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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 204 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 144 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 113 11 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 93 1 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 73 3 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 60 12 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 60 6 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 55 15 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 51 3 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 42 18 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps.. You can also browse the collection for McDowell or search for McDowell in all documents.

Your search returned 38 results in 13 document sections:

d rightly, it was said his first plaything was a cannon. McDowell, his talented lieutenant, came in also for his share of praise, although thousands asked: Who is McDowell? When the reports of the Washington Administration claimed a victory at Maole nation vociferously chaunted the praises of Scott and McDowell; but when the truth leaked out the day following, not a nand marched rapidly back in three columns. I directed McDowell, with his own and Sigel's corps, to march upon Gainesvilloker's division, I marched back to Manassas Junction. McDowell was ordered to interpose between the forces of the enemy !!!) The forces to Greenwich were designed to support McDowell in case he met too large a force of the enemy. The divis Warrenton. He was met six miles west of Centreville by McDowell and Sigel late this afternoon. A severe fight took placee to ten thousand men at every exhibition of his genius. McDowell, Porter, and many old officers, who had been accused of
hnston's manoeuvres raised him high in the opinion of the men. During the night we picked up several stragglers from Scott's army, and learned from them that McDowell was in chief command, and had seventy-five thousand men. These prisoners did not wish to be sent far from Manassas, and for peculiar reasons. Don't send us to Rglander, without the shadow of resistance, and, having gagged and tied him, led him into our lines I From this trembling hero we learned that the greater part of McDowell's forces were on the move across country to Stone Bridge or the vicinity, and that the fight would certainly begin at dawn; heavy masses being sent round to turnn, possessed of a very large and handsome estate about a mile northward of Centreville, and, being of Southern sentiments, left his plantation on the approach of McDowell's forces, (on Wednesday night,) and fled with his friends across Sudley's Ford towards Manassas — a distance of some seven or more miles. Hearing that the Yanke
he former for emergencies. At which of these points the meditated blow might fall none could foresee. Scott was said to be a crafty general, and there can be no doubt that he taxed his little genius rather heavily on this occasion to assist McDowell, who, as our prisoners assured us, held the chief command. I had scarcely returned to camp, about five A. M., when all were afoot and ready for moving. The sun had risen in more than usual splendor, and as I stood on a hill across McLean's Forhere a full view was obtained of the entire line of Bull Run. The enemy saw the group of officers, and shell fell thick in the vicinity. These demonstrations met with no response: our generals-in-chief were intently watching the development of McDowell's movements, and seemed undecided as to his real point of attack. They had not remained long searching the plain with their glasses, when an increasing volume of smoke four miles to the left revealed the fact that the Federals were in force at
sed in science and engineering was there displayed in elaborated earthworks; and sheer madness alone could induce the Federals to attempt the line by assault. McClellan saw at a glance the work before him, and prepared to approach by parallels, and shell us out at discretion, while the majority of his troops were elsewhere employed. It was conjectured that his true plan would be to arrest our attention by vigorous bombardments and a display of force in. front, while he strongly reenforced McDowell at Fredericksburgh, in order to move on Richmond from the north; fleets of gunboats and transports at the same time passing the extremities of our wings on York and James rivers, to throw strong forces on our flanks and rear. This was all seen by every intelligent soldier in the army, and the general expression was: These immense works are a monument of Magruder's skill and industry, but are of no avail, for the enemy can ascend the rivers on either hand, and then we are emphatically coope
een gross mismanagement in several cases; until Lee came in there was no visible head at work, and those that were at work, the fathers of these blunders, had better keep themselves invisible still. Don't say any thing more, Major, said Johnstone, with a strong accent; I have a great respect for Hardee, for he is a good kind of Scotchman, from Glasgow, as my friend McGregor informs me, but there is no doubt about it that Beauregard was badly whipped at Manassas by that old Stirling man, McDowell. I knew some of the McDowells in Scotland, and good people they were. Beauregard is a good officer, and all he wants is a little Scotch blood in him to make a first-rate strategist. But we all know that had old Mac followed us up vigorously after passing Sudley Ford, we should never have been here now, I'm thinking, drinking bad whisky, at four o'clock oa the morning. Why, man, our right wing was never engaged at all. Longstreet, Jones, and Ewell hardly fired a shot all day; and there w
, that he had been hovering around Fredericksburgh, on the Rappahannock, watching a division of McDowell, who held the nucleus of a force This force, in addition to his own division, was to consist to march on Richmond from the west, while McClellan made his attack on the east. Knowing that McDowell dared not move alone, and that Shields threatened to annihilate Jackson, Ewell had wisely cros Blenker should clear Western Virginia, and arrive on a line with him, when they would all join McDowell at Fredericksburgh. Jackson was not many days at McGackeysville, when a courier from the Georgt of Colonel Johnson's little force, which was drawn up in a narrow valley, at a village called McDowell, with the heavy brigades of Milroy and Blenker in line of battle before him. This valley was nos of Shields, Fremont, Milroy, Blenker, and others, besides the accumulated stores destined for McDowell. Such a race, riot, confusion, loss in men and materiel as Banks suffered on that eventful day
g glory to your valor. Defenders of a just cause, may God have you in his keeping. Jefferson Davis. The General will cause the above to be read to the troops under his command. The following, printed in extremely large type, appeared, by General Butler's orders, in his organ, the New-Orleans Delta, June twelfth, 1862: On May thirty-first, Richmond was evacuated, and General McClellan took possession of the city! General Banks had driven Stonewall Jackson headlong to the foot of General McDowell, who before this had probably kicked him over the border. So end the drama!-it is enough (!) Comment is unnecessary. There was much inquiry among the soldiers at other parts of the line regarding the particulars of the engagement, but the victory was looked upon as a matter of course. Notwithstanding the vigilance of guards, many persons from Richmond rode out to see the field, but invariably brought something for the wounded, and took one or more to town in their conveyances; oftent
and Shields's corps have been gathered and sent to him. There cannot be a doubt, however, that he has drawn largely upon McDowell, who has been hovering around Fredericksburgh for the past two months. As there is water communication between him and McClellan, I should not be surprised to find, when the next battle comes off, that McDowell is either with him, or has largely reenforced him. Conjecture as we may, this continual line of ice-wagons passing under our windows all day, shows that the hoed several corps to watch for and overwhelm him if he advanced. Thus, the force of Milroy, Shields, Banks, Fremont, and McDowell, which were primarily intended to advance from the west upon Richmond, and cooperate with McClellan on the east in reduc the Bucktail rifles and Pennsylvania reserve corps, which formed part of General McCall's division hurriedly sent from McDowell's army round Fredericksburgh! McCall, then twelve thousand strong, together with parts of Fremont's and Shields's Valle
t to extremity. Already there are rumors that reenforcements have arrived in James River. We doubt much, however, whether effectual help can be brought in time to save him. Our latest Northern papers (June twenty-seventh) state that Fremont's, McDowell's, and Banks's command are to be consolidated under General Pope, and sent to reenforce McClellan. A division of McDowell's troops under General McCall is stated, on the same authority, to have already joined McClellan at that date; and this waMcDowell's troops under General McCall is stated, on the same authority, to have already joined McClellan at that date; and this was doubtless true, for McCall has arrived. Our generals fully share the universal desire to put final victory beyond the reach of contingency, by securing it at once, and have put forth their utmost diligence to accomplish this result. Those who murmur at the delay do but murmur at the wilderness of the Chickahominy and its bogs and swamps. If the deferring of our hopes shall, however, result in the accomplishment of our grand object by the simple blockade of McClellan, we shall have occasi
nd went to Yorktown to meet McClellan, Fredericksburgh was threatened by a large division under McDowell: Ewell was deputed to watch him, and did it well; but in the Valley there were not less than thin, and, recruited, rushed down the Valley, and instead of allowing Shields and Fremont to join McDowell, beat them both in detail, and obliged McDowell to fall back. Retreating again, Jackson beggedMcDowell to fall back. Retreating again, Jackson begged for reenforcements, and they were sent. But while the Federal commanders were planning to entrap him, should he again go to the Valley, he made pretences of doing so, and by forced marches swooped dder McClellan, looking upon him as an arrant humbug, and had been assigned to Pope's army. General McDowell also — who for many months before had been stationed at Fredericksburgh, and was promised cboth uncompromising negro-worshippers, and as military men were laughed at by the whole South. McDowell, also, was known to be a Democrat, and, though too good a soldier to allow politics to interfer