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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 45: exchange of prisoners and Andersonville. (search)
tonously frequent. But woe to the Reb who failed in the attempt, and was recaptured. By far the largest number of escapes from Camp Douglas were accomplished through the aid of one of the guards. He finally deserted with a batch of prisoners to Canada. He had no pity for us, but a slavish love for the $5 given him in advance by each escaping prisoner. A lot of prisoners trying to effect their escape one night were recaptured just outside the enclosure. Among them was a son of ex-Governor McGoffin, of Kentucky. He, with the others, was suspended by the thumbs next morning for the purpose of extorting the betrayal of his accomplices. They remained as dumb as oysters, although suspended until the balls of the thumbs absolutely burst open. This thumb business was effected by a twine string, making a noose and placed over the thumb of each hand; the opposite ends were thrown over a beam overhead. A stout, heavy man then pulled upon the loose ends until the victim's weight w
the charge under the gallant Colonel Pyron at Lafourche, and under Colonel Phillips at Plaquemine, of which casualties I will make a detailed report. To the members of my staff, Captains Wade and Zacharie, I am indebted for a hearty co-operation throughout the trip. Also to Lieutenant West, for his efficiency in his department. The services of Captain Ratcliffe, volunteer aid, were invaluable, owing to his thorough knowledge of the country and indefatigable exertions. Volunteer aids, Major McGoffin and Captain Duzenberry, also rendered me great service. I am, Major, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, James P. Major, Colonel, commanding Second Cavalry Brigade. Upon the foregoing report was the following endorsement: headquarters District Western Louisiana, Thibodeauxville, July 6, 1863. The conduct of Colonel Major, during the service herein mentioned, has been above all praise. He has shown energy, industry, and capacity which render him fit for any comm
in Kentucky. Buckner was at that time the commandant of the State guards, a militia organization in Kentucky, but neither numerous nor efficient. It was, however, the only organization existing there, and Buckner was in close relations with Gov. McGoffin--was, in fact, his military adviser. Buckner brought me no letter or other credentials from the governor, nor did he assume to be authorized to make any arrangement in his name. The object of the interview was simply that we, as old friendsof entering Kentucky, said to him that if he did McClellan would be after him ; to which, he said, Pillow replied, He is the very person I want to meet. It may be remarked that Gen. Pillow had reason to be inimical to me. Buckner's letter to Gov. McGoffin, subsequently published, stating that in our first interview I had agreed to respect the neutrality of Kentucky, gave an incorrect account of the case, which was as I have stated it. Before the necessity arose for action in West Virginia m
Kentucky. We learn from a gentleman just from Louisville, that Federal officials are getting more and more arrogant and insulting there. He thinks they will take possession of the Louisville Railroad in a few days. Leading Kentuckians were acquiescing in and facilitating Federal usurpations. The streets of the city were full of Federal flags, which almost swept the ground as they waved in the breeze. The sight and the Federal usurpations were galling to many Kentuckians, and he thinks they will be pressed to resistance before long. The next thing we hear will be probably that a writ has been issued against Gov. McGoffin for treason.
The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Yankee Editor Condemns the Outrages committed by Lincoln troops. (search)
rts having discovered 200 kegs of powder, and machinery for making cannon. Steamers are now prohibited from passing Jefferson City unless they bear the Stars and Stripes. [Third Dispatch] St. Louis, July 17.--The Missourians under McGoffin have had a skirmish with the Federals between Sedolia and Georgetown. The Federals had seven killed and the Southerners lost three. Col. McGoffin had 700 troops. Gen. Boomstein announces that he will administer no more oaths of allegiance, machinery for making cannon. Steamers are now prohibited from passing Jefferson City unless they bear the Stars and Stripes. [Third Dispatch] St. Louis, July 17.--The Missourians under McGoffin have had a skirmish with the Federals between Sedolia and Georgetown. The Federals had seven killed and the Southerners lost three. Col. McGoffin had 700 troops. Gen. Boomstein announces that he will administer no more oaths of allegiance, but keep all suspected persons confined.
reston Summoned to Washington--excitement in Kentucky--trouble Brewing. Louisville Aug. 23 --Minister Preston has been called to Washington from Lexington — for what purpose, it is not known. Nor is it known that he will go. His family is here. Thomas Steele, who was in the battle at Manassas, on his return south ward, (towards Tennessee,) was arrested and searched on authority of a dispatch from Frankfort. It is stated that previous to his departure he was closeted with Governor McGoffin. He had, however, only personal and family letters in his possession, including several to Arnold Harris. Kentucky politics are becoming daily more rancorous. It is stated that if Garrett Davis visits Washington he will insist on having disbanded or removed the enlisted troops in camp in Garrard county. The ultra and conservative troops are quarrel lang--[i. e., The extreme Union or Lincoln men and those opposed to hostilities. Let them quarrel] Disturbance on the
l be made within twenty miles. Gen. Grant telegraphs to me that the first gun is in position at Fort Holt, Kentucky. J. C. Fremont, Major Gen'l Commanding. Jefferson City, Mo., Sept. 11. --A messenger from Sidallia states that Capt. Jamison's Kansas Jay Hawker's had defeated the notorious Dr. Staples, at the head of five hundred rebels, completely routing them and killing their leader. This will restore peace to Pettia and the surrounding counties, as Staples and McGoffin, who was captured some days since, were the principal instigators of secessionism in that section. It is also reported that Col. Marshall's Illinois Cavalry have captured six hundred rebels, under Captain Skelley, with two field pieces. Banks' column. The Federal dispatches from Point of Rocks, Maryland, September 11, furnish the subjoined intelligence: Union men from Martinsburg on Saturday report that the rebels have taken up the entire track of the Baltimore and Ohio
e rebels have now collected in and around Lexington the strongest army that they will be able this year to concentrate in Missouri, and that the defeat of this will drive them from the State. A correspondent of The Times, who witnessed, (under guard.) the conclusion of the siege of Col. Mulligan's position, expressly says: "All the big guns of the Confederates were there. I saw, among others, Generals Slack, Price, Parsons, Rains, Hardes, Gov. Jackson, Gens. Harris, (Martin) Green, McGoffin, Captain Emmet McDonald, Cols. Turner, Payne, and Clay, and so on, ad infinituns. " This leaves only Ben McCulloch's Arkansas ruffians to be accounted for, and they can hardly exceed ten thousand. The capture of Mulligan's force has doubtless given prestige to the rebels, and thus brought some thousands to their standard, while it has supplied them with some valuable, and more indifferent arms. Lexington is the heart of the densest slave region of Missouri, a flourishing and fertile
t occur to him that there was any difficulty; when be heard fourth shot he was satisfied that an affray was going on; had known Forde slightly for about ten years; had served with him in the army; witness was Major of the 2d Kentucky regiment, and accused was a Lieutenant of the same regiment; thought he was a quiet, peaceable man; was popular at home, and was regarded as a young man of more than ordinary intelligence; was a member of the Secession Convention of Kentucky, and a member of Gov. McGoffin's staff; was a practising lawyer, and at one time edited a newspaper; on one occasion witness was sent on an important military service, and selected Forde on account of his high opinion of him as a brave man and disciplinarian. Maj Magruder deposed: Knew the accused, who was his kinsman; he was a young man who stood well in the estimation of every one; was regarded as a quiet and peaceable man; rather amiable and gentle in his disposition; knew him in Washington city, where he held