who were naturally anxious that our 75,000 three-months' men should not be ice — had ever desired or expected any such conflict as this. It was Gen. Scott who had given the orders under which Gen. McDowell advanced and fought on Sunday, the 21st of July. Gen. Cameron, the Secretary of War, who was at Centerville during thect, I hope I may be permitted to notice the charge made against me, on the floor of Congress, that I did not stop Brig. Gen. McDowell's movement upon Manassas Junction after I had been informed of the reenforcement sent thither from Winchester, thohad ever been seen on this continent. It was not only far better drilled and fitted for service than that with which Gen. McDowell had advanced to Centerville and Bull Run, but it was better constituted, in that its members — not one of them a cons<
speech at Charleston, 408. McCulloch, Gen. Ben., 413; 575; defeated at Dug Springs, Mo., 577; commands at Wilson's Creek, 578; 581; his proclamation, 582; is joined by Price at Neosho, 589. McGowan, Mr., of S. C., in Convention, 334-5. McDowell, Gen., 533; his General Order No. 4, 534-5; moves on Centerville, 539; his plan of battle, 540; report of our losses, 545; 550-1; 552; report with regard to the three months men, 553; 618. McDougall, Mr., of Cal., 571. MacFARLANDarland, wicts the movement on Centerville, 539; dispatch to Gen. Patterson, 539; The Times's account of a conversation with, 547; Blair's strictures on, 548-9 ; letter to The National Intelligencer, 549; his culpable neglect to send sufficient forces with McDowell, 550; 556; his requisition on Gen. Fremont, 587; removes Fremont, 593; is largely to be blamed for the Bull Run disaster; his comments on Patterson's testimony, 618. se De Kay, report of losses at Bull Run, 545. Seddon, James A., of Va., r
ns,--King's, McCall's, and Franklin's. General Irwin McDowell was placed in command. When General Mused in forming the Sixth Corps, its place in McDowell's command being taken by Ricketts' Division. s forces to Washington, the Reserves rejoined McDowell, and fought under him at Second Bull Run. During the absence of the Army of the Potomac, McDowell was engaged in an active campaign which culmin short time in which the army was under Pope, McDowell's Corps was officially designated as the Thir the Fifth Corps. When the division rejoined McDowell's Corps, at Manassas, it was with depleted ra return to Washington, the Reserves rejoining McDowell's Corps, from which they had been detached. was discontinued. Eleventh Corps. McDowell Cross Keys Cedar Mountain Freeman's Ford rom the three commands of Fremont, Banks, and McDowell. Fremont's troops had seen considerable serv that of the Eleventh, a necessary change, as McDowell's command had resumed its original title of t[1 more...]
rigades of infantry. The Reserves were prominently engaged at Dranesville, Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, Charles City Cross Roads (Glendale), Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, and in the Wilderness campaign. At Fredericksburg the division made a gallant fight, the losses being unusually severe in proportion to the number engaged. The division was commanded in turn by Generals McCall, Reynolds, Meade, and Crawford. It was attached, originally, to the First (McDowell's) Corps, but while on the Peninsula it served in the Fifth Corps. At Manassas, Antietam, and Fredericksburg, it was again in the First Corps. After Fredericksburg it was ordered to Washington to rest and recruit its shattered regiments, but it rejoined the Army on the Gettysburg campaign, when it was assigned to the Fifth Corps, in which it remained until mustered out. The casualties in this division do not amount to the heroic aggregate shown by some other divisions, but the percenta
uff's (3d) Brigade, Ricketts's (2d) Division, McDowell's Corps. While in this command it was engageuff's (3d) Brigade, Ricketts's (2d) Division, McDowell's Corps, and was hotly engaged at Manassas. Rappahannock, the division was transferred to McDowell's Corps — afterwards the First. Throughout te Union victories. The division marched with McDowell in his advance on Manassas, in the spring of d the colors of the Tenth Alabama. Rejoining McDowell's Corps it fought at Manassas, where it lost Thoroughfare Gap, Va. In May, 1862, it joined McDowell's Corps, having been assigned to Hartsuff's (nd Manassas it was in Ricketts's Division, of McDowell's Corps; at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsvilbbon's (4th) Brigade, Hatch's (1st) Division, McDowell's Corps, a brigade which afterwards became fare it was assigned to Sherman's Division, Colonel McDowell being placed in command of the brigade. arch, 1862, commenced active service, then in McDowell's Corps. At Antietam.--in Phelps's Brigade, [3 more...]
This loss occurred at Gainesville, on the 28th. Hatch's McDowell's 53 213 32 298 28th Massachusetts Stevens's Ninth 33 This loss occurred at Gainesville, on the 28th. Hatch's McDowell's 47 168 44 259 80th New York 20th N. Y. S. M. Hatch's McDowell's 32 165 82 279 7th Wisconsin This loss occurred at Gainesville, on the 28th. Hatch's McDowell's 31 153 3McDowell's 31 153 33 217 11th Pennsylvania Includes loss at Thoronghfare Gap on the 28th. Ricketts's McDowell's 44 114 88 246 24th NewMcDowell's 44 114 88 246 24th New York Hatch's McDowell's 36 115 86 237 6th New Hampshire Reno's Ninth 30 117 70 217 1st Michigan Morell's F. J. PorterMcDowell's 36 115 86 237 6th New Hampshire Reno's Ninth 30 117 70 217 1st Michigan Morell's F. J. Porter's Porter's regiments were small, having sustained heavy losses on the Peninsula; McDowell's regiments were in action forMcDowell's regiments were in action for the first time. 33 114 31 178 18th Massachusetts Morell's F. J. Porter's 34 106 29 169 26th New York Ricketts's McDowMcDowell's 26 106 37 169 Richmond, Ky.             August 30, 1862.             12th Indiana Nelson's ---------- 25
Mass. (Bull Run)   9 9   2 2 11 Heintzelman's McDowell's. April, ‘61 6th Mass. (Baltimore)   4 4 ee-months' service. 1 16 17   8 8 25 Hunter's McDowell's. June, ‘61 2d Rhode Island Reenlisted Three-months' service.   2 2   2 2 4 Tyler's McDowell's. May, ‘61 3d Connecticut Three-months' service.   4 4   1 1 5 Tyler's McDowell's. July, ‘61 5th Connecticut Reenlisted. 6 104 110 1ree-months' service. 1 44 45   6 6 51 Tyler's McDowell's. April, ‘61 71st New York Three-months' service. 1 14 15 1 4 5 20 Hunter's McDowell's. July, ‘64 84th New York       1 11 12 12     il, ‘61 1st New Jersey         1 1 1 Runyon's McDowell's. April, ‘61 2d New Jersey               Runyon's McDowell's. April, ‘61 3d New Jersey         2 2 2 Runyon's McDowell's. April, ‘61 4tMcDowell's. April, ‘61 4th New Jersey         2 2 2 Runyon's McDowell's.   Cavalry.                   Sept., ‘61 1st Pe Griffin, Hunt, McPherson, Mitchel, Gillmore, McDowell, Custer, Weitzel, Ka